I have a multisite setup, and when I went to activate the plugin on the subsite I want to use it on, it only says “network only”. I don’t see CD Avatar Bubble anywhere in the desired subsite’s settings menu.
]]>This is the same problem as the one reported earlier –
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/errors-on-subsites/ .
I am using multisite with buddypress network enabled.
Since that thread is closed for comments, I am opening a new thread here.
Following is the errors that I am getting while loading any of my pages on any (sub)sites. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Krishna Reddy
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘access’ in [Base_Directory]/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 55
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘color’ in [Base_Directory]/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 62
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘borders’ in [Base_Directory]/m/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 81
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘borders’ in [Base_Directory]/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 82
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘access’ in [Base_Directory]/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 16
]]>Hi Slava.
After update buddypress to 2.9.1 and update bbpress to 2.5.13 BuddyPress Avatar Bubble not work. After click on profile image in standard WP page or in bbpress forum nothing happens.
But after clicking on the avatar in user profile widget in the right side panel on my site it works.
Do not you know where the problem might be?
My dev site is here:
Direct link to dev forum:
I can provide administrator access to WP admin if needed…
Hello Slava Abakumov,
I use Kleo Theme. When i’ve enabled BP Profile Search. Then Members disappear on Members Page. i’ve tested many many times before report to you. Theme and Plugins has updated.
P.S Now,it look fine.because i’ve disabled BuddyPress Avatar Bubble.
]]>Hello. There are user profiles created using the plugin Super Socializer.
The profiles images on the prefiles created using the plugin have
class="avatar avatar-social-login"
These are different from the profiles registered using the registration page. They have:
class="avatar user-1-avatar avatar-50 photo"
So when I hover the mouse on the usual registered user avatars, the avatar bubble works fine. But it’s not shown when I hover the avatars of users created their profiles using the plugin Super Socializer.
]]>Hello @slaffik
Thanks for this plugin.
I want to request a new feature for it – to be able to add caustom html markup, or at least links. For example, I have the photo gallery in the profiles of my users. I want to be able to add the link to user’s photos from the avatar bubble. Is it possible?
Or, maybe some hooks exist that can help me to do that via functions.php?
]]>Hello Author,
I got warning as below:
For what types of groups this bubble should appear?
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 204
value=”public”/> For public groups
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 207
value=”private”/> For private groups
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 210
value=”hidden”/> For hidden groups
Please select below fields you want to show in a bubble:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 219
value=”name”/> Group name
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 222
value=”short_desc”/> Short description
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 225
value=”status”/> Group status
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 228
value=”members”/> Number of members
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 231
value=”join”/> Join/Leave group links
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 234
value=”activity_date”/> Latest activity date
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 237
value=”feed_link”/> Feed link (displayed if latest activity is checked)
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/vhosts/cookkoo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-admin.php on line 240
value=”forum_stat”/> Forum statistics (number of topics and posts)
Please help to fix this.
]]>Hi Slava,
First of all,I would like to thank you for writing this brilliant plugin.
Is it possible to stop showing the “Friendship requested” core bp messages when I click on add friend link in the activity page.Is it possible to make it twitter like add friend popup such as when I click on the add friend link, it shows “friendship requested” without reloading the page in the popup box.
What I want is that the “add friend” works just like the way it works in the member page.
Thank you.
]]>Hi Slava, I have just discovered a big issue. I have Buddypress Network activated on my WordPress multisite and it works well but this plugin is causing errors on all the subsites but not the main site. This is because I am forced to network activate the avatar bubble plugin. I do not have the option to activate your plugin only on the main site as I would like to. Can you make it so I can choose to activate the plugin on a site by site basis?
Here is the main site looking good: https://awestruck.tv/activity/
but, here is a subsite with the error messages : https://awestruck.tv/sa/activity
Here are the error messages:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘access’ in /home/cathomf3/public_html/awestrucktv/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 55
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘color’ in /home/cathomf3/public_html/awestrucktv/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 62
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘borders’ in /home/cathomf3/public_html/awestrucktv/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 81
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘borders’ in /home/cathomf3/public_html/awestrucktv/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 82
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘access’ in /home/cathomf3/public_html/awestrucktv/wp-content/plugins/cd-bp-avatar-bubble/cd-ab-cssjs.php on line 16
]]>When the topic is marked as [Resolved], that means that I’m done reading its description because of these reasons (but not limited too):
In general, I usually do not come back to such topics.
