Hi, you can change problematic lines, like this:
$this->lyricsOnly = isset($cnl_options['lyrics-only']);
The same approach can be applied and in this code:
$checked = ' checked="checked" ';
echo '<input '.$checked.' name="'.$user_settings_name.'[lyrics-only]" type="checkbox" />Lyrics Only';
If this warning happend to you, an easy fix can be applied.
This happend when uprading to PHP 5.4.
You can change the problematic code to look like this:
$this->lyricsOnly = $cnl_options->lyrics-only;
$this->twoPages = $cnl_options->two-pages;
$this->transpose = 0;
$this->displayEuropean = $cnl_options->european-chords;
This helped me to remove this warning.
]]>There is any way to put a system for changing the key?
]]>I wasn’t able to register at the developer’s site, so I’m posting some code here that does some processing of simple tags, displaying them as lines with styles named for the tags (e.g., “cnl_title”), and optional prefix labels.
This code was added to the top of the FormatAndDisplayLine() function. A closing bracket is needed for the condition to handle the other line processing if the match isn’t found for one of the simple tags.
$simpleMatch = false;
$simpleTags = array("Composer" => "Composer(s):", "Copyright" => "", "Title" => "");
foreach($simpleTags as $simpleTag => $tagLabel) {
$simpleTag = strtolower($simpleTag);
$bSimple = "[$simpleTag]";
$bSimpleEnd = "[/$simpleTag]";
if (stristr($line,$bSimple)) {
$line = str_ireplace($bSimple, '', $line);
$line = str_ireplace($bSimpleEnd, '', $line);
$returnText .= '<div class="cnl_'.$simpleTag.'"><span class="cnl_'.$tagLabel.'">'.$tagLabel.'</span>'.$line.'</div>';
$simpleMatch = true;
if (!$simpleMatch) {
]]>There is a problem wtih European notation, the US one is B, the European is H. H now can not be displayed. To correct this in plugin is easy though…(just replace B with H in source code)…waiting for a small update. Thx.
]]>I absolutely love this plugin. I’m building out a site that will make use of it insanely, but I need to simplify the input for the users.
Basically I need to figure out how to do [chordsandlyrics] <?php the_content(); ?> [/chordsandlyrics]
I have tried modifying the plugin to even make it work, and I can’t seem to figure it out yet. Can you help me out on this?
]]>Hello, for default plugin don’t show chords “Hm”, simply not one symbol, how to change this?