I am trying to override the editor.php page after enabling this in the settings, adding CMMRM directory to child theme, and copying the editor.php into it as per directions. Within the editor.php, I am trying to add further code for information to be displayed, but upon “add new Route”, this information doesn’t show. What then is the purpose of overriding the editor.php file, if it doesn’t actually override?
All I use the CM Maps Route Manager Pro plugin for is to upload my own GPX files to display a route on a map, and bundle those routes together on one map canvas for users to select and download the GPX for. Could I use this plugin solely for this purpose without it generating its own Route custom post pages? Or, at least change the editor page to only display the fields I need/own information I need, rather than all the items shown?
Thank you
Durante un controllo sul sito ho notato che nelle pagine dei (TAG) non sono visibili i routes mentre sono visibili i Waypoint.
Non vorrei che durante l’ultimo aggiornamento di WP sia apparso un conflitto di versione.
Good evening
During a check on the site I noticed that the routes are not visible in the (TAG) pages while the Waypoints are visible.
I would not like a conflict to arise during the last WP update.
Hi, just want to ask if how can i change the title for Route Index page?
]]>Hi, I can’t correctly import the KML file, after importing the markers from it do not appear on my map.
]]>Hello Creativeminds,
Thanks for creating nice plugin.But we are not able to see settings page.
Please review on below screenshot:
Can you please help us?
]]>Hello CreativeMinds,
We are not able to see settings page in WordPress backend.
Please review on below screenshot:
Can you please help us?
]]>hello , i want to create a map with 30 pins of interterst.
Then i want to make a page with this map,where users can choose a starting point from the 30pins and a stoping point and also what other pins want to see in their route, and to sumbit the route like form to see it and call them if i can make it .
Hi, I recently installed this plugin, but, when i try to see routes, a watermark appear on map “for developing purposes only” or something like that. I read on other forum i have to add a credit card to google maps api console, so if API queries exceeds free monthly queries they could charge you, so its no longer free.
I would like to know how CM Maps routes manager is affected by this or if the use the plugin do with API is free.
]]>I have successfully installed this plugin and created a route.
But, I can’t get the route to appear on any post page! (I’m probably missing something obvious…)
Also, FWIW, when I added the CM Routes widget to my sidebar, it did not appear, either in Live Preview or when I viewed a post or page. I don’t know if this is related to the issue with the map/route not appearing.
]]>Hi all,
Please do notice before buying this plugin than it’s not supporting rewrite with front.
So if you have a blog, and others parts in your website, with your blog page permalink changed, you may have a real issue.
I did set a code, do turn around. But it may create problems. Is anyone did have tested ?
function cmmrm_route_modify_withfront() {
//New arguments
$cmmrm_route_args = get_post_type_object('cmmrm_route'); // get the post type to modify
$cmmrm_route_args-> rewrite = array('with_front' => false); // add taxonomies support
//$cmmrm_route_args-> exclude_from_search = false; // show in search result
//re-register the same post type includeding the new args
register_post_type( 'cmmrm_route', $cmmrm_route_args );
add_action( 'init', 'cmmrm_route_modify_withfront', 100 );
Hi all.
Not able to make work the templating for Route Page.
Inside a content block, no issue, but if we are using a template for the page, or using the normal page-mypagename.php or page-pageID or template associate to the route page, nothing is working anymore.
So, there is no way to template the page. It’s very frustrating.
Is anybody has also this issue ? Or a way to solve it ?
Thanks guys.
I have installed your plugin in a multisite, pluging works in one subdomain correctly, but in the other subdomine doesnt show routes on index page.
Any suggestion?
Since Version 2.3.0 there’s a nice feature to show directional arrows for routes.
When i activate this feature, i see that that some route directions are not as as they should be, since the the waypoints are not in the order of the visits.
To fix this i’ve exported the route as kml file and edited the xml code (styleUrl, menuOrder and coordinates order) and re-imported.
This works so far, but how about an new feature ‘reorder waypoints’ in the edit window?
