Dashboard Options
Link to the feed you want to display for your clients on the front page gets overlaid with the following code:
Replace Code on line 118
<p><label for="cms_dashboard_feed_link"><?php _e("Link to the feed you want to display for your clients on the front page",'cms'); ?><br /><input class="regular-text" type="text" name="cms_dashboard_feed_link" id="cms_dashboard_feed_link" value="<?=get_option('cms_dashboard_feed_link')?>" /></label></p>
<p><label for="cms_dashboard_feed_link"><?php _e("Link to the feed you want to display for your clients on the front page",'cms'); ?><br /><input class="regular-text" type="text" name="cms_dashboard_feed_link" id="cms_dashboard_feed_link" value="<?php echo get_option('cms_dashboard_feed_link'); ?>" /></label></p>
Hi folks,
I’m running the latest WP with a TwentyTen child theme. After installing the CMS plugin, my ‘Pages’ tab shows several fopen failures. It appears that CMS is looking inside the child theme folder for a file:
Warning: fopen(/home/.../public_html/wpdemo/wp-content/themes/twentytenv2/page.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.../public_html/wpdemo/wp-content/plugins/cms/multiple_content.php on line 62
I will try a hack that retries the fopen in the parent theme folder.
Maybe the plugin author can devise a more permanent fix.
]]>Hi, i’m having an issue where with the Multiple content blocks part of the CMS plugin, where it’s just not saving the content in the Multiple content blocks when I save the page. Am i missing something really obvious, or has anyone else had this issue?
Using the latest version of CMS (updated for WordPress 3.0) and WP 3.0.1