After building a site locally and FTPing it to the target domain I discovered that a number of files in the includes directory and includes/admin directory were using MAC OS 9 format for line endings. Not a problem for editors but apparently FileZilla didn’t recognize them correctly and they ended up “incorrect” at the target location.
Everything works fine if you install it through WP of course and I only mention it here because it took a bit of time to figure out what the problem was and I’d not seen that line ending used recently. Not all of the files seemed to be impacted but I didn’t look at them all
]]>Please, does this work with Astra?
Something odd is happening with Google Maps for locations. On the edit pages, the maps display perfectly, but when I go to the published view of the page, the red location pointer is missing. I don’t know whether the issue is with my site, the theme, the CT Content plugin or Google. One suggestion was that this might be the effect of my site not having an SSL certificate, but it seems odd that that would hide just the pointer. I’d be grateful for any advice on this matter.
Thank you,
]]>We’re having problem with dates for events after upgrading to WordPress 5.7.
We have Europe/Stockholm as our timezone in WordPress.
But when we select start date as March 14 for an event. The date in admin is showed as Match 13. After some investigation this seems to be -1 hour (Stockholm is UTC +1). Also when looking at the meta data in DB, the start date for my event is saved as “2021-03-14”.
This worked fine before updating.
What can we do to get this working?
]]>Hi there. We are currently seeing an error (“This page can’t load Google Maps correctly.”) on our maps being used on the locations feature pages.
We thought this was initially an API key issue but the map shown on the footer uses the key correctly. Could anyone help resolve this?
]]>Is it possible for me to access some sermon (Sermon Video) and event (Event date, time, and location)data via the standard Rest API?
Following the latest WordPress 5.5 update, The sermon template in particular the add new sermon configuration is not all working as it typically does. To name a few, scheduling does not work, adding tags,Topics and featured image do not respond as expected. Media page does not show thumbnails and adding or selecting images do not work.
Is there a way to create shortcodes for the Events created? I have a number of events that fall into 2 categories on our menu (ie. Connect and Grow). I want to be able to add a thumbnail link for each event on a page (ie. Children and Families page listing all ministries related events such as Kids Church, Playgroup, etc.)
There are a few plugins out there that do this already but they are only compatible with the Events Manager plugin.
I’ve installed your plugin and am interested in the sermons functionality.
Creating and editing them works fine but I also want to show it on a page.
According to your tutorial a “Sermons” template should appear when editing a page, in the page attributes section, unfortunately it does not appear for me. I have also tried deleting and reinstalling it, does not seem to fix it.
When creating or editing an event, I only see options to set start and end times in 30 minute increments. Is there any way to change this to other increments like 15 or 5 minute? Does the Pro version offer this?
]]>I have a custom theme that supports this plugin and I use add_theme_support
to customize what taxonomies and fields are available (per the developer guide). After updating to 2.0, these are not being honored; all taxonomies are displayed. Is there a new change in how to customize the taxonomies and fields with v2.0?
Been using the Events element of the Church Theme Content plugin (provided with our Eden theme from BoxyStudio) for a few years and it’s been working great…until very recently. Today, we discovered that when a new event is selected, we get the following JavaScript error:
ct-meta-box.js?ver=2.2.2:80 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘dynamic’ of undefined)
Further, if the Start Date button is rolled-over, we get a php error:
load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,jquery-ui-position,wp-pointer,heartbeat,autosave,suggest,wp-ajax-response,jquery-color,wp-lists,pos&load[]=tbox,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y,jquery-ui-autocomplete,tags-suggest,tags-box,underscore,word-count,post,editor-expand,thickbox,short&load[]=code,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,wp-mediaelement,wp-api-request,media-views,media-editor,media-audiovi&load[]=deo,mce-view,imgareaselect,image-edit,svg-painter,wp-auth-check,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-dialog,wpdialogs,&load[]=wp-api,media-upload,editor,quicktags,wplink,wp-embed&ver=d19274aea2050b0648da52aef988b375:658 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘hasClass’ of undefined
Finally, if we try clicking the Start Date button, nothing happens (other than the page being refreshed).
Again, all of this functionality was working until very recently, so we thought we’d report it and see if you have any advice on how to fix the issue. Note that the theme itself has not changed in over a year, but we did just update the Yoast plugin–perhaps that’s broken the functionality?
]]>Hello everyone. I bought the themes Forgiven and Eden, from Boxy Studio ( When I activate the Church Content Plugin – Sermons plugin, the site pages disappear (they are blank). I’m using WordPress 4.9.8. With the plugin disabled, the site only works in part. How to fix this?
