This plugin is very good, but not hide in search pages, in my theme site, all pages I can hide, exeption search pages “/?s=”.
If possible, please update to this option.
Thank you
]]>Hi, the plugin does not work when you don’t scroll. According to the code this is a feature, but therefore the plugin cannot be used when you have the contact form in modal or in the viewport (so you don’t need to scroll).
Wouldn’t be better to fire the loading of grecaptcha on mousemove event, or other?
Temporarily fixed it by adding
// recaptcha hack
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 1);
window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY + 1);
to the footer.php
]]>My previous thread on this is now closed, but still no change to the plugin. Maybe that’s a good thing, because I’ve found a better way to do it ??
Please find out if CF7 resources are enqueued in ABCF7_check_captcha_active()
and only process pages where that’s true. On my sites, I prevent CF7 resources from being enqueued under certain conditions, and it’s unnecessary to output your footer script on those pages.
You can use one of these methods to check this:
wp_script_is( 'wpcf7-recaptcha' )
has_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts' )
I have code that disables the CF7 resources, including reCAPTCHA, on pages that don’t contain any forms. However, the footer script is still included on those pages, and I’d like to stop this from happening.
In a wp_enqueue_scripts
action, I have this code, but it doesn’t work:
if ( class_exists( 'ABCF7_captcha' ) ) {
remove_action( 'wp_footer', array( 'ABCF7_captcha', 'ABCF7_footer_script' ), 100 );
A simpler way would be to provide a filter, which defaults to true
, and determines whether the footer script should be loaded.
Alternatively, ABCF7_remove_google_captcha_js()
can check if any reCAPTCHA resources are enqueued and add the footer action, instead of adding it unconditionally during init
In the CF7 plugin version less than 5.2, input tag for google recaptcha is “g-recaptcha-response”. I saw in your plugin using “_wpcf7_recaptcha_response”, this is tag name for version 5.2 and more than
CF7 docs: https://contactform7.com/2020/07/04/contact-form-7-52/
If a mask (template) is used to enter a phone number in the form, then an error occurs when using the plugin (in a pink frame): There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.
I am using the recpatcha v3 with CF7 plugin and its working correctly.
But after installing this addon plugin it stops working and giving this error:
There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.
What could be the issue?