Hi Niels,
I encountered a fatal error in the Comment Approved plugin:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: mktime() expects at least 1 argument, 0 given in /path/to/plugin/comment-approved/classes/main.php:410
The issue is caused by the use of?mktime()?without arguments at line 410 in?main.php:
add_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'notify_me', mktime() );
I suggest replacing it with:
add_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'notify_me', current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
This resolves the error and aligns with WordPress standards.
Thank you!
I wanted to ask, if the plugin will receive any further updates down the line or if the development has halted and the project is unmaintained.
Thanks for your work!
I am struggling to change the sender Email from wordpress@domain to our email address.
I have read the feed at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-configure-the-sender-email-address-and-name/ and found this to be no help.
Can you help?
]]>So I’ve tested all the other email functions of my website with no issues but nothing is being sent notifying of comment approval. I wish I could add more.
]]>hi. many thanks for your plugin. works very well. i have just a little style glitch with Label Text next to checkbox wich is very unusual.
There is a gap between Checkbox and beginning of Label Text on my side. I checked with Firebug and Clicked on Edit HTML and there was a lot of space added before and after text. if i remove it in firebug then the free space gets away and the Label Text jumps on correct position like the Text from other Checkbox Labels. i don’t know how too describe it better.
Here is a screenshot before Edit HTML: https://imgur.com/a/Za2m0hl
Here is a screenshot after Edit HTML: https://imgur.com/a/vXQHRwA
]]>Folks, I was surprised to see a GMT time being shown when testing your plugin and looking at the edit comment to see your notification timestamp indicator.
I think people would prefer to see information in their local timezone as typically specified by WordPress settings.
public function approve_comment_callback( $comment ) {
update_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, ‘comment_approve_notify_sent’, current_time( ‘timestamp’, 1 ) );
The current_time() call should use 0 for local time.
Thank you.
]]>Hoi Niels,
Bedankt allereerst voor de mooie plugin. Ik zocht al een tijdje zoiets en ik ben blij dat je hem gemaakt hebt. Bij mij werkt het nog niet helemaal. Ik zie geen checkbox waarschijnlijk omdat ik een comments.php aangepast waarbij het e-mailadres niet nogmaals hoeft te worden ingevuld. Mensen zijn tenslotte al ingelogd in het ledendeel. Ook heb ik een snippet waardoor alleen de voornaam zichtbaar is.
Wat ik me afvraag is het volgende. Wat heeft de plugin nodig om te werken? Welke aanpassingen zou ik kunnen doen zodat het werkt ??
Ik hoor het graag.
]]>I’m not seeing anything in settings to edit this. I’m looking in Settings > Comments Approved. I only see ‘Enable’, ‘Default state’, ‘Subject’, ‘Message’, ‘Email type’.
]]>I asked for help with this a few years ago. You said “the plugin uses the “comment_form_default_fields” filter from WordPress itself to add a “notify_me” key value” and that it was not possible to move the checkbox location.
Jetpack recently changed the location of their comment checkboxes from below the submit button to above the submit button, so I attempted again to fix this. I found in your main.php file that you are using comment_form rather than comment_form_after_fields. Line 50:
add_action( 'comment_form', array( $this, 'approve_comment_option' ), 10, 1 );
If I change comment_form to comment_form_after_fields, the checkbox is moved to above the submit box with the rest of the checkboxes from Jetpack.
Can you please make this fix permanent? The comment_form filter seems to add the checkbox after the entire form which is not ideal. Having the checkbox before the submit button makes more sense.
Hi many thanks for your plugin, very simple to use and does a great job. The only problem i’ve is the layout. the checkbox is on the right of the text and is not aligned correctly also is it possible to move it above the post comment button?
You cna see a screenshot here https://ibb.co/hu5X79
]]>Hi, I cannot find the plugin settings in the settings menu. Acorting to the plugin description here they should be there.
]]>Any plans to allow HLTML tags in the confirmation email?
]]>I have a blog site with multiple authors, and I have the discussion settings set to ‘Comment must be manually approved’. Only admins have permission to moderate comments.
