It’d be great to have the post type appended as a parameter to the end of the edit links in the tree view. This can be used together with plugins like Freesoul Deactivate Plugins to speed the loading of editing certain types of posts by suppressing which plugins load based on that post type parameter. Maybe something like the following in the functions.php file for CMS Tree Page View:
$postType = get_post_type($onePage->ID);
$editLink = get_edit_post_link($onePage->ID, 'notDisplay') . '&post_type=' . $postType;
The result would be:
Thanks for considering this addition ??
]]>Hi, I just installed this plugin as it seems just what I need, but it does not seem to work: on the Pages tree View the tree does not load, the pages stays blank apart from the header with the number of published and trashed pages. Could there be an issue with the number of pages on my site (more than 400)?
I also read that the plugin may not be maintained. Any reassurance on this point?
Seeing that this plugin had not been updated for almost 1 year, and most support questions don’t have any answer, I guess it’s abandoned
Did you find any alternative?
I tried “Nested Pages” that I like a lot, but it’s the same issue, it seems it’s not updated anymore, and author does not answer support requests
]]>Until now, everything was fine and when arranging pages, the alphabetical order was maintained. Now, I am using WP 6.4.3 and it states that it has not been tested with this version.
What I notice now, is that the alphabetical order (at least, the order I arranged the pages), changes when I reload it. I have about 200 pages in one list so it is very tedious to find one among all of them.
Is this plugin going to be updated? with a site that has over 1000 pages, this is an essential tool to manage them.
First, thank you for your plugin. It is very useful.
I’ve done the Brazilian Portuguese translation for it, and I’d like to check if you could credit me on your page: “Eric Sornoso from https://Mealfan.com “
Thank you in advance!
every section seems to load apart from one the little round tog symball just keeps going around and around then nothing
any idea
Hello. You need to add prefixes to plugin scripts enqueue in
cms-tree-page-view/functions.php rows from 363 to 371.
jquery-jstree for example has conflicts when installed “Folders” plugin. This plugin has same script. And your plugin just doesn’t work because script didn’t enqueue. So add some prefixes to scripts names please. Now I did it by myself.
I have used the Post Type Switcher plugin to convert some child pages to posts then used a 301 rule to redirect them.
These new posts do not appear in the CMS Tree View.
BUT … if I convert child pages and their parent to posts they do appear in the CMS Tree View but maintain the same hierarchy as when they were parent/child pages (even with their new slugs).
]]>Hi all …
Am I overlooking the obvious? I’m looking for a way to add existing pages to my tree view. When i click the “Insert page after or inside” link it creates a new page.
I would like to like to add/link existing pages in my site to tree view. How could i do this?
Thanks in advance,
Thank you for developing this amazing plugin! I have a feature request.
Please allow setting the <code> tag with [General Settings]>[Exclude HTML tags from parsing].
Thank you in advance!
]]>Neither of these is working in wordpres 6.2.2
function set_posts_per_page_for_cpt( $query ) {
if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) {
$query->set('orderby', 'menu_order');
$query->set('order', 'ASC');
if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && is_post_type_archive( 'mobile_vehicles' ) ) {
$query->set( 'posts_per_page', '-1' );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'set_posts_per_page_for_cpt' );
or this:
$allves = get_posts(array(
'post_type' => 'mobile_vehicles',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC'
Thank you for developing this amazing plugin!
On my website, a breadcrumb list is displayed on individual pages, usually shown as “Home / Documentation / Setup.”
However, on a single glossary page, a space is inserted like “Home / / Word.”
I suspect that this is because no category has been set for the term.
Is there a way to set a category for a single glossary page so that it appears as “Home / Glossary / Word” when [Glossary] is clicked, and displays the glossary page?
Thank you for your response.
]]>Unfortunately, I (as a newbie in WP) can’t get the Tree Hierarchy to expand as shown in the example images for this plugin. All pages are just shown alphabetically in a long list under each other so it’s not possible to view Siblings under Parents.
I’m using WP 6.2, a Kadence theme, and Elementor. Any help is very much appreciated.
]]>Thank you for developing such a great plugin!
1.Batch editing feature It would be great if the following batch editing could be done within the tree view:
2.Page navigation through button operation.
Drag and drop may not work smoothly in some cases (it requires some tricks).
It would be great if we could navigate pages through operations like clicking buttons.
Please consider it. Thank you.
Thank you for this wonderful plugin. I really like using it.
How can I sort the tree by page order instead of date?
