Hi guys,
“With this plugin any SKOS thesaurus can be imported into your WordPress blog (via ARC2 into an RDF triple store).”
In the Climate change glossary Settings panel, I don’t see where I can upload another thesaurus.
I have a blue button: “Import/Update Thesaurus”, but if I press it, I can’t choose one of my own thesaurus. It looks I have no other choice than importing, or updating the default thesaurus.
Could you help me, please?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I got below error while try to install the plugin.
“ARC2 cannot be installed. Please install it manually.”
]]>Dear Sir,
I got below error while try to install the plugin.
“ARC2 cannot be installed. Please install it manually.”
Would you please give me the guidelines how to install it properly ?
thank you,
]]>Hi, I think this is exactly what I am looking for.
The only thing is that when I click on Activate (on the network) I’ve got a blank page and the plugin does not activate.
I make sure that the arc folder is filled with the arc2 files, but still.
What should I do, am I doing something wrong?
Please let me know,
Amazing plugin – thank you so much for this.
On REEEP’s webpage they also have a glossary https://www.reeep.org/13442/glossary.htm from Reegle.
Can I ask you if it is possible to additionally to your plugin add this feature to ones webpage? How can it be done? And how is it connected to your plugin?
Thank you
]]>After installing the plugin, I found that a javascript error within the climate-change-glossary/js/script.js file was having an affect on other files.
The original file was performing an action on a HTML element of ID #pp_thesaurus_input_term. This only exists on the glossary page, rather than other pages on the site. To avoid this error I surrounded the action in an if statement, for example:
if ($("#pp_thesaurus_input_term").length ) {
$("#pp_thesaurus_input_term").clearField().autocomplete(pp_thesaurus_suggest_url, {
minChars: 2,
matchContains: true,
cacheLength: 10,
max: 15,
scroll: false
}).result(function (event, item) {
location.href = item[1];
Our WordPress deployment might be structured differently from most installed, but this was causing a problem with the glossary AJAX. On our site we have a current folder and then a deployments folder. The current folder points to the latest deployment, making it very quick to switch between versions with very little downtime. The configuration file is linked to a shared folder. Unfortunately this does cause a problem when loading the wp-config.php within the plugin.
Our folder structure is something like:
current – link to most recent deployment
releases – 201201031518/
– 2011122031518/
shared – uploads/
– wp-config.php
To resolve the problem we ensured the ABSPATH global variable was set before loading the wp-config.php, this ensured the the wp-settings.php and other core files could be loaded.
This change was added to the pp-thesaurus-autocomplete.php file and consisted of the following code:
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', $sPath . '/');
Would it be possible to make changes to the plugin to help resolve the aforementioned issues?
Thank-you for creating such a useful plugin.