I’ve checked numerous products from this plugin and my Clickbank ID for affiliate credit does not show up on purchase invoice of CB.
I thought this was all checked out. It used to work prior to updating 2 weeks ago.
How are we suppose to get credit for our sales if our ID is not in the buyers invoice to buy?
One can find out if their CB ID is being credited for the sale by looking for your CB ID at the lower part of the invoice. It’s not showing up whereas two weeks ago prior to this new upgrade it worked.
Also, the shortcut brings us to some type of storefront for CLICKBANK. I’m not sure this storefront is CB owned. I am very leery as to what is going on since the author did not upgrade the plugin for so many years. And now we don’t get credit for our sales?
Please advise what happened to this program I thoroughly admired it before? Need Help. I hope this can be resolved as it effects all Clickbank Affiliates who use this plugin. I hope we don’t have a security risk here. I really hope this is just a glitch and the author will take care of this. Otherwise? It’s useless to us and we should remove it from our websites. THANKS.
Once I activate plugin, clickbank ads go straight to my homepage. They are unrelated and I can’t change or delete it.
If I go and add this widget to some footer, then I can change placement, keywords and everything and it works. But the one on homepage is still there. Totally unrelated and it ruins it.
How can I delete one on homepage and why does it automaticly go there?
]]>Getting the following on Web page: “Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/independent/public_html/clickbanker.net/wp-content/plugins/clickbank-ads-clickbank-widget/clickbank-ads.php on line 312”
Here is code that contains Line 312: “
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=90><label for=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id(‘bordcolor’); ?>”>Border Color: </label></td><td>#<input onblur=”var e = document.getElementsByTagName(‘div’);for(var i=0; i<e.length; i+=1) {if(e[i].className && e[i].className==’cbwecb10′){e[i].style.borderColor = ‘#’+this.value;}}” onmouseover=”jscolor.bind()” class=”color” type=”text” id=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id(‘bordcolor’); ?>” name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name(‘bordcolor’); ?>” value=”<?php echo $this->opts[‘bordcolor’]; ?>” style=”width:70px;” /></td></tr></table>
Web page is at “https://clickbanker.net/”
I have tried comparing this code with other code and can’t identify what is deprecated. Can someone please help? Thank you.
]]>I have installed this plugin but when I click on the clickbank ads widget in the sidebar it says there are no options for this widget. I have wordpress 4.1 basic
Thanks for the plug, but unfortunately it sort of broke my site. It still functions, but after I saw how intrusive the top of page ad was, I turned it off. The problem is though, that there is a large white hole left where it was, just the size of the ad. I disabled the plugin, and then deleted it, but the hole remains. Any help would be appreciated.
I’m using the 2014 theme.