Best regards
Is there a way to read the tree structure with the REST API? with the old JSON API plugin this was possible.
]]>Love this plugin and having a complicated structured website with two additional structure post types I prefer working in Pages/Tree view
, instead the default Pages/All Pages
I committed the cardinal sin and edited your functions.php so that line 741 now reads
add_submenu_page($slug, $page_title, $menu_name, $post_type_object->cap->edit_posts, "cms-tpv-page-$one_menu_post_type", "cms_tpv_pages_page", -10);
Now clicking on the back-end Pages
tab, it immediately opens the Tree View ??
Now the trash and quick edit links needed to be added and I would be super happy.
You could consider these as options in your Tree View setup
I have a similar problem as the one reported by https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/ever-lasting-loading-no-tree-display/ (thread is already closed).
This is happening in a multi-site with the Enfold theme. With that, when I click on “Pages / Tree View” it simply displays “Loading tree” with nothing further happening.
When I switch to a different theme, the Tree View loads fine. All other plugins are disabled.
It used to work in the past, but has stopped working with one of the recent versions.
]]>Hi, I try your plugin and is nice but a link to edit with Elementor is missing actually.
Maybe an addition soon?
Very handy plugin, love it. But only some groups of pages are expandable, even though they have subpages…
Running on v 1.6.4
WP 5.8.2
DIVI Theme
Any help would be very much appreciated. ??
]]>Hi Jon,
This plugin used to work nicely, and I’m not sure when it stopped, but…?!
The case is it stays in an ever-lasting “reading tree display” (or whatever the translation is from Danish “Indl?ser tr?visning”) – it never returns with a display?
I have tried to un- and re-install, go back version by version 1.6.4 – 1.6.1, but same thing… – no tree display ??
Please advice?
BR Lars
]]>Dear Team,
I need family tree for my custom post,How can I assign 2 parent post then child like following link.
ex. grantparent,parent,child tree
Is there any option or pro version plugin available to you.
Thank you!!
]]>I’m mainly testing this plugin to organize pages in a hierarchical way (parent child relations), so my sites SEO can benefit (since the permalinks incorporates all parents and childs).
So dragging and dropping a page to become a child page, the permalink becomes:
However, when dragging and dropping a page to become a child of an other page, and then clicking the View link in the hover window (popup) goes to the wrong URL since the new parent child structure is not immediately part of the URL; I need to refresh the tree view page and than it’s all fine.
Think this can be improved by an auto save after dragging/dropping a page.
]]>I updated the Yoast plugin and since then my whole tree is “undefined” as shown in the picture. What am I doing wrong? Many greetings Markus
]]>We have installed CMS Tree Page View plugin on our WordPress site. It is working best for us. Just we want the Categories field to be added so that we can display the posts based on the selected category and then organize the posts separately for each category.
Great plugin but I need to create the tree structure for hundreds of pages. I know the parent id for each child page. Do you have some php functions or sql queries I could use to recreate the tree?
Hello great developers
I would like to install your tool on a personal website that is not related to WordPress, but the following error appears
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function plugin_dir_url () in
How can I bypass the error to install the tool
Thank you
I have a small issue with PHP 8 and your plugin. Here’s the error and I’m sure it’s easy to fix.
PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $post_type follows optional parameter $view in /home/user/example.com/wp-content/plugins/cms-tree-page-view/functions.php on line 1339
]]>Hej P?r,
Lovely little Gem of a plugin you have here. Installed it a few weeks ago to get some order in my extensive Elementor Templates system. Back then I could Drag/Drop an otherwise non-hierarchical Template as a sub-Template. This no longer works. Drag/Drop still works but I cannot for my life get the Hierarchical system I had. Am I missing something? Would be great if this was possible not only by Drag/Drop. For example by entering it as text in your hover Menu. Now only “Add New Template/After” exists. I’d like it if there was a “Move to After” and you pick what you want it to be after? Alternatively, you could move it down/up the hierarchical by holding down a key (shift?) while dragging/dropping?
Hoppas det ?r bra i Stockholm annars. H?lsningar fr?n ett kallt och sn?igt Prag!
I have already searched the forum but did not found any solution. On the plugin page I found this:
To show your pages on your website in the same order as they appear in this plugin, you must
sort them by ?menu order“.
// Example using query_posts
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘page’,
‘orderby’=> ‘menu_order’,
$posts = query_posts($args);
// Example using wp_query
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘page’,
‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
$query = new WP_Query( $args );”
But I have no clue where to insert this code to get it run correctly.