after installing th eplugin and connecting to my account the Form Attributes are not loading.
What to do?
we have seen that this plugin is also hosted on github under https://github.com/hofmannsven/cleverreach-extension/
Looks like the version in WP plugin repository is 2 years old (Stable tag: 0.2.0) but the github version is more recent (Stable tag: 0.3.0) and also has some featured the WP plugin repository version does not have.
Is it recommended to use the github version? Whats the differences?
]]>I build a custom form with your plugin and integrated Google’s reCAPTCHA V2. The form works and shows the CAPTCHA, but it can be submitted without using its checkbox. So I have to ensure that form submission is only possible if reCAPTCHA is evaluated. Can this be done and if yes, how?
I have implemented this Plugin in my WordPress-Website. At first i have configured the form in Cleverreach with the Global Fields “Anrede” (Dropdown with two Options), “Vorname” (Text), “Nachname” (Text) and also “Email” (Systemfield).
If i visit this Form here-> https://mailing.privatschule-carpediem.de/f/137788-138822/ it works fine and all the Fields will transport in my Recipients-List.
But if i use the Plugin an render the Form on my WordPress Website only the Field Email will transport to CleverReach and the other Fields (Anrede, Vorname, Nachname) are empty.
See here -> https://www.privatschule-carpediem.de/kontakt/newsletter/
I hope you will find a solution.
when trying to log in to my Dashboard https://cartridgecenter.de/wp-admin/ I get the following error message:
HTTP 500
Wahrscheinlichste Ursachen:
?Die Website wird momentan gewartet.
?Die Website enth?lt einen Programmierfehler.
Hoster says everything ist ok. Webpage itself is works.
Can you help me???
You plugin works good.
Would be nice if i can decide if after subscribe a mail direct form wordpress would be send.
I use contact form 7, and i add there that the subscribe will get a mail with a link to download something. So subscribe work, but no mail is send. Did your Plugin stop mail sending?
Can i use a hook to send mails? Like if form with id xx subscribed also send mail.
Best Regards
i want to integrate two different formulars on a single website. It seems not to be possible? With the plugin I can only use one API-Key and the API is only for a single formular, right?
Is there any possibility to integrate two different formulars on one website?
Thanks for help!
]]>Hi there,
how about contact form 7 integration? This would be a very nice feature … ??
I want to integrate an own formular for Newsletter Registration into a Pop up window on my Website. I have defined such a Formular in cleverReach but I do not know how to integrate it intp my website.