I have several sites which have in the last month, experienced several attempts each day of attempts to login from all over the world and different IP’s.
I realize there may be someone using a VPN?
I do not allow registration on my website so it must be an attempt to create some mischief.?
Or is it?
Anyone who attempts to login gets five tries and if exceeded they are locked out for five days.
This doesn’t matter if they’re using a VPN which they can switch easily.
I have set the locked out message to send me an email if they have a question and are not trying to act my site but have received no replies.
Opinions and suggestions please?
Hi, Would it be possible to have an option to clear specific types of files? e.g., clear only images, clear only css, clear only js? Thanks!
]]>Hi, you mention that this plugin is best used on NGINX… my web host uses LiteSpeed. Do you still recommend I use it or obtain the official Cloudflare plugin?
I am a newbie on this and I downloaded this plugin because I wanted a good solution for CDN. I really not sure now though, do I need another cloudfare plugin or is this just enough? Do I need to do anything more?
]]>Latest update to 1.0.1 could not be installed as produces a fatal error – wp-content/plugins/cf-littlebizzy/cloudflare.php on line 19
Roll back to verison 1.0.0 is fine.