Your CJ Datafeed plugin is posting content from non-existent user with fixed ID 1
File cj-datafeed/cj-functions.php, line 691
‘post_author’ => 1,
this should NOT be fixed number 1, it should have the ID of the real user.
]]>Hello guys,
I’m started work with CJ Datafeed 1.5 plugin few days ago, and faced with same problems which you discussed here 1 year ago.
Since I found that up to now this functionality is not implemented in last plugin version 1.5, I modifyed the plugin code. The new added code supports adding new feed, updating earlier published with new metadata, and skipping it otherwise. In addition I implemented a simple support for large datafeed files processing, by adding “Start Line” to the Create post UI. It’s automatically updated at plugin exit from Create post from datafeed, which allows simple to continue processing rest of the datafeed from next unprocessed feed. The updated plugin may be downloaded from
Hi, can this plugin be used on page rather then post? TQ
]]>Wondering how I could change the php script in cj-datafeed/cj-functions.php to update existing posts with the new tables instead of skipping them. I tried replacing the results of the “if (count ($checkid) > 0)” function with the same as the one below it for creating new posts, but as expected it only duplicated the posts(created new ones) instead of updating the existing ones.
I’m not good enough with php yet to know how to do this on my own though. Was hoping it might be a simple fix. Seems doable, simply replace the post if it exists rather than skipping it. Any help on how to do this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
]]>Posts are displayed at the correct time, but the published timestamps are all the same.
If the current time is 1:00 PM and Time Interval is set for 2 hours,
all posts are displayed in 2-hour intervals, but all post timestamps are 1:00 PM.
After creating posts with CJ-Datafeed, your program unchecks “Allow people to post comments on new articles” affecting ALL future wordpress posts.
/wp-admin/options-discussion.php > Default article settings > Allow people to post comments on new articles
]]>CJ-Datafeed Version 1.5 still has the CJ_PROGRAMNAME Bug
CJ-Datafeed Version 1.5 still has a problem interpreting text values in quotes
Ok!! this plugin is great, it’s been working great for me but one of my sites the script will not create any more that 50 posts at a time and the last post created always get assigned to an “uncategorized” category. I broke the database into smaller files, each file includes 200 items, at the final stage it will only show about 50 lines and it will not show the normal message indicating how many posts were created etc… I use VI so the chances of corrupting the files are eliminated. Php.ini memory is set to 64M.
Any thoughts??
]]>Program has a problem interpreting when some text values are in quotes.
delimiter: “|”
Two examples can be seen when using the data feed for Harbor Freight Tools Affiliate Program, and National Pen Promotional Products.
]]>For first item in the feed, cj_programname inserts a question mark in front of the category name.
And, if the correct category was already there on the website, your program will create another category with a question mark in front.
Example: ?ThinkGeek
Take note of the first item in your feed. Upload. Post. View your displayed category list on your website, or search for the first item posted. You will see the category name with a question mark in front of it.
So if you import several datafeeds, you have a lot of cleaning up ahead of you (deleting categories, editing posts that make mention of that category, choosing a new category for each of those first posts.)
]]>Incorrect Timezone Used
The CJ-Datafeed plugin (version 1.05) still uses GMT time instead of the timezone set in WordPress.
I thought you would have included this fix in your latest update.
This plugin shouldn’t even be permitted here…read the complaints, visit the guy’s site. The only reason he’s put this plugin up is to add code to YOUR page directing traffic to HIS page.
And what exactly is on his page? Ad links and ads, ad links and ads.
Seriously, it’s frustrating that these plugins are allowed to remain posted here.
]]>You can now delete post by specific advertiser. This is useful when a advertiser get expired or to remove low conversion program from your website. I tested CJ-Datafeed v1.05 with WP 3.1 and it work fine on my installation.
Stay tune for more updates …
]]>The CJ-Datafeed plugin uses GMT time instead of the timezone set in WordPress.
]]>Valid row data before processing it.
No need to remove first datafeed row ( columns description ) anymore.
– Fixed by kaspar
]]>Run well with WP v3.03. Link removed in footer and post template.
Added some How-To CJ screenshots.
Thank you for using CJ-Datafeed
]]>The guy is very sneaky with this plugin
1. He will attempt to put his link in every post that it automatically posts to your site
2. he also inserts his link at the bottom of your wordpress site
Now obviously being smart I have found a way to get rid of his crap from my site and still use the plugin
Sorry but YOU need my permission to do that crap, dont spam my site using your plugin!!!!
]]>Anyone hopeing for an easy to use system, should look elsewhere. It is a very complex to use plugin.
]]>This is a nice easy plug in, but has caused me to be in trouble with CJ as it is caused 1000s of clicks while adding feeds.
How is this happening, isnt the plugin just inserting the data stright into the database?
Any way my workaround to remove the PID works unless I forget to do it.
Could we have this added to the next update.
eg. the plugin would change the PID while adding it to the data base then change it back when its finished.
At the moment Im changing it to “qwertyui” (as this is unlikely to be used anyplace on my site) in the feed file then using phpMYadmin to change it back.
Some of the feed files can be very large, just got one thats 300meg zipe
let the plugin process all feeds in a folder at a set time/date instead of one named file
Is it possible that we could have the plugin work in the same way that BIGDUMP (imports large sql files in seqments) works.
Also mybe able to upload as zip/gz files.
Once again thanks for a good plugin,
This is a great plugin, but have run into a slight problem with it.
When the feeds are being uploaded there are creating 1000s of clicks at CJ website, almost had my account closed.
Done a work around for it, just replace your PID with a series of letters, do not use numbers as this could cause false clicks for another user, then use PHPMYADMIN to replace the PID, to do this click on your database, then on wp_post and click the sql tab, type
UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content
= replace(post_content, ‘type_your_changed_PID_here’ ,’change_to_your_correct_PID’)
make sure you backup the database first.
This problem also happens with the post pending feeds so make sure all feeds are active before you reset the PID number.
Maybe this would be something that could be done on a update
A couple of toughts for an update
1) as some feeds are over 5 meg compressed (100+ uncompressed) allow us to upload ziped feeds
2) Allow us to start feeds from a start and end number to allow the bigger files to be used and have an auto restart option so that the bigger feeds can be added from where it last finished.
3) Not all feeds use the same structure so we have to make many changes to the template could there be a way to save the template for each file name.
4) allow multi processing of feeds so that we can upload more then one at a time and the plugin would auto post them using some from each feed
5) When the feeds are displayed on the processing screen display the feed number so that we know where the feed got to if the was a problem so that we dont have to restart the whole feed again.
Thanks for a great plugin, has saved me many hours,
]]>How to get txt file ?