This plugin has been replaced by one that doesn’t rely on extensions. That means the core is bigger and better the moment you install the main plugin. Extensions are still possible but no longer as important. The new build also has a pro edition which is rewarded to members of the community who support the project in any way they can.
]]>I’ve been working on a pro edition of the plugin which will expand and this plugin will stop expanding but will keep improving in quality.
I have identified a number of issues, especially with the login extension. The required fixes have been made in the pro edition and will soon be copied over to the standard plugin.
The pro plugin is provided to backers on and through the projects Discord after backing/donating via Patreon or PayPal.
So if you want fixes sooner you have that option but this plugin will still get updates. Especially fixes and changes in reaction to the Twitch API evolving.
]]>Hi, I’m trying to remove this plugin, but find myself unable to do so. All I get when I hit ‘delete’ is a wall of error text at the top of the page. Please let me know what I can do to remove the plugin.
Error text:
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Thanks to Ryan R. Bayne’s excellent work yesterday I am now able to run TwitchPress on a multisite environment. Everything is good, I’m very happy.
One minor detail though.. it’s more an annoyance as it is an issue. On every single wp-admin page a huge banner text is shown that tells me I have a problem with my Twitch APE Credentials. But at the same time everything seems to be working fine. I’m unable to click to close or dismiss this banner and even an addon that can filter these banner messages does not change anything. The error message is below.
Can I somehow make the banner go away?
Twitch API Credentials Missing: TwitchPress is not ready because the twitchpress_main_channels_id option is missing. If you have already been using the plugin and this notice suddenly appears then it suggests important options have been deleted or renamed. You can go through the Setup Wizard again to correct this problem. You should also report it.
I’m aware that the author of this plugin has mentioned that this plugin is not focused on multisite environments but I decided to try it out for myself to see if it works or not. The funny things is that I’m unable to activate the plugin. When i click activate it takes me to the posts page overview in wp-admin. When i go back to the plugin page I see that the plugin has not been activated. Is there anything you can think of that might solve this problem out of the top of your hat? I’m in a test environment so I wouldn’t mind trying out some things..
Are there any plans to make this plugin work on multisites also?
Like I said, I’m willing to become a tester for this plugin on multisites.
Your plugin broke every site I have in Multisite after uninstalling it. I cannot get to any of the /wp-admins now.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_reset_vars() in C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-admin\post.php:17
Stack trace:
#0 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\loader.php(235): include_once()
#1 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\loader.php(110): WordPressTwitchPress->includes()
#2 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\loader.php(72): WordPressTwitchPress->__construct()
#3 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\loader.php(458): WordPressTwitchPress::instance()
#4 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\loader.php(463): TwitchPress()
#5 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\channel-solution-for-twitch\twitchpress.php(49): include_once(‘C:\\HostingSpace…’)
#6 C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-settin in C:\HostingSpaces\djquad\\wwwroot\wp-admin\post.php on line 17
We can chat live in the projects Discord and share documents. Click below to go to Discord now.
]]>Trying to setup this plugin and while entering information about my channel and Twitch app, I get the error message that the channel name I entered is invalid. My twitch channel is ThatGirlSlays. I tried it both with the capitalization and all lowercase but it says no such channel exists.
]]>Installed today via internal WP_Admin>Plugins>Add New…
Installs fine, however when I activate plugin it shuts down my entire site with the following error message on all pages.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tgmpa() (previously declared in /home/shadow47/public_html/ in /home/shadow47/public_html/ on line 2126
Currently running WP 4.7.2 – have not had an issue like this with any other plugin. Had to open FTP and hard delete addon content folder to get my website back.
]]>A brief list of the main features you can expect in this plugin eventually.
The project is supported by a Trello board (tasks management) and it’s a simple service for everyone to use. You are welcome to submit requests and discuss ideas there.
]]>Here is an example shortcode that will cycle through multiple channels until it finds a live one. It will then display the live channel. I’ve tested it with 30 channels in the list.
[twitchpress_embed_a_stream_api channels=”TESTGaming,ZypheREvolved,starcitizen,cigcommunity”]
]]>I’ll publish a full tutorial on my website this week. The main thing to understand is that administrators must create a new Twitch application within their own account or the account they plan to use as the sites main Twitch channel.
Creating an application on the Twitch site will create a client ID and a client secret. These are used to configure this plugin so that it can begin making calls to the Twitch API – Kraken.
Where they are entered should be clear. What is important is that you understand there are two paths to authorise an account. One is for you as a visitor to the site and those controls will eventually be available to all visitors using this plugin. They aren’t yet as the plugin is young and we need to run tests relating to security. But the ability for a visit to authorise their Twitch account with a WordPress site has begun. It means we can offer services from our own WP site to any Twitch user.
The other method of authorising an account involves the sites main account. That is the account that is responsible for most (if not all) calls to the API on behalf of the site, your business, your organisation or operation.
I refer to the authorization of an account and it’s duration as a session. A session can be created for your personal Twitch channel and one can be created for your team/business/org. So you as an administration can be responsible for the setup of two accounts in the current plugin.
There is a distinct different in how data is stored for each session. A visitors authorization (your personal account) is stored in both the WordPress database and cookies. A code and token created by Kraken is each split in half. One-half of each are stored between cookies and the database. A hacker would need to hack both the client and the sites database to get control of a visitors Twitch account.
The main accounts credentials are purely stored in data-base. This is to allow regular calls to be made to Kraken 24/7 using the scheduling system. A hacker would need to access the database for control over the main channel. If that ever happened it is a simple case of taking control of the Twitch channel and resetting the applications client secret in your account. I recommend walking through the steps of that scenario and considering the position it puts you in. Security is only as good as your server offers. SSL certification and your detection and response to hacking must be considered before you begin using this plugin to offer services.
]]>Today I discovered a one-star review rating giving to the plugin because the user had a problem activating the plugin. I responded by creating a new installation of WordPress, installed the plugin by downloading it from, and activated it.
I did this once only and recorded it. I had no problems. No errors in my PHP log. So it is very important that you post all the information you can if you experience problems. Please come to this support forum and only submit a review once you have used the plugin.
Here is the installation tutorial, please let me know if you need more videos…