I’m getting an error message after registration that the password is incorrect. Has anyone else had this problem? Also, I recieve an email fonfirmation and it displays the password which I think is not good at all.. Is there a way to encrypt the password in the email?
The eye icon for password fields is working, but the align of the icon was not good. I had to change in password.php file the line 97 to:
‘<span class=”wpcf7-form-control-wrap” data-name=”%1$s”><input %2$s />%3$s<span style=”position: relative; float:right; top: -30px;”
instead of
‘<span class=”wpcf7-form-control-wrap” data-name=”%1$s”><input %2$s />%3$s<span style=”position: relative; margin-left: -30px;”
I’m afraid with a new plugin update, I loose this modification. Is there any workaround about this?
]]>Is the eye icon supposed to be a toggle switch? If so, it isn’t working in any of my browsers.
If not, then it’s pointless, since the user can already see whether the password is hidden or shown. It also takes up space and, in my case, interferes/overlays with the last chars of the user input; looks messy.
If it isn’t a toggle, it really should be, to allow the user to select mode rather than the site forcing it on them, and it shouldn’t overlay their input. This would enhance UX.
]]>nevermind, I now realize this is also a problem with other fields unrelated to your plugin. Apparently, this is a CF7 issue.
]]>After update plugin contact form 7 – ver:5.8
The eye icon on the password field is not displayed ?
Please, please, please replace “Don’t match the password!” with something more grammatically correct like “Passwords do not match!” “Don’t match the password” is a command and it means the opposite; looks very professional.
If there is a way to replace this string without changing the original plugin code, please let me know. I had to rewrite password.php, but it will be overwritten with the next update. Still, it’s such an easy change; can you please include it in the next release?
I’m working with Flamingo to store the message been sent with CF7. The problem is that is storing also the passwords values so I need to hide thouse or hash/encrypt them
Do you know any way to achieve this?
I have workers inviting some people to a landing page. On this landing page, there is a form. I need these guests to add the name of the worker (the referral) who invited them.
As I will have several workers (so several possible names), I was wondering if your plugin would accept a list of different passwords?
]]>Have the following in my form:
<label> Your Password
[password* user-pass id:user-pass] </label>
<label> Password Check
[password* check-user-pass password_check:user-pass id:check-user-pass] </label>
At first, I purposely entered mismatched passwords, then entered them to match and still received “Password & Confirm Password do not match”. I reloaded the form and entered matching passwords and still received “Password & Confirm Password do not match”.
I have the following:
Contact Form 7 Version 5.6.2 By Takayuki Miyoshi
Contact Form 7 Add Password field Version 3.2 By Kimiya Kitani
Contact Form 7 Image Captcha Version 3.2.5 By KC Computing
Frontend Login – Contact Form 7 Version 2.0 By David Pokorny
Frontend Registration – Contact Form 7 Pro Version 4.7 By David Pokorny
BTW: “Don’t match the password!” should be “Doesn’t match the password!” and “Password & Confirm Password do not match” should be “Password & Confirm Password does not match” (pointed out by Grammarly).
]]>Submission is being denied on string limit violation — e.g., [password* Password minlength:8 maxlength:30 password_strength:3 placeholder "Use at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, and 1 number"]
but error prompts are not showing on my form under the field (or anywhere else).
Did a CF7 update introduce incompatibility? CF7 was updated to v5.6.2 a week ago, and that’s the version I’m using.
$tag->get_option( 'password_min', 'signed_int', true );
$tag->get_option( 'minlength', 'signed_int', true )
]]>Hi there,
Great plugin, it really helped me a lot. The only issue is how can i translate the error messages such as “Don’t match the password!”?
Thank you
]]>since you’re loading FA via CDN would you please add “async” to the <link> tag so it defers? Currently flagged in Google’s Page Speed Insights for not being deferred.
Thanks in advance
]]>Hello, So the plugin adds a password field which is fantastic however I am using this form for users to register.
How do i make it so the password the user enters is the password assigned to them in wordpress?
]]>Hi, Can you please add the confirm password line option?
It most needed for password strength 3 and above.
Thank you.
Well i try to add the password to the contact field, but the form accepts what ever i put in to the password field. I want the password to reject the people if they put in the wrong password.
]]>I’m passing the password in URL parameters to the next page that is a private page.
I want to turn ?password=1234
in the url to ?password=<encrypt_data>
is it possible to do it by modifying your plugin code?
your help is highly appreciated
]]>Hi there
I feel very stupìd about this mistake i’ve made in the code for add features like do-not-not store o not-for-email to this handy plugin. I forgot to use the return value of apply_filters to get the new field features modified by the hook.
just assign the return value of apply_filter to $features:
function wpcf7_add_form_tag_k_password() {
$features = array( ‘name-attr’ => true );
$features = apply_filters( ‘cf7-add-password-field-features’,$features );
wpcf7_add_form_tag( array(‘password’,’password*’),
‘wpcf7_k_password_form_tag_handler’, $features );
By the way, I haven’t been able to make it work by modifying the parameter passed by reference. Maybe it is how wordpress makes the call and returns the data.
My apologies for someone’s wasted time
]]>This is great! It would be even greater, though, if it would work with placeholders.
When I create the following field the place holder text ends up in the value field.
[password* your-password placeholder “L?senord:”]
thy for good pluginn
i see now 11 dots in my field i want no dots or 5 dots
is that a option?
greetz Edwin
It will be nice if the plugin add a filter wich allow to hook to in order to add features something simple like:
function wpcf7_add_form_tag_k_password() {
$features = array( ‘name-attr’ => true );
apply_filters( ‘cf7-add-password-field-features’,$features );
wpcf7_add_form_tag( array(‘password’,’password*’),
‘wpcf7_k_password_form_tag_handler’, $features );
I have already made this change in the add-in, but I don’t want to have to be aware of possible updates and these changes are eliminated by the update. I publish this change here in case someone finds it useful or is already using it equally.
It can be useful, for example, to avoid flamingo registering clear text passwords. Do something like this:
add_filter( ‘cf7-add-password-field-features’ , function($features) { $features[‘do-not-store’] = true; return $features;} );
By the way, Thanks for the plugin.
]]>Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available.
Wordpress 5.2.2
PHP 7.2
Hello, I have installed the add-on but I do not see the button to insert in the form, because it does not appear? Thank you
]]>J’ai eu à télécharger le plugin, je l’aime déja juste j’aimerais demander si c’était possible dans les prochaines mises à jours d’intégrer un bouton permettant l’ajout direct du mot de passe, comme celà nous facilitera la tache.