Continuing to operate, even after disabling plugin, and deleting plugin.
Suggestions welcome!
Great complement.
In the latest version you can schedule activation and deactivation.
But can’t it be tested in some way before the date arrives?
Well, just let the next day be tested as soon as possible.
Thanks for your help!
]]>Are there any plans to add the ability to set a date to turn off and on the plugin? An example would be Day after Thanksgiving; maybe it starts snowing, December 1, Santa starts flying. Maybe even the snow will intensify as it gets closer to Christmas. And then after Dec. 25, Santa goes away. And then we can fade out the snow, too—just a thought.
I’ve downloaded the plugin around 1-2 hours ago (just before today’s update) – very happy with the project but when I click the update now button it shows that the update has been done but when I refresh or click to dashboard the plugin goes back to the old version 1.3.0 instead of 1.3.1
There is a new version of Cyber Fox Christmasify! available. View version 1.3.1 details or update now.
Please advise.
]]>I really like this plugin and use it every year for Christmas.
In one of my sites with Astra Theme I detect these problems:
1) the header of the site in the header does not change font but is only put in bold
2) in the pages where I have images, created with Elementor, only in some is put the decoration
3) on the home page I have a feed of blog posts, always created with Elemetor, in which the images break down if I set “Christmas decorations for images?”
I also have another site ( with another theme (Customizr) and always built with Elementor. In this case the header in the header is applied the font but also in this case only some images are decorated.
Thank you for your attention and greetings.
]]>Hello dear friends! Merry Christmas!
Is there a way it could display in full width?
Thank you in advance.
]]>This plugin is awesome, but all localizable strings have the wrong text domain.
The following are the modifications.
admin\class-cf-christmasification-admin.php, line 60 to 61
add_menu_page( __('Christmasify', 'christmasify'), __('Christmasify!', 'christmasify'), 'manage_options', 'cf-christmasification-admin', array($this, 'options'), '
Line 16
<h1><?php esc_html_e('Christmasify! Settings', 'christmasify'); ?></h1>
Line 22
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e('I want Snowflakes!', 'christmasify'); ?></th>
Line 23
<td> <fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php esc_html_e('Snowflakes', 'christmasify'); ?></span></legend><label for="snowflakes">
Line 28
<th scope="row"><label for="music"><?php esc_html_e('My visitors would love this jingle:', 'christmasify'); ?></label></th>
Line 38
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e('Flying Santa would be awesome!', 'christmasify'); ?></th>
Line 39
<td> <fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php esc_html_e('Flying Santa would be awesome!', 'christmasify'); ?></span></legend><label for="santa">
Line 44
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e('Christmas decorations for images?', 'christmasify'); ?></th>
Line 45
<td> <fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php esc_html_e('Christmasy decorations for images? Okay!', 'christmasify'); ?></span></legend><label for="image_frame">
Line 50
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e('Christmassy headings?', 'christmasify'); ?></th>
Line 51
<td> <fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php esc_html_e('Christmassy headings?', 'christmasify'); ?></span></legend><label for="font">
Line 56
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e('Homepage Only?', 'christmasify'); ?></th>
Line 57
<td> <fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php esc_html_e('Only show Christmas effects on the homepage', 'christmasify'); ?></span></legend><label for="homepage_only">
Line 63
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button button-primary" value="<?php echo esc_attr_x( 'Christmasify!', 'Button Label', 'christmasify' ); ?>"></p>
Line 66
<p><?php esc_html_e( 'If you like this plugin please give us a like or share this plugin on Facebook :)', 'christmasify' ); ?></p>
Line 70
<p><?php _e( 'If you like this plugin please give us a like or share this plugin on Facebook, or give us a nice rating on <a href="">WordPress</a> :)', 'christmasify' ); ?></p>
If this plugin has its own public GitHub repository, please let me know, then I will submit PR for this plugin.
I used this plugin last year and it worked perfectly. This year, I am having trouble regarding the decorations for images. They simply don’t show up, there is an “Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a function” on the console
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi where is the code to set volume in christmas music its too low when in the player
Thanks for a great plugin. However, there are many more beautiful Snowflakes out there. Could you please add more Snowflakes type/options please? Or tell us how to replace the Snowflakes image.
]]>When I limit the Christmas snow to my homepage it doesn’t work but when I don’t, it’ll work on every other page except for my homepage. I’m wondering if something on my homepage is blocking the function of the plugin or if there’s another issue. Pleas advise. Thanks!
]]>My client loves this plugin but only wants it on the front page. She says it interferes with reading the blog. Is this possible?
since the Update the Plugin doesn’t work.
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).christmasify is not a function
Can you anyone with this?
]]>Love the plugin, works well.
I want to disable Christmasift on my WooCommerce checkout page (causes too much confusion)
Can you provide a snippet please to do this?
]]>Compatible only up to: 5.0.10 and has not been updated in 2 years
]]>The christmas snow and all the effects does not show on mobile device, but it only show when viewed on laptop or desktop computer
]]>I notice that the snow and the santa actually goes behind most content on pages.
Images, backgrounds, pretty much anythng that is not just plain text.
Can this be fixed?
Centered image missing the center when add decoration.
Not correct:
Also will be nice choose more settings for the snow. I do not like the default snow too much faster and maybe too much elements.
Will be nice to have a soft snow settings to choose ??
I like your plugin for the decorations (but small issue with image algin) but i am using another to have a different snow effect.
]]>i want to use this christmas frames only for the pics inside my content . Not for the pictures in the header or footer. How to do that?
They seem shitty near my logo, so i need to remove them.
Can u help me type some code(that i can copy) and to make it work for content only?
may be only for posts?
The class for posts is : ” .single-post ”
Thanks in advance for your kind help.
With respect: BlooDStrikeR
]]>Hi there. How do I make Santa’s sleigh show on one page? It’s absolutely adorable and I can see most people being irritated by seeing it on each and every page. Further, how do I slow down the snowfall?
Otherwise, excellent work and by far one of the best Christmas plugins ever!
]]>Tried to install the Christmasify plugin, but it keeps giving me the remark:
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.
Los Copos de Nieve Caen Muy Rápido lo cual resulta un poco molesto, ya he probado en diferentes navegadores y en dispositivos móviles y es igual. Sería genial que cayeran más suavemente.
]]>The z-index isn’t playing well with my site. All of them goes behind images and text.
Have since yesterday the plugin Christmasify! Installed and Activated
5 minutes worked this too. Since then, nothing is happening on the page neither music nor the respiratory nations are displayed
Easy to convert it to seasonal plugin?
For autumn or halloween etc?
Christmas frames is selected but no frames appear on my laptop computer (Firefox 50.0.2, Internet Explorer 11.0.37, Chrome 54.0.2840.99 m). When viewed on an android device some pictures have the Christmas frames and others don’t.
Any ideas?