I love the plugin, but i’m wondering if there is a way of it automatically finding the attachment id of an image on a custom page instead of having to specify one manually in the shortcode?
When i search by color, “No artworks found for this color” whereas images of these color are present. you can check the link below.
It is any way to show the percentage for each color?
The auto-generating color palette for the entire media library is a great and most valuable feature, but it seems there’s still a long way to go until one being able to filter WC products by color. Firstly, filtering by product color should be performed at the main product image (not the gallery images), so it seems one would have to do that extra filtering underneath in code first. Other issue is the result of such filtering, to be displayed as product pages instead of independent images, should be associated with the product type and product_cat taxonomy first, which would require a custom query and possibly a custom product catalog page being made. That seems a lot of work if not already supported. Would you please give an example of how to achieve this, if at all possible?
Thank you.
I’m generating the color palette on my page in the php like so:
$i = 0;
$max_iterations = 6;
$colors = get_the_terms( $post_thumbnail_id, 'cpg_palette');
if ( $colors && !is_wp_error( $colors ) ) :
$color_array = array();
foreach ( $colors as $color ) :
if ($i < $max_iterations) :
$color_array[$i] = $color->slug;
foreach ( $color_array as $color ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . '/color/' . $color) ?>" style="background: #<?php echo $color; ?>;"></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I’m not sure how to code the URL for the color so that clicking on it would take the user to an archive page of the closest dominant color?
Whenever adding “[colorpalettes attachments=”77″ colors=”5″]” to my post I only get “You don’t have any palettes. Start generating them in your media library.”, when going to media gallery all images have a color palette. The id of the image is 77 as the shortcode above shows.
]]>Using WooCommerce for our art storce and the Colors are not showing in the widget sidebar product filter after I clicked save changes in the Color Palette Generator for some reason.
Also, when I was able to click the colors, nothing was coming up?
I used [colorpalettes] on a page and it said I didnt have any palettes genarated yet I generate them. It says ” All images have a palette. Well done!”
Please help. I’m not really sure how to use this.
I would really like for my customers to be able to shop by color.
]]>Sorry to open another ticket but I’m starting with this plugin, but is there a way to allow automatic palette generation upon an image update or do I have to do it manually with the bulk button after uploading my image?
Thank you.
Thank you for creating this plugin. I can’t find how to simply return an dominant color in HEX, without having any other palettes or class. I generated all my palettes and it works on the backend of CMS.
But now I want to add it in my PHP with my post thumbnail ID. How can I do that?
Again thx for that plugin.
Your plug-in looks great and easy but I have some problems after the installation.
I just install your plug-in and try it on a new post. Photo and palette are there, but there is many lines of “error codes” at the beginning of the post:
Also, why I can’t see the color palette of others images, like these ones on this page:
Thanks for your help,
Luc (Montréal)
]]>First of all, thank you for this great plugin! It is so useful!
Is there, however, a way to mass delete the generated Palettes?
Would love for you to continue developing this plugin.
Thank you very much!
When I refresh the post page, the colors of the palette change. Always different colors for one post.
Settings: Number of colors to generate: 5
Shortcode: [colorpalette attachment=”56″ dominant=”false” colors=”5″ size=”thumbnail”]
Please, help
Thanks for great plugin!
How make to get search by click on the color of pallete in post? Click on the picture pallete.
Need a variable shortcode because I’m working with a page-builder (beaver builder) and the position of the colorpalette is at the bottom of the page instead of under the image… so I’m using this:
// Variable colorpalette
function db_colorpalette( $atts, $content = null ) {
$id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $postid );
echo do_shortcode ('[colorpalettes attachments="' . $id . '"]');
add_shortcode('variable', 'db_colorpalette');
it works but I’m not sure if this is the correct code… also the colorpalette is now positioned on top of the page…