Я по ошибке поставил галочку.
Тепер мои отзывы на товарах не отображаются. Но в админке они есть.
Можно как то вернуть? Может где то в базе поменять параметр или в файле где то. Очень нужно.
Your new version produces fatal error during update to version 1.1.4.
]]>I don’t understand why www.ads-software.com doesn’t add this question to all plugins:
We discovered the HARD WAY if you ASSUME a plugin is multisite, but it doesn’t actually work well with multisites or even been TESTED with them, it can cost you – a LOT!
We ARE assuming this plugin is still supported & developed ??
Sid B.
]]>Hi dear @webcraftic , @creativemotion , @alexkovalevv , @webtemyk ,
Two weeks ago and precisely on November 26, 2020 the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x was released while 1 day ago and precisely on November 8, 2020 the latest and most updated official and stable version was released of WordPress 5.6.x which supports the new version of PHP 8.0.x .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
When you make your “Disable Comments for Any Post Types (Remove comments)” plugin compatible with the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x , you have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>Hi dear @webcraftic , @creativemotion , @alexkovalevv , @webtemyk ,
Your “Disable Comments for Any Post Types (Remove comments)” plugin for WordPress has not been updated for over 1 year and has not currently been tested with the latest 3 major versions of WordPress and is only compatible up to WordPress version 5.2.9 .
1 day ago and precisely on November 8, 2020 the latest and most updated official and stable version was released of WordPress 5.6.x .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
When will you make your “Disable Comments for Any Post Types (Remove comments)” plugin compatible with WordPress version 5.6.x , you have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>Hi dear @webcraftic , @creativemotion , @alexkovalevv , @webtemyk ,
Your “Disable Comments for Any Post Types (Remove comments)” plugin for WordPress has not been updated for over 1 year and has not currently been tested with the latest 3 major versions of WordPress and is only compatible up to WordPress version 5.2.9 .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
Is your “Disable Comments for Any Post Types (Remove comments)” plugin for WordPress still supported by you or has it been completely abandoned and has reached EOL (End Of Life) status ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
Did you plan to add a possibility to disable comments on some specific categories ?
Best Regards