Could this plugin be customised to send an email notification to the author of a blog, (rather than the commenter) after a comment is approved a blog they have written?
I want the author to know when a comment has been published, so they know to reply… but I don’t them to receive the email before the comment has been moderated.
I tried to translate from .pot and created tr_TR files which updated belong to Turkish language. But when I uploaded the file to my server, it seems not updated version on my website. I have still see same sentence ”Notify me by email when the comment gets approved.”
I translated to ”Notify me by email when the comment gets approved.” from classes/main.php but not worked.
]]>Hi, after installing, activating and enabling the plugin it neither shows the check box nor sends the approval email. I am using wpDiscuz comment plugin.
Can I know how to solve this issue?
]]>Hello, thanks for providing us this plugin, it’s helping me and others!
I’m an editor for Arabic language and I translated into that language, but there is one word doesn’t translate in line 227 at the main.php file because the second parameter wrong.
<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Subject', 'comment-approved-notify' ); ?></label>
<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Subject', 'comment-approved' ); ?></label>
]]>Can I use PO-MO files to translate to my language? If so:
– where is the pot file?
– where should I put the PO/MO?
– which prefix should I use in the file name?
]]>Hi, how do I create line breaks in the message area to make it more visually appealing? I see no way to do so.
Thank you.
]]>I’ve just downloaded Comment Approved and I see that the wording beside the checkbox cuts off after when and isn’t readable. How can I fix this please?
Your plugin is just what I am looking for but my language is French.
The settings interface is well in French but the sentence near the checkbox to ask for notification when comment is approved is still in English !
It would be good we could change this sentence (so no need of translation).
Can you add this improvement request to the wishlist for future release ?
I would be really delighted if such such setting could be considered to be part of a future version.
Thanks for your support
Eric Collart
Hi! Is there any way to enable the checkbox when using Jetpack comments?
Thanks for the plugin. I just installed it and have two issues:
1. Your screenshot of the settings page is not the same as what I see on my settings page.
2. My settings page has the ENABLE tickbox first (ticked). It is followed by a DEFAULT STATE tickbox that reads “Make the checkbox checked by default on the comment form.”
This box is not ticked.
Do I tick this box?
And what does it do?
Thanks in advance,
]]>hi, can you please add a translation into the Backend settings for “Notify me by email when the comment gets approved.” because the words are hardcoded in plugin files and get overwritten after upgrade. many thanks
]]>hi! I love the idea behind this plugin and its simplicity, but the checkbox is not lining up with the text! The site is at https://www.charlottesogn.com and look on any post. I usually use the Firefox browser and my operating system is Windows 7. I notice the checkbox below is lined up much better than on my site! Please advise. Thanks, Charlotte
I had to put quotes inside subjet or message from the settings page, but when I hit save, they are automatically transformed into \'
When the user receive the mail, quotes are also displayed as \'
Can you please take a look ?
I’ve just made a French translation of your plugin. I can send you the files if you want to add it.
Let me know.
Thanks for the great plugin, Niels!
I couldn’t find a git repo to make a pull requests with all the suggestions so I posted it here: https://github.com/kasparsd/comment-approved-notify
Let me know if you find any of them useful.
This Is the exact plugin i am looking for. I have installed this plugin to send an email to user once their review/comment is approved. But email is not sent after the comment approval. Why is the not sent? Any settings need to be made? Can you please help me in this?
]]>First off, thank for adding the option for the default state of the checkbox!
I have one last issue before I can make use of this plugin…the position of the checkbox.
Can the checkbox be placed below the comment form button rather than above the comment form?
I have one checkbox already under the submit button (via Jetpack, for subscribing to comments). Stylistically, it makes more sense to have all the checkboxes displayed together.
Thank you!
P.S. I see that this was asked already here. The topic is marked as resolved, but I’m not seeing a clear solution, so any further help on the matter would be much appreciated. ??
]]>Hello Niels,
Another question about your plugin Comment Approved. It sends emails with this sender information:
Name: WordPress
Email: [email protected]
Why doesn’t the plugin use the ‘Site name’ and ‘Site email address’?