I need to specify the number of images, is it possible? I want to have 24 images on each page, but I have 13:(
]]>Where would I change the background color of the gallery?
]]>The Cleaner Gallery does not work correctly after the WordPress 4.4 update :
I deactivated Cleaner Gallery and now use Jetpack -tiled galleries together with WP Featherlight. It works.
]]>Hello Justin,
would you consider adding a filter for the final output of the gallery? Basically in
public function gallery_shortcode( $output, $attr ) {
add this add the very end (please check the syntax for args as I am not 100% sure there ??
/* Filter & Return out very nice, valid HTML gallery. */
$output = "\n\t\t\t" . sprintf( '<div %s>', $gallery_attr ) . $output . "\n\t\t\t</div><!-- .gallery -->\n";
/* Apply filter to the output */
$output = apply_filters( 'cleaner_gallery_output', $output, $this->args ); // not sure if that is the right syntax for the args
return $output;
Using latest 4.3 and struggling as not sure if the links and files work with 4.3
I basically want to set that the default option to “Link to” to be Media file and not “attachment page”
Questions, what do I change?
]]>This is a feature request, I suppose. Would you consider adding a set of responsive style options? This should really be on WordPress to implement, but I’m not holding my breath.
Something like:
Mobile columns: __[1|2|3|4|5|inherit from default desktop columns]__
Tablet columns: __[1|2|3|4|5|inherit from default desktop columns]__
I love this plugin, thanks for sharing it with the world. Is there any way to get the image title attribute to show up? I’m hoping to use the Fancybox title functionality. Thank you!
]]>Hi Justin,
looks like there is a typo (setttings instead of settings) in the admin.php from line 62-66. See code below:
* Validates/sanitizes the plugins settings after they've been submitted.
* @since 0.9.0
* @access public
* @return void
function cleaner_gallery_validate_settings( $settings ) {
$setttings['size'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $settings['size'] );
$setttings['image_link'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $settings['image_link'] );
$setttings['orderby'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $settings['orderby'] );
$setttings['order'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $settings['order'] );
$setttings['image_script'] = wp_filter_post_kses( $settings['image_script'] );
$settings['caption_remove'] = isset( $settings['caption_remove'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$settings['caption_title'] = isset( $settings['caption_title'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$settings['thickbox_js'] = isset( $settings['thickbox_js'] ) ? 1 : 0;
$settings['thickbox_css'] = isset( $settings['thickbox_css'] ) ? 1 : 0;
return $settings;
Plugin still seems to work though….
Take care,
Nice plugin, but doesn’t work with prettyPhoto that comes with WooCommerce. I found the simple fix: you need to add the class “zoom” to the gallery photo links for it to work. Not even a full line of code that has to be written, so please get this done for the next version. Thanks!
]]>The reason i use your plugin is because it makes all my galleries in posts and pages responsive/centered.
With the latest update this goes away, the galleries all seem aligned to the left and nothing i can do fixes it expect for reverting back to version 1.0.0 which is what i have done for now.
Thank you!
]]>Is it possible to show the image description rather than the caption in the gallery? In gallery.php I see Default gallery settings. Is it possible to redefine the setting that calls the caption to call the description instead? I know just enough to be dangerous so please steer me in the right direction if this is totally off base.
Thank you!
I am using an older version of WordPress because my website tends to break whenever it get’s updated. Recently the Cleaner Gallery 0.8 plugin I was using was creating invalid argument errors, so I tried upgrading to Cleaner Gallery 1.1.0, but now I get a fatal errors.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function has_image_size() in …/wp-content/plugins/cleaner-gallery/inc/gallery.php on line 222
Fatal error: Call to undefined function submit_button() in …/wp-content/plugins/cleaner-gallery/admin/admin.php on line 242
This is how I call the gallery in my post body:
[gallery columns="0" itemtag="td" icontag="span" size="medium"]
Any help is appreciated.
]]>I just updated to version 1.1.0 and have invalid HTML again ??
If I check the output, I see there is a problem with its structure:
<p><figcaption></figcaption><br />
1) The <p> element starts within <figure> but closes afterwards!
2) BR-elements are not allowed within <figure>
The problem seems is the use of \n and \t in cleaner-gallery/inc/gallery.php – since the default WordPress wpautop filter replaces newlines in the output with or adds <p>…</p> if something looks like a paragraph.
After I removed all “\n” and “\t”, everything looks OK again.
Please consider this for the next update. If you want to make the HTML look “nice” – ok, but take care not to create line breaks or empty lines which may create problems with wpautop
]]>Can it add pagination?
]]>I am using the WP gallery as staff directory for one of my clients. The gallery is set to 4 columns but the last row only has 3 gallery items. My client liked the clean look of the grid but asked that I center the bottom row. I tried to talk them out of it but they won’t budge.
Since Cleaner Gallery organizes each row into a div, I was able to target “.gallery-row:last-child” and add 15% padding to the left. It works well but I know if they add a staff member or someone leaves, I will be forced to go back in and tweak the css to correct it. What I tried was:
.gallery-row:last-child {
margin:0 auto;
in the hopes that the row’s width would adjust to the width if its contents and then center but no go. Can anyone suggest a better way to go about this that will adjust to the correct position based on the number of gallery items in the last row?
