Hello everyone, your plugin will help me a lot with my task, but I want to clarify one point, the fact is that I will use Google tables for the graph, but my customer wants him to be able to view one graph by day/week/month/year. is this possible with your plugin? thank you in advance!
]]>Estoy haciendo un ORG CHART y no puedo a?adir más líneas o niveles por debajo.
En total sólo me deja a?adir 8 elementos.
Adjunto un screenshot del organigrama usado. A partir de aquí no puedo crear más child de ningún tipo
Hi, I have the full version of chart builder, and I have successfully connected to my Sql (MariaDB) server. However, the gauge result does not appear….
I can use show results and the result I want appears in a table, but when I click preview or save data, the thing just hangs, all greyed out. SQL code is
SELECT temperature_C FROM rtl433
where model = “Inkbird ITH-20R” ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;
and it works to produce the correct result (currently 20)
Obviously I am doing something wrong, but not a clue what!
Many thanks in advance.
]]>I am trying to change the background color of my chart. I turn off the Transparent background and make the changes which show on the chart preview section. However, once I save the changes Transparent Background is turned back on and my background colors don’t work on my web site.
]]>I am trying to create a company structure using the Org Chart. I am inputting the data manually to make sure that the hierarchies are correctly represented. I am now facing 2 problems.
Thanks for your reply.
]]>Hello, I’d like to pull real time data from our database to populate a bar graph. I don’t see where I can do that?
]]>Hih all, this came up in https://pagespeed.web.dev/ today when testing a site with this installed.
Uses deprecated APIs?1 warning found
Deprecated APIs will eventually be removed from the browser. Learn more about deprecated APIs.
Deprecation / Warning
Source [domain.com]?1st party
Can this get fixed please so we can get a clean health score.
]]>I am trying to embed the shortcode using ACF plugin + dynamic content but instead of the chart it’s generating this error
#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-charts-main-container66d1d98e3f6bc { width: 100%; height: 400px; margin:auto; border-radius: 0px; }#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-header-container { margin-bottom: 5px !important; }#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-header-container>.ays-chart-charts-title66d1d98e3f6bc { color: #000000; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-align: left; text-transform: none; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: px; }#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-header-container>.ays-chart-charts-description66d1d98e3f6bc { color: #4c4c4c; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-align: left; text-transform: none; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: px; }#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-actions-container>div.ays-chart-export-buttons .ays-chart-export-button-66d1d98e3f6bc { color: #4c4c4cB3 !important; font-size: 16px !important; }#ays-chart-container66d1d98e3f6bc div.ays-chart-actions-container>div.ays-chart-export-buttons .ays-chart-export-button-66d1d98e3f6bc:hover { color: #4c4c4c !important; } if(typeof aysChartOptions === ‘undefined’){ var aysChartOptions = []; } aysChartOptions[’66d1d98e3f6bc’] = ‘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’;
I have 4 charts on one page, but 1 of them won’t show. It shows on the backend but not the front end.
]]>I have connected Google sheets correctly and can see my files, but when I select the one I use I get “Your table is empty.” The table has data. I even uploaded the example file and selected that one and I get the same results. It has been over 2 hours since I set up the google connection.
]]>I’m wondering if it is possible to give pie charts a responsive width, and maintain an ‘Aspect Ratio’ to determine the height? Thanks!
]]>Hi guys
I really like your plugin, but what I didnt figure out one thing. There is a possibility to animate the chart, but the anmiation starts on page load. Ist there a possibility that the animation starts when it enters the viewport?
]]>Hello. I’m having the following issue with the creation of a Table Chart: I’m trying to upload a csv file that was created with Excel 2007. The file seems to upload but the Example data that is in the preview section does not change. I would like to manually enter the data but it does not seem to have that option as the Bar Charts do.
Has any else experienced this problem?
]]>The donut chart legend is not showing when I say above or below. It is only showing to the left and right and this is not working for mobile
]]>I created a short code that dynamically changes the query in a pie chart whose source is a Database Query and then renders the short code for the chart..
However after I make the change to the database table and commit it, do_shortcode(“[ays_chart id=’2]”) renders the pie chart that was created with the original query not the new value in the source field for that chart.
Is there a way to force it to recreate the pie chart programmatically?
]]>Good afternoon, how are you? Is it possible to put the background of the graphics in a gradient from blue to transparent? how to do this ? Thanks
The bottom border on the horizontal axis for at least the column chart is missing with 1 or 2 data points but appears with 3 or more.
]]>I’ve made a chart that displays percentages, so the data has been entered as a decimal and set the axis settings for percentage, but hovering on the chart shows the numbers as decimals and rounding them. How can I configure the hover tooltip to also display the numbers as percentages?
]]>We made a new chart with Chartify, and then hit the save and close button.
There was a message saying the chart was made or something like that, however on the admin screen itself, there is no charts there. Just the message: “There are no items yet.”
We did it the second time, and same thing. No charts appear to be made, and if they are, then they’re not showing up.
Thanks for the support.
]]>Can I setup straight lines connecting the data points when there is blank cells in the table, like what excel does
The chart is not displaying correctly; only the title is visible.
And I’m not using the cache plugin.
And I’m?facing the same issue with all chart types?
]]>Is there any way to highlight an item in a chart for emphasis? For example, highlighting one product in a list of products in a bar graph.
]]>Hi there,
I’m having trouble with Animating a chart. Under Settings>Chart animation, on the ‘Animation startup’ toggle the tooltip says if checked the chart will animate on page load, otherwise it will animate when size or data changes. I have toggled this off.
I have some JS running to check when the chart is in the viewport, and manipulating its size when that is true (chart is set to 0% width in CSS, then when in viewport changed to 100% width with JS). Based on the tooltip info it sounds like it should then trigger the chart animation, but I see the width change take effect but the bars on the chart do not animate. Just loads in already animated.
Am I missing something? Any insight on this is appreciated!
]]>Hi there, all my charts that I created for the different pages are not showing when I open the pages. Only when I refresh the page it shows. But this won’t work, as people won’t know that you need to refresh in order to see a chart…How can I fix this?
]]>For some reason the chart title keeps showing even though the “Show Chart Title” toggle button is set to “disabled” in the Settings panel. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? Removing the title is crucial.
(btw, I know one option is the change the font size and color of the title in settings in order to try to “hide” it by blending it into the background, but I’d like to figure out what the actually error is, please. TY!)
Hi, I do have some questions:
2. Also, I am putting a number with a comma there is a point in the graphs data
3. Is it possible to show the all the data in this graph permanently not with hovering? Like this:
4. Can I add text in the plus and the minus section of a graph to explain a little bit? Like this:
5. I want to add in one pie chart some data about 2023 and 2022. It has to be like this: 2,0% (1,5%) but I can not type anything else after the 2,0 – is it possible to do so?
6. I created a new table with some data and can not safe it, how to make this work?
]]>Hi, I created a table and this chart. (first picture)
Hello. I have chart builder and it works great. I have a portfolio graph that has the gain in $ on the left hand vertical axis… is there a way to switch it to the right hand vertical axis the graph is rising left to right?
]]>I want to create a Bar Chart, showing currency in € as values. For example, I enter “1.08”. However, it does not accept this because this is a comma number. I keep getting the error message, “Please enter a valid value.