When I, as administrator, change someone’s email in CiviCRM, Profile Sync nicely also changes the email in the WP User.
But when someone changes his own email in CiviCRM through a form I made with From Builder, it doesn’t.
Is there a way to make it work for changes done through afform too?
]]>Is this plugin compatible with Multisite?
Thanks, Evelyne
]]>We have latest WordPress, Civi and WP Profile Sync installed. No BuddyPress or other member plugins are installed. ACF is not being used.
When users register, their First and Last name are not entered into their Contact record in Civi. When the Civi contact is saved, this removes their First and Last name from the WordPress User.
This issues was raised a couple of years ago: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/name-filled-in-at-registration-not-synced-with-civicrm/
Please could you point to the documentation for developers so they can call the appropriate actions on successful registration?
]]>hi, with your CiviCRM Profile Sync plugin or any of the others you have created, will you be able to sync with the buddy boss theme? Specifically groups or Profile types? thanks,
Apologies if I’m posting this to the wrong forum but I’ve followed the instructions on https://tadpole.cc/using-civicrm-profile-sync-with-advanced-custom-fields-extended-acfe/ which uses CiviCRM Profile Sync and ACFE to add users/contacts to CiviCRM groups which works great.
I was wondering if it’s possible to remove users/contacts from a CiviCRM group upon form submission? I’ve had a look around the ACFE Forms interface but I haven’t found a way to do this and I was wondering if this is possible at all with the integration between the 2 plugins or otherwise, be added in a future plugin update?
Thanks in advance!
What happens to the WP users when two contacts are merged in CiviCrm?
Instead of the standard WP registration form I use a plugin (User Registration from wpeverest). Their registration form allows to immediately let the user fill in some more information such as firstname, lastname,…
When a user is registered in this way, a contact is created in CiviCRM, so far so good, but firstname lastname isn’t synced. It takes only the emailadress (and the username as nickname).
Is this behaviour to be expected?
What can I do to make it sync also firstname lastname?
Plugin works fine further. Contact in Civi is created, and if an update is done to the WP user Civi contact is also updated, also in the other direction, so the problem is only at registration itself.
The plugin works well in bringing over name and email data. But I am using WooCommerce also and, while a member has name and address data in CiviCRM, it is not part of the WordPress profile. Is it possible to bring address data over to WordPress from CiviCRM as part of this plugin.
Hi Christian,
Is there a bit more context about what this new setting does:
“The CiviCRM Website Type that the WordPress User Profile Website syncs with.”
I’m not sure I understand from the brief description whether it should be set to Work or Main because it isn’t descriptive of what this setting actually does.
I am needing to sync the user data that woocommerce uses such as addresses with civicrm. Would you be able to do this for us? We would pay for it to be done. In the future, we would also like to sync additional information.
David Beaulieu
]]>It might be tricky, but I read one topics in which Christian you were saying that there are plugins who extend the custom field sync.
I have Ultimate Member plugin in which I have created custom fields for the profile, is there a way to sync those custom fields with CiviCRM without re-do the work of putting those informatin manually?
There’s a way to create the custom field in Profile CiviCRM and make him sync with the actual custom field on the Profile of Ultimate Member?
Isn’t the Meta Data the same?
I’ve tried to ad the custom field with the same name in CiviCRM and tried to change the information but that doesn’t change the value on the UM Profile field.
]]>I have installed the CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync ny Christian Wach in wordpress 4.5.2 on Civicrm 4.6.15 but the Users are not being created.
After secting the Create wordpres user from contacts it takes me to a page asking me to add the contact. Then after adding the contact i am redirected back to the contact list without the user haing been created.
This is the case for both invidiual and organization records.
]]>My question is on the Civicrm Profile Sync plugin by Christian Wach. If USernames and PAsswords are created is there a way to bulk send those details to the contacts otherwise how are they to know theit detauls
]]>So after syncing CiviCRM contacts to create WordPress users. It was noticed that contacts weren’t getting users created to a 1:1 ratio. We are missing about 700 users compared to contacts, and looking into it, it appears to be that some contacts have the same prefix for their email. Is there a way to have users created using the whole email as a username, such as [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc? That way an issue isn’t run into when we have two or more emails with the same prefix and only 1 user is created.
Thank you.
]]>I’ve been able to create a series of CiviCRM contacts into WP Users. However, I notice whenever I do this, it also adds new contacts into my contact database. Essentially duplicates with far less information. I realize I can batch delete these, of course, but it’s still a headache.
]]>I’ve successfully converted a couple of CiviCRM Members into WP Users after changing the script for ‘CIVICRM_WP_PROFILE_SYNC_BULK’ to true.
However, these users get automatically stuck with the User Role of Subscriber and I have a number of custom roles I want the users I’m covert to use one of those instead. Like ‘USA Member’, for example.
Is there a place in the script where I might be able to make this alteration?
]]>Hi Christian
In another comment thread you said:
I’ve written a plugin called CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync which has all the code necessary to bulk-create users – although it does involve changing the value of the ‘CIVICRM_WP_PROFILE_SYNC_BULK’ constant to ‘true’ in the plugin file for the UI to show up in CiviCRM.
I’ve done this but can’t see where the UI is in CiviCRM (and the plugin has no settings page in WP).
There is the ‘Synchronize Users to Contacts’ page, but the text there implies it is creating contacts based on users, whereas I’m looking to do the opposite.
Any advice on how to bulk create WP users from Civi contacts and members? Thanks in advance.
Can you explain how the wordpress users & CiviCRM contacts are linked?
Does it only sync existing wordpress users whose name fields match with CiviCRM contacts?
Or does this plugin create new wordpress users for each CiviCRM contact and then link them itself?
Many thanks for your help – I am researching for an upcoming project and keen to get this right, but am at the edge of my understanding!
Best wishes