How to make it work with:
]]>Nice plugin for CSS, but editing PHP is very frustrating.
I frequently get errors like this…
File not saved, error in line 392: Is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
…and can’t save the file, event though the edits work perfectly fine when I disable this plugin.
You should include an option to turn off this validation. It totally defeats the purpose of having code revisions when the plugin needs to be disabled to make edits.
]]>If you break the site and faced with database error or Warning how can you use a revision? Seems to me you would still have to download the original via FTP or cPanel for backup. Then may as well use a desktop editor. Or am I missing something?
]]>Editing a CSS file was great, and the revisions integration is brilliant. The only issue I found was it was hard to find my changes way down in a long file, I wish I could toggle the ‘same’ parts off and just see the changes, ideally with a little surrounding context to understand what/where they are.
when i tried updating the header.php file, I got the following error message:
Notice: Use of undefined constant PHP_BINARY – assumed ‘PHP_BINARY’ in …/wp-content/plugins/code-revisions/inc/class-code-revisions-editors.php on line 301
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …/wp-content/plugins/code-revisions/inc/class-code-revisions-editors.php:301) in …/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 901
Same result on other php pages, even saving with no changes. Going back to the previous page and reloading I find that my change was saved and revisions are displayed.