I love your plugin but my site isn’t English. I would like to change the url. Not <my site>.yx/EVENTS/<eventname> but something different instead of the “EVENTS” part. Same for sermons and people. Is it possible?
I just wanted to use the Church Content plugin, but when I installed it. It says that it is not compatible with Divi theme ( So how can we fix this? I hope it will be make compatible.
]]>Until recently, I had a working iTunes podcast. Now the feed produces no episodes… All the content is still there. What am I missing?
I’m working on a church website, looking through plugins that will help me organize the many sermons that they’re moving over to the new site. The church says they must have a table format with sortable columns, like I’ve begun here Unfortunately, this is too raw for them to manage, I’d love to find a plugin for them to use.
Is there a way to do it with this plugin?
]]>I have read the first post on this issue, and although it was closed, I do not think it was resolved.
Given that there appears to be a filter solution possibility for this common problem, can someone please post the example of this on the forum?
My church has Resurrect 1.4.1 purchased a while ago and Church Theme Plugin on WP 4.3.2, using PHP 5.3.8.
Today, I figured, knowing there are updates, upgraded WP to 4.7.2 and Church Theme to 1.7.2. PHP has been upgraded to PHP 5.5.0. I could not upgrade Resurrect 1.4.1 as my church has to approve a license renewal.
I didn’t see any issues until I realized that in the Sermons section, the metadata on the page (e.g. Speaker, Book, Topic, etc…) no longer displays. I would only get the title and the date, nothing else. I see on your demo that everything works, which used to work for my church as well, but no longer is able to retrieve the metadata.
I tried all sorts of different things, without success. Is there a known issue with compatibility?
Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>Hello! I am using Church Theme Content to host our website. I’m using feedburner to publish the sermons. The Feed URL I’m supplying is and for some reason, the feed stopped showing the “enclose” tag a few months ago. If you load the feed URL it stopped back in October. I don’t recall changing my practice at all back then.
My current process is:
1. Upload the file to my web server (in a non-wordpress directory) via FTP
2. Create new sermon
3. Enter the *full* URL to the mp3
It plays fine from the website. It just doesn’t appear correctly on the feed.
This MP3 URL works:
This MP3 URL doesn’t:
I can’t make heads or tails of it. Any thoughts?
]]>What is the best way to hide a post type? I’m trying to avoid ‘Sermons’ displaying in the WordPress admin until the client is ready to start using this feature.
]]>Sorry, I’m not sure if I totally missed something or not but on my page I have the Sermons selection and right under that in the screenshot I see “Events” However when editing my page I don’t have an “Events” Button anywhere… did I completely miss something?? (I only have the free version and not the recurring events addon)
Thanks for any info!!
]]>Is there a way to display events in a calendar style view? We would like for folks to be able to look at a month in a calendar style layout and select dates to see the events on that particular date.
]]>Is there any support for automatically setting featured image when using youtube as the sermon video?
I didn’t see this support (seems like it would be _really_ helpful though), so instead tried what looked like a good backup option using this:
Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to work properly. My guess is because of the field type for the video field. I thought about adding a filter that would help the plugin as described here but couldn’t decide how to update the filter properly to check the correct field:
I’ll definitely admit I’m guessing at some of this a bit, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I am trying to update our website with the Church Theme Content Sermons plugin via a theme we recently purchased. We were using the Sermon Browser plugin which is no longer supported. We have all our sermons stored on Amazon S3. Is there a way to get all these (over 800) sermons into the Sermons plugin of Church Theme Content without retyping all the URLs of our sermons?
]]>The website FAQ states:
You can see how the slug is used in the URL of a single sermon, such as If you go directly to, it will redirect to your sermons page.
However, when I try to type in the URL manually ( …/sermons/) to test this out, it does not re-direct to the page I created for the sermons archive (…/sermon-list). Content DOES appear however, but it is missing the “filter” bar that my theme places at the top of the sermons list.
Am I misunderstanding this?
I was wondering. Is there any way to have a series image, rather than continually inputing an individual image per sermon?
thank you for this plugin, its great!
Is it possible, to remove the meta-box “Event Categories” from the Admin-Panel? Can I find this in the code to remove?
Thanks for your help!
]]>Our of curiosity, is there a way to change sermons to teachings other than modifying the plugin directly?
]]>How can I manage the display order for people? It seems to be sorting them from newest to oldest based on when they were entered in the system.
Thanks for the assistance.