I’ve had CGM calendar working successfully on a web site I manage for many months now, but having just upgraded to the latest version of WordPress (3.3.1), it appears that CGM calendar is no longer functioning properly.
The problem is that whereas a mouseover used to give more information about events within a calendar, now when the page with the calendar loads, all mouseover boxes are displayed at once, overlapping each other and making it illegible.
I’ve tried de-activating all plugins bar the CGM calendar and the problem persists, so it must be an incompatibility with the latest version of WordPress.
Has anyone got any idea of how to fix this? Either with a workaround or hack, or some direct coding perhaps?
]]>The “Next Week” link in the weekly view was jumping ahead to the following year. For example, in the first week of January, 2012, the “Next Week” link would jump to 2013/1, instead of 2012/2.
I found a quick work around by modifying line 2886 in cgm_calendar.php:
//PLUGIN UPDATE: Changed $total_weeks to hard coded value of 52; $total_weeks was always evaluating to 01
//if ($week >= $total_weeks) {
if ($week >= 52) {
$next_year = $year+1;
$next_week = 1;
]]>Is it possible to exclude dates for all events, instead of applying them to each event individually?
]]>I am running [cgm-upcoming-events num_events=10]
on one of my pages.
I have about 5 events that run recurring forever.
They all started last month, and the short code is still showing them.
So, in my upcoming events page I have stuff from a month ago, when it should be showing the next ten items, not old items.
What can I do to fix this?
WP: 3.1.3
CGM: 0.8.5
Re-naming a category deletes all entries made into the category. As far as I could find they were completely deleted from the database as well… This should be fixed.
]]>The Settings page only lists the following shortcodes for inclusion in List Format View:
Is there a way to add the event description to that list? I tried simply adding [description]
and ['description']
in the settings, but those didn’t work.
doesn’t seem to work with 3.1 multisite.
events not inserting, admin options not displaying correctly.
good idea, but not working for me.
]]>Hi this is a fantastic plugin … I wandering have a chance to add google map with the events
and can you add Event Link (Optional) option if I want to join an event to the external link
thank you very much
]]>Hi Ryan,
Been having some fun with CGM Calendar converting it to use UK formatted dates and in the process have uncovered a couple of bugs, probably cut’n’paste errors.
The error strings for dealing with the exclude_dates_select in both the add and update cases have “incorrect include” instead of “incorrect exclude”.
More seriously in the update case the validation check for day uses $date[0] rather than $date[1] in the intval < 1 or intval > 31 conditions.
BTW: I think CGM Calendar is a great plugin, I tried a lot of them before settling on this one. Converting it over to use UK d/m/Y formatted dates was a pain in the butt though but looking at the code it would require a serious re-architecture to make this configurable.
Cheers, Greg.
]]>When using [cgm-upcoming-events num_events=10 tag_id=1,2] to create an upcoming events listing., it appears as if that listing is in correct when the start/end date of a calendar event (1/21/2011) created in the past has an include date in the near future (2/18/2011). When I remove the include date from the calendar event the upcoming events listing is correct.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and is there a fix for it?
]]>We are really happy with this plugin and it has indeed cleaned up our site.
There is only one thing that I wonder if you could point me in the right direction to fix or remove. The amount of info that we have to post for our workshops exceeds the height allowed by the fly out when you hover over the event in the calendar. Is there a work around to either delete the fly out or a way to have all our info displayed?
You can see what I mean at this link https://lasyahealing.ca/workshops/?date=2011/1&display=month
Thank you
]]>I have some issues with languages and CGM Event Calendar. The .mo file (I checked it with “Codestyling Localization” Plugin) shows that the terms are properly entered and they seem to work for the rest of the site.
For example:
M_Monday_initial m
Monday mandag
March mars
Mar_March_abbreviation mar
But the events in CGM Event Calendar are still in english, where do I have to change that?
Thanks for looking into it.
]]>This calendar plugin worked mostly as advertised (I was not able to get the variant having no shortcode to work, but otherwise fine). But all events have start/stop times and the default UI isn’t great, but changeable with CSS, of course. I tried another, MyCalendar and it has far more options and seems more configurable — in some casess, this plugin might be all you need, but for my case, the other was far more flexible.
]]>Hi, I have looked through the change log relating to the CGM Event Calender, and it says this:
(09/17/2010) * Upcoming events now go out 6 months looking for events.
Is there any way of extending this. My company will need to show events that are over a year in the future.
If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
]]>This settings is not providing any output in the calendar….
]]>Thank you for this (almost) great plugin, it is almost but not quite, what I was looking for to sort out an awful mess of events.
Unfortunately, it breaks on umlauts (?, ? and all that). Is there a way to heal that? A twenty-four hour time format would be nice as well.
]]>This plugin has been working great for the past month. It seemed to be without trigger that all the events in the calendar jumped back 6 hours (as in they displayed their time as 6 hours prior to when it was originally set). My first thought was the UTC must have defaulted back to zero (since I’m in Minnesota, and the 6 hour difference would make sense). Though WP’s UTC was functioning as usual and all other publish dates in WP were displaying as normal.
No plugins were updated around this time, and as far as I can tell nothing out of the norm happened in WP or to the calendar around the time of this occurrence, which took pace at the end of September 2010. Which also rules out any daylight savings time issues.
One other strange thing that occurred along side this issue, is that the include and exclude days got one day ahead. This happened regardless of occurrence to any events that had an include or an exclude date(s).
Anyone have any thoughts? Thank you,
Can you help me get the CGM calendar set up on an existing page?
]]>I’m trying to figure out how to let the Editor role manage events. Right now, an Editor cannot edit events – only create. Do I have something set wrong?
]]>For a calender it is important, that people can subscribe to it.
So an RSS-feed for it is missing, and/or an ical export/import for users.
]]>Thank you very much for this plug in! Pretty good so far.
I’m on Version 0.6.3 and getting weird errors when I click on one of my repeating events:
Warning: uksort() [function.uksort]: The argument should be an array in D:\inetpub\vhosts\mcbc.qc.ca\httpdocs\wp-content\plugins\cgm-event-calendar\array_sorter.class.php on line 37
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in D:\inetpub\vhosts\mcbc.qc.ca\httpdocs\wp-content\plugins\cgm-event-calendar\array_sorter.class.php on line 41
You can see the errors here: