I have the correct shortcode [clean-login-register]
on my page (visible to anyone–no login necessary).
But the “register” capability does not display. The login box shows up just fine, but all I get is two login boxes, with the “forgot password” link below each one.
I do find that [clean-login-register]
is not available in the list on my plugin options either. I have put an image of it on the page: https://crystalcovehoa.net/login
I have searched all the support discussions and have not found my specific topic. All of them have to do with captcha or themes or something else. My members need to be able to register asap. Please help!
]]>Will this plugin be updated and tested with the current version of WordPress?
]]>Please consider implementing an alternative to Google recaptcha. We live at a time when people are, rightly, more aware of their privacy on the internet and, as a website owner, I need to be aware of this too.
Using something as intrusive as Google recaptcha is definitely not a good thing.
I tried to implement Cloudflare on the clean login pages with the simple cloudflare turnstiles plugin but have been unsuccessful. Any way you can help me here?
Here’s the link to the plugin : https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/simple-cloudflare-turnstile/
Thakn you in advance.
I’ve just noticed that Litespeed is causing problems with clean login. Namely, the “reset password” page.
When user clicks on “Lost password”, he adds his email.
He receives an email to reset password. But, on that page user is not given a new password. Instead the field is empty. If he tries to add a new password himself and then clicks on “log in”, the password does not work (obviuosly, because it was not saved).
This only happens when litespeed is activated. I only have cache activated on litespeed. No optimization for CSS, JS. Optimization is ON for html.
I also have do not cache for all register, login, lost-password pages.
What can you suggest?
]]>Hello, please I don’t know whether I can get help from you people, after registration users will redirected to login page but when they filled the login form and clicked on “Login” they will still redirected to the login page instead of logged the user into their account page, and no message display during the redirection, but another registration plugin work. If I tried to login at least 5 time it will take me to a page that said “error email field is empty” “error password field is empty” but I have filled the fields. I feel unhappy to miss this plugin Please help.
Thank you for creating this plugin, is it exactly what I needed!
Would it be possible to be able to customise the password reset email in the same way as we can the new user email? I have currently slightly changed the plugin code to edit the “$message” content to a HTML page I have designed externally but would love to be able to do it in the admin console.
I’m getting reCaptcha error “CAPTCHA is not valid, please try again”
Already cheched captcha, created new captcha key, V2, V3, visible, with button… but allways the same result.
we use your shortcodes in elementor popup and get some problems. Login and registration is not possible. Attached one picture from browser dev-console: https://ibb.co/VSgzw2N
No error.log entries.
I would like to make the user meta I created to appear in my clean login registration and edit profile page. How can I do that? ??
]]>I have a WordPress site that run fines in version 6.3.2 and php7 and clean login version 1.9.4.
When I switch to PHP8, I get this message at startup :
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “title” in \wordpress\wp-content\plugins\clean-login\include\widget.php on line 25
How can I correct it?
]]>Hello, I don’t get the login option when I try to login from mobile, it only appears on desktop. Is there a way to configure this so that it also appears on mobile? Thank you
]]>The WP Email Login plugin referenced in the FAQ was removed in March 2023 because of a guidelines violation. Would you consider adding this functionality to Clean Login?
]]>Hi all, I’ve jhust installed clean login plugin, but for same reason lost password is not showing… What could it be?
]]>Hi there
is it possible to set just a custom password (not WordPress password) to the plugin and deactivate the username-field for login?
I am looking for a solution to place just a custom password field and a login button with a shortcode to my public homepage, which links to a ptivat page for members only with the correct password.
Would this be possible with Clean Login?
Thank you very much for your help!
Kind regards,
When will wrong email and password enter then message not display on screen so please help how to fix it
]]>Hi there!
I have been running into issues with clean login when I update to the latest version of Siteground Security version 1.2.9. After running staging tests have narrowed it down to a conflict with the clean login plugin. I asked sitegrounds help and they told me to remove any unnecessary plugins that are conflicting with their security plug-in, or contact the relevant plug-in to see if can fix the conflict.
What happens is after typing in username and password into the login box, it logs in and then shows up a blank page in place of 2FA authentication and the website inside.
At the moment I am running the previous version sitegrounds security v1.2.8 so my clients can continue to access the website. I would definitely appreciate any help.. I am not a website expert by any means but I thought I’d ask.
Thank you!
Hello there,
I have enabled the forget password on the plugin and when a user uses it, it creates a random passord for him. Can this be manually set by user? Is there any option to change that?
Also is there any way to change the text “Lost password?” to “Forgot your Password” from the settings?
Kind regards,
When a user without admin access tries to change their email address, they are redirected to the admin profile page to confirm the change. Is there a way around this?
If “Disable dashboard access for non-admin users” is set, the email change doesn’t get set and the notification never goes away.
$content = str_replace( '###ADMIN_URL###', esc_url( admin_url( 'profile.php?newuseremail=' . $hash ) ), $content );
Is it possible to customise the email notifications (eg restore password, change email), or form success/error notification messages?
Is it possible to set a different redirect depending on where the shortcode is placed? I’m happy using a functions.php snippet if need be
1) On the general sign in page, I want it to redirect to the /member page on login
2) I also have the sign in shortcode in an error message if the user doesn’t have permission to view a page. If they sign in there, I want them to see that page
If I turn off redirect I can get 2) and if I turn on redirect I can get 1) but not both together!
I use the plugin LoginWP for a protected customer area on a website.
The intention is to create multiple users in the backend and allow them to be redirected to their own page when logging in with login (download options).
This works so far. However, LoginWP does not offer an actual login window, but must work with another plugin for this purpose.
I want to use Clean Login.
I have included the login window on the website:
Strangely, however, the plugin always (!) returns an error message – Incorrect login data – when logging in, even if it is secured that the login data are all completely correct!
How can I realize the login?
]]>Hi there,
The website supplied was recently moved to SiteGround hosting.
Users have reported they can’t login, but can at the /wp-admin/ link
I reset my password to test, and can confirm this is correct.
Any thoughts ?
TIA, Dave
Hi, the error appears when you want to log out of your profile or site. You are being redirected to a page that does not exist 404.
Thank you
When you have ‘Email notification’ on then the user will get his information trough email, thats great.
But is it possible to change the email title? Now its: [domain.com] New user and i like to spice it a little bit up.
Kind Regards,
Is it possible to edit the register-form.php and put it in your of child-theme?
I need to add some shortcode to the form (social login) but i don’t see the option?
Es un excelente plugin, fué instalar y los formularios encajaron perfectamente con mi theme.
Estoy utilizando el Shortcode [clean-login] como mensaje de contenido protegido.
Utilizo el plugin Content Control https://es.www.ads-software.com/plugins/content-control/
Este plugin me permite agregar un mensaje a un contenido que quiero proteger, en ese mensaje simplemente coloco el Shortcode de login, todo funciona bien, pero al hacer el login el sitio se redirecciona a la Home.
Cómo podría hacer para que al logearse el plugin simplemente recargue la página en la que está.
No me sirve utilizar la opción de Redirect en la configuración, ya que el tener más de un contenido protegido, la url variaría, la idea es que haga un reload el logarse.
Cree un plugin y probé varias cosas sin poder solucionarlo, me imagino que choca con las opciones de redirección que ustedes pusieron en su plugin. les paso ejemplo de un intento de plugin.. ?me pueden ayudar?
Asigno la ultima url a una variable de sesión
add_action( ‘wp’, ‘sc_capture_before_login_page_url’ );
function sc_capture_before_login_page_url(){
if( !is_user_logged_in() ):
$_SESSION[‘referer_url’] = get_the_permalink();
Agrego filtro para redireccionar luego de login
if( !function_exists(‘sc_after_login_redirection’) ):
function sc_after_login_redirection() {
$redirect_url = home_url(‘/’);
if ( isset($_SESSION[‘referer_url’]) ):
$redirect_url = $_SESSION[‘referer_url’];
unset( $_SESSION[‘referer_url’] );
return $redirect_url;
add_filter(‘login_redirect’, ‘sc_after_login_redirection’);
How would I go about hiding the placeholder text?
Thanks in advance!
I love your plugin, it's really great!
I just have one small cosmetic issue. The "eye" for visible password is badly positioned. It’s located outside the frame at the left on the line after the password field.
Hi guys, I have set up the four forms with the short code but I need a bit of help with a few things please ??
1 – If I search for my website on another pc I am taken straight to my home page, not the log in page. Can you help with that please? I have looked everywhere but am stuck. Typing https://ipswichdigs.co.uk/log-in/ in to address bar still takes me to wp-admin.
2 – Is there short code for us to set up a log out form?? Just found this:
so I guess we can use this to create a button/menu item on our website to the log out from??
3 – Can we add an option to add a local image to the plugin instead of the Avatar from the Gravatar service??
4 – In options where it says “Hide admin bar for some roles?” can I select all of them then the admin bar will only be visible to admin??
5 – In options where it says “Disable dashboard access for non-admin users?” should I check this??
6 – In options where it says “Enable timestamp GET parameter in login page to avoid problems with page cache” should I check this??
Many Thansk,
My client previously created a password reset page, with the clean login recovery form, using Beaver Builder front end page editor.
When later trying to edit this page, with BB, we see this message: “you are now logged in it makes no sense to restore your account”. (But of course the admin user needs to be logged in to edit the page).
The error does not present when we try to edit the page in the standard wordpress admin backend view, but this would mean losing all the page builder content which is undesirable. How can we access a page such as ”
[domain.com] /login/password-reset/?fl_builder ” without clean login intercepting?
Installation info:
Clean Login – version 1.13.1
Beaver Builder Standard – version
WordPress – version 5.8.2
Thank you!