I was able to get the plugin to add names to my iContact list but it is not sending over the subscribers last name. Is there a specific contact form tag we should be using in order for this to work correctly? Here is what I have for my tags in Contact Form and the iContact settings for Subscriber Name
Contact Form tags:
<label> Your email
[email* your-email] </label>
<label> First name
[text* your-first-name] </label>
<label> Last name
[text* your-last-name] </label>
Subscriber setting in iContact tab
Hi there! I was quite excited to find an iContact integration for Contact Form 7, so first, thanks for building it!
My issue is, contacts aren’t being added to my lists. I know my API creds are right because if I mess them up, I get a failed response, but when correct, here is what I see in the debugger:
[05/20/2020 7:37 PM] – STATUS : Contact Form 7 response: Mail sent OK | iContact.com response: {“subscriptions”:[],”failed”:[],”unchanged”:[]}
If you could help me out, I would seriously appreciate it! I’ll definitely be buying you a coffee (or several) if this gets resolved as the iContact API docs are less than what I might hope for and I sure don’t want to have to go down that road. Thanks again!
]]>Hi, im install your plugin today (again) and the API key and information is already there, but the new contact form doesnt work, what can i do?
]]>The api url has changed to https://api.icpro.co/icp/ although the old one still seems to work for now.
When using the /lists endpoint, a maximum of 20 results are returned. There doesn’t seem to be a way to specify the number of results you want or any form of pagination, so if the list you want to add to is not in the first 20 results returned the following in /lib/functions.php will fail:
$listId = $ListArr[$lists];
I added a check to just use the user provided ID if it doesn’t exist in the array of the first 20
if (array_key_exists($lists, $ListArr)) {
$listId = $ListArr[$lists];
} else {
$listId = $lists;
Hi. I will changed a little bit code which made this plugin workable. Before this fix the subscribing email didn’t write in iContact.
For fixing need to change this:
plugin folder: cf7-icontact-extension/lib/function.php:302
In 302 line is this code :
$ListArr = array_column($ListArr[‘lists’], ‘listId’,’name’);
Need to swap on this one :
$ListArr = array_column($ListArr[‘lists’], ‘listId’,’listId’);
Hope it will be helpfully for other developers. And I hope plugin developer fix it in future.
]]>The worst plugin of them all. No information how to configure no documentation at all. The website of the author is not working ………
]]>i entered all data right
iContact API Application ID:
iContact API application password:
iContact email:
iContact List ID:
Subscriber Email:
Subscriber Name:
but the form arrive to icontact but not in any list
please i need help quickly
I am unable to set it up properly to work.
This is the message I receive from the logs:
STATUS : Contact Form 7 response: Mail sent OK | iContact.com response: {“errors”:[“Resource Or Version Not Implemented”]}
Here is the screenshot of my setup:
Is this something you can help/guide me with fixing?
Firstly, thanks for the perfect plugin.
I have a few questions about plugin setting.
I thing I do it incorrectly.
That’s screenshots with my settings
And I’ve created form in iContact dashboard, do I need to use auto generated code(script) in my wordpress(wpcf7) form?
Now I display my form like this https://prnt.sc/gzuxe8
But when I fill the form and trying to submit I doesn’t see any changes in my list
https://prnt.sc/gzuy4v ( it’s still 2225)
Also if I try to display auto-generated code(script) on my form I’m getting this error on page which shows this forms https://prnt.sc/gzv6iu
Can you explain please how plugin works?
Have a nice day!