I re-installed this plugin on a fresh installation on my test site (live domain, not stating site). My debugging mode was activated and I got these error messages after activating the plugin: https://snipboard.io/v3TIRl.jpg
I tested out your plugin. The email sends well, it is great. But I noticed that the user’s username is changed to “Comeback” when the allotted time of inactivity is reached. This is pretty bad since if they try to log in again with their original username, it won’t work anymore. Also when new emails are sent to them after the email change, the name in the email also changes from “Hi John” to “Hi Comeback”. Can you fix this?
Thank you.
Please can you add a settings feature to enable admin select a specific user role to send emails to.
For example I have a user role called (Inactive Members) and I only want this users to receive the email instead of all users
]]>Dear @sanzeeb3,
Can you implement this to your plug-in?
Best regards,
István Borsányi
It’s a nice plug-in but it has so much more potential.
Please consider adding these features:
– Multiple events and multiple templates (a notification for 90 days, another for 180 days, etc.).
– Ability to automatically disable accounts after inactivity for XXX days, and send email notification to user. Perhaps also force password change after disabling.
– Ability to create report of account inactivity and how long they’ve been inactive. Include a button to manually send a notification to specific users.
– Ability to manually send an notification to a list of users.
Thank you for this consideration.
]]>Hey I have an critical error at debugg its this Line (41)
function come_back() {
return \ComeBack\Plugin::get_instance();
Thank you for this great plugin.
Would it be possible to send to only specific role of users. For example, only to editors.Is there any add_filter for that?
Thank you very much
]]>There will be an update to the plugin?
This is what I was looking for. It will be great if the plugin will evolve.
Please can you add support for the buddypress plugin with the ability to use buddypress activity time as the time factor
check that the $last_activity is more that 2 months and then fire an email to that user? see similar topic here https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/send-email-to-user-that-has-been-inactive-for-2-months/#post-38507
Please can you add support for this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-html-mail/
When the automated emails are sent only the email subject is displayed while the email content (message) is not displayed. Maybe there is a conflict with the Email template plugin.
A setting option to send the email as plain text instead of using a background colour would be awesome.