Thanks in advance
I installed the free version and I have these problems:
1) When I edit a route there is this error:
Notice: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to int in
on line 1015
2) In the edit route page and in the view route page I have a popup saying: The webpage is not allowed to use the directions service.
3) The find location form over the map doesn’t work
4) If I post a comment I got an error page: The connection was reset
5) In the view route page there are no points of interest listed below the map and markers on the map don’t display any popup when clicked
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi there,
I feel really excited to use your plugin, but I can’t add any route because all I can see after pressing Add Route button is blank page.
I’ve followed all the instructions in troubleshooting page and here is what if got in the dev console:
TypeError: this.container is null[More info] WidgetSingleRoute.js:5:2
CMMRM_WidgetSingleRoute https://mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/cm-route-manager/asset/js/maps/WidgetSingleRoute.js:5:2
CMMRM_Editor https://mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/cm-route-manager/asset/js/maps/Editor.js:3:2
<anonymous> https://mysite.com/trasy/routes/add/:281:20
n.Callbacks/i https://mysite.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js:2:27444
n.Callbacks/j.fireWith https://mysite.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js:2:28213
.ready https://mysite.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js:2:30004
K https://mysite.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js:2:30366
Is it plugin script error or any other?
Kind regards
I REALLY want to use your plugin, but I cannot get the routes page to load. I’ve installed the plugin, added the Google API key, tested the key (your plugin says successful config) and checked my permalink as suggested in your troubleshooting. But all I get is a blank page on the CM Maps Routes Manager page. Any suggestions?
How to add meta fields like description in the index template page ?
]]>We are using the plugin for a running site. They manage 5k and marathon events.
Showing route of race and right now when published it says 0 miles.
1 miles
0 s
0 mph
0 ft
0 ft
0 ft
0 ft
How can I edit the distance? I click the pencil and it says NaN. Would like to remove other data points as well.
Can I do this?
I would like to know how different route we can add on the map
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way to reorder markers.
At URL https://www.gypsyandthebear.com.au/maps-routes/our-travel-map-2/
You will note that I have
1. Mt Warning
2. Home
3. Grafton.
Home should be 1.
This was done by mistake but I don’t want to have to delete all and start again. It is most likely that I will need to add markers in future that will need to appear in between others in the order.
Hope you can help
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way to link Markers to a blog page? I have tried doing this by putting the following HTML in the marker name.
This works but makes the marker name appear left of the marker. See example at the following URL
I hope you can help
]]>I’d like to buy the pro version of your plugins pack, but before doing it, I need to make sure your map routes plugin can actually work on my site.
When I go to dashboard https://www.myfamilytrips.com/cm-maps-routes/routes/index/ or try to create a new route, I keep getting Error 404 Page.
I did everything you suggested in the troubleshooting section – permalinks checked, rules flushed, google maps api setup and inserted into the plugin.
Any ideas?
]]>Hi there, When I put in two locations and select drive, walk or direct it does not draw the route between locations. It does work between way points. Am I missing something?
]]>When making a new route i get the following error:
The webpage is not allowed to use the directions service.
What could be the problem?
As I want to use your Rout maker, I need to use it as a Widget so if there is an options, how can I use it?
]]>Hi everybody,
after updating this plugin I got this fatal error in my dashboard:
Fatal error: Class ‘com\cminds\mapsroutesmanager\widget\MenuWidget’ not found in /homepages/26/d529395336/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/cm-route-manager/controller/SidebarController.php on line 20
I updated automatically, not manually.
Now, I can`t access any menu item in the dashboard, I just see this error message, my website is still online.
Can somebody help? Thanxs very much!
]]>Hello excuse my english, i m so french.;)
I have a question
can i use this pugin in multi users account ?
Best wishes
Ik i try to add a route I get this error
Notice: WP_Widget is decrepated since 4.3.0 use __construct() in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3619
Gr. Marc
]]>In the free version I can only set ten waypoints. Is this limit also in the pro version too or can I set more waypoints?
It is planned to import & export the routes in ohter formates than KML, eg. GPX or ITN?