]]>Hi. After update from 2.5.1 to 2.6.1 i have a problem, plugin not works. In admin everything ok, but in frontend after click on avatar i see only ajax-loader.gif but no profile info window…
After rollback to 2.5.1 everything fine…
I use buddypress, bbpress – all fresh versions…
Thanks for good plugin!
Will you update that plugin?
]]>I think that this plugin is possible to sql injection.
url like: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=cd_ab_the_avatardata&ID=if%29%20UNION%20ALL%20SELECT%20NULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%2CNULL%23&type=user
error log:
FastCGI sent in stderr: “,NULL,NULL,NULL#)’ at line 1 в ответ на запрос SELECT id, user_id, field_id, value, last_updated FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data W
HERE field_id = 15 AND user_id IN (if) UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL#), выполненный do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_cd_ab_the_avatardata’), call_user_func_array, cd_ab_the_avat
ardata, cd_ab_get_the_userdata, xprofile_get_field_data, BP_XProfile_ProfileData::get_value_byid”
plugin was disabled.
Вроде автор русский, поэтому пишу на русском)
Не всплывает окно, когда наводишь мышку на админов. Отображается загрузка и так и висит.
А когда наводишь на остальных пользователей – всё работает.
function bp_get_the_profile_field_value use global variable $field witch doesn’t set anywhere.
Yes, i think it is buddypress bug.
On latest buddypress and wordpesss 4.2.4
The plugin causes theme front end failiure when buddypress is deactivated. Will you be able to resolve this with an update soon?
]]>Have been trying this plugin – promising – I would like to use it but I some issues:
The bubble sometimes includes background information – that is the bubble includes some of what is in the background behind it and moves the text that should be there down to clear it. Sometimes the bubble is not framed properly, so the text to be displayed cannot all be seen. Regenerating the bubble often clears the problem.
I have display ‘Mention and Private message links’ set to No.
But some user bubbles are showing their recent activity such as posts (even when those do not include mentions).
I would like to include the message link but not the mentions. Could these be separate options, please?
thank you
this is a really great plugin, thanks!
I would like to remove the @mentions from the bubble though..
Could you help me to achieve that?
Thanks alot!
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>I love the idea of the plugin and have seen it in action on other sites, but I just can’t get it to work, no matter what setting I choose.
]]>Hi, I love your plugin but suddenly one day it stopped working, I re-installed it again but nothin happened.
Please help!
Thank you
]]>first of all: this plugin is AMAZING . Thank you
if you can: add a follow buddypress member next to add friend !!!
]]>where is this supposed to show…I looked everywhere…it is not showing on any avatar…
]]>Hey there. Wicked plugin you have, I mean it’s amazing (love the click on avatar option instead of hover). I was wondering if you could add in a custom CSS section to the options panel so that I don’t have to over-ride all the css with my own.
]]>I am using WordPress Social Login plugin on my Buddypress installation. I tried to use BuddyPress Avatar Bubble plugin and it worked fine with Gravatars and user uploaded avatar but did not work with social avatars by the social login plugin. How can I make this plugin work with social avatars. My site URL is https://www.indiafirstmission.org/
]]>This is a brilliant plugin and works on multisite but one big issue is that the Bubble only displays on the main site. I have BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG set to true but the bubble does not appear on my sub sites. Surely the fix should be easy enough? I wait in hope….
]]>The plugin works great but when activated makes some of my gravity forms disappear. Any ideas?
]]>Please fix the issue…It is not compatible with multisite.When I am installing this plus in network mode,subsites are not working due to some code error.
]]>Is there a code I can add in my mobile css box that will turn the bubble off?
]]>At the moment when you hover over a BP avatar it pops-up the users nickname in a box. Is there anyway of turning this off please? I’m using the Avatar Bubble plug-in and the name pop-up just makes it confusing and messy.
]]>Is there anyway of removing the colon(:) after every title in the bubble. I am using the bubble for a tagline on a dating site and have a big heart symbol as the title and the : slightly spoils it. Any ideas?