Hope you are fine.
If I set Goal Number 1 and if someone signs the petition I should have whole red line but it should only be half red.
How can I fix that?
Have a good day!
]]>This just started showing up. When I go to any Civist link in the WP Dashboard, the message adds “Please reload.” I’ve tried several times, without any change. I also deleted the plugin and reinstalled. It asked for a registration token, but when I try to enter it, I get a “Connnection lost” message.
What can I do?
]]>I am used to translate plugins to Swedish with Loco Translate. But this plugin does not seem to work lite other plugins when it comes to translating the text in the form.
Is there a workaround or should I like for another plugin that supports Swedish?
Thank you!
Hi Civist tech support,
Someone mentioned that
Is this correct? Can you clarify the two points above please?
We look forward to hearing from you.
]]>Hi, I would like to change the text which is displayed after the signature and before the confirmation. This test is not well translated in french. In english, it says approximately : you signed the petition but you have to ckeck your mailbox etc.” It is possible ?
]]>The Civist plugin has stopped adding data to the signatures and supporters list. Because MailChimp still gets the submissions, but they can’t be seen anywhere via the plugin, which is quite a problem. Thanks in advance for the help.
is there any way to remove the string “(optional)” after the petition form input field label “organization”.
We really need to collect the “organization” info.
Best regards,
Just installed your plugin and there is one issue: we’re in Canada and would like to collect postal codes for the petition signers. BUT…in some browsers it persists in showing “Zip code” instead of “postal code”. Zip code is an entirely US-centric thing and tends to rub Canadians the wrong way. ?? Is there a way to fix this?
Also – it would be great to be able to change the call-to-action from “Support us, sign this petition!” to text of one’s choice.
]]>Hi there,
we need for our petition also an field title for dr. or other titles.
Thank you,
So I am currently trying out this tool and really like it. The only two things I couldn’t figure out so far is if there is a possibility to change the “Yes I want to receive Updates” text (we want to link to our how we use your data) and if there is any way to add to the confirmation email the name of the petition people signed?
Thank you!
]]>There is a way to display only the progress bar?
I tried with a display:none using css but the inline declaretion let a big space under the progress bar.
Hi there,
Is it possible to prepopulate the email field from the url that users click to be directed to the petition.
ie can we pass any data through so people signing it will need to capture less?
]]>Many online petitions feature the option to display the signatures. Dose Civist offer this and if so how do I configure it? Thanks.
]]>Hi, I’ve recently updated to wordpress 5.6 but the shortcode is not showing as embedded – instead the link is shown which links to the petition. Is there a fix for this?
]]>Hi, can we disable the email verification step?
]]>Hi, I have created form successfully form and embed the form in WPbakery builder but it does not showing. please can you guide it works with WPbakery builder.
Also I want to show the signature list on other pages. is there any shortcode available.
after signing a petition i do not receive the confirmation link by email.
I checked if my wordpress can send email and its ok. The problem come from Civist.
Could you help me to solve this problem ?
Thank you
]]>Hi! I installed Civist and when I created a petition I noticed that the submit button is not working great. Only a very small area of the submit button is clickable. And this area is the very top of the button, the rest of the button is not clickable.
Is this easy to fix? Can you help me out? Thank you!
]]>Description keeps getting deleted meaning it’s not staying. How can I get the description to stay?
]]>Click to install, works fine. Click activate, nothing happens. Page refreshes, but still shows as not activated.
Found problem. The Bing Custom Search plugin prevented Civist from working.
How could I modify the corner radius on the rounded corners and buttons?
I’m trying to simply center the H1 and H2 content but there’s no possible way to do this since the content resides in an iframe.
Can you tell me how I can accomplish this?
]]>Good afternoon. I do not receive verification link. Reconnection does not help. The message “Reconnect Civist / Success! Please check your inbox and click the verification link.” is showed.
]]>Amazing plugin!!! The css seems to be a bit misalignment on my site… any ideas how to fix? https://endthewar.com.au/petition/
]]>I want to use this plugin in my theme as embedded into the homepage. Can anyone help me to fix it?
]]>We’ve used Civist in the past for petitions and it’s worked great. Now we want to use it to collect email addresses for people to sign up to stay informed. For this purpose, the “Support Us! Sign This Petition” text doesn’t make sense. Is there anyway to change it?
]]>The email address the person receives the conformation email from is “[email protected]”. Is it possible for the confirmation email to be sent to the petition signer using a different email address?
]]>I would like to know if there is anyway to add a custom field into the form, and also a way to change the “Support us. Sign the petition.” title?
]]>hi! I want to know if I can have a form for the phone label. Thanks!
]]>I’m having trouble getting the civist plugin to be responsive. Any assistance is much appreciated!
PS I tried several petition plugins, and Civist is by far the best and the easiest to implement! Thank you so much for this offering.