Here’s the link: https://rci-group.markhannondesign.com/our-staff/
]]>Just giving you a heads up, there might be an error in the plugin when trying to link to the full size image.
]]>Notice: Undefined index: thickbox_js in /home/content/61/9795461/html/wp-content/plugins/cleaner-gallery/inc/default-filters.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined index: thickbox_css in /home/content/61/9795461/html/wp-content/plugins/cleaner-gallery/inc/default-filters.php on line 57
I upgraded to 3.8.2 today and now I’m getting the errors above on the front-end…
]]>So… have the plugin installed, and utilize on several pages… for some reason, I cannot figure out how to link the gallery item data (in this case the album details) to show up on the particular gallery that I have chosen.
Please see links for example.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>I’ve posted my fix to GitHub as a pull request: https://github.com/justintadlock/cleaner-gallery/pull/3
Posting it here so people can find it if this is where they look to find the fix.
Marking as resolved as hopefully this will be included in a future version.
]]>Is there a way when someone clicks the thumbnails in my gallery for the plugin to not allow save image as and steal my larger views of images?
]]>Hi, this has been asked before but it got no reply, and I have the same issue. As the title says, the image caption doesn’t show up when opening images in the gallery, but only below the thumbnails. Any idea?
]]>I installed the plugin but not able to see the Settings panel in Appearence. Its not showing up.
I am using One Touch Theme by ThemeForest.
]]>I’m using Cleaner Gallery with JQuery Masonry. Everything is working perfectly if I use the hard-coded html that Word Press outputs, but as soon as I go back to the dynamic version with my images loading from Cleaner Gallery, masonry no longer works. It seems to be some kind of jquery conflict that is caused by Cleaner Gallery. Any ideas? I have disabled just about all other plugins.
So the exact same page that doesn’t work from WordPress, is working when I paste the html (from View Source of the WordPress page) into a static html file. I really can’t find what is causing masonry not to work using Cleaner Gallery.
]]>Was needing to add .portrait / .landscape classes for a custom gallery implementation I was doing. Approached it by modifying the gallery.php file, figured I’d post here incase anyone else needed the same function.
Insert the following at line 130 ( before the comment /* Open each gallery item. */ ):
/* Get Image Meta */
$image_meta = get_post_meta($attachment->ID,'_wp_attachment_metadata',TRUE);
/* Check Orientation ( Portrait / Landscape ) */
$orientation = $image_meta['height'] > $image_meta['width'] ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';
then modify the following line to include the variable for orientation in the class:
/* Open each gallery item. */
$output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<{$itemtag} class='gallery-item col-{$columns} {$orientation}'>";
I have been using Cleaner Gallery for a photographer page. Has been great, but the latest version broke the site. Why is the new version adding more HTML around the image and a-tag? See following code:
<div id='gallery-221-1' class='gallery gallery-221'>
<div class='gallery-row gallery-clear'>
<dl class='gallery-item col-1'>
<dt class='gallery-icon'>
<a>#IMAGE HERE#</a>
Instead of, like before, just a-tags with the images inside. It was great before with minimal html-output. Now every image generates 4 lines of extra code? How should this be used?
]]>I am using Cleaner gallery in a 4 thumbs per row configuration. This works great, except for the clearing of the final row. Each row has the gallery-clear class applied to it which can be used to clear each row but there is no element following the final row. Since the gallery is the last thing on the page, the final row spills outside of the content block.
I could deal with this by inserting a clearing div at the end of every page but this will not help if I later have a gallery that is not the last thing on the page.
Manually inserting the WordPress page HTML editor is another option but is not ideal for less able users.
Alternatively I could go in and edit the plugin but this will make updates a pain.
It would be helpful if a final clearing element was inserted, or if there was some way to add custom mark up at the start and finish of the generated code.
Or does that option already exist?
]]>Hi there,
I’m using Cleaner Gallery here
on the homepage wigdet, look where states VIDEOS
I have 3 squared images and 3 rectangular images…
Have problem with the images preview, don’t matter the resolution or the dpi’s of the pics I upload, the theme give me randomly preview.
any help?
]]>To use one of these, you only need to load the appropriate JavaScript and/or CSS and select one from the Image Script drop-down box (see below if your script is not listed here).
So if we want to integrate Lightbox2 into our gallery, we have to load the Lightbox2 CSS into our theme?
I tried this and nothing happened. In fact, the width of the gallery shrunk to 60% of normal.
]]>As far as I can tell it works like a charm when a usual gallery shortcode is in place like [gallery columns="2"]
However if we take advantage of the mix-&-match feature of the new 3.5 gallery whereby attachment ids are specified off of our entire media library like
[gallery columns="2" ids="1633,1275,1216,1243"]
the following settings are not applied:
]]>how do i remove tweet and facebook and add comments on a photo instead?