Running WordPress 5.8 and CIAB 1.3.0 on the above test site.
Each of the menu items has a drop down associated with them
Since 5.6, dropdown menus have not worked (across multiple hosts)
Have needed to use ‘Enable Jquery Migrate’ plugin to get dropdowns working, but this involves reverting to Jquery 1.14
This comes up in the log:
jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
I have tried to register on the CIAB Support forum but have had an
ERROR: Your account has to be confirmed by an administrator before you can log in since January.
Please let me know if there is more information I can provide you with.
kind regards
website calls ‘benefits’ features
says there is a list of plugins in installation documentation
there is no documentation in the install files
this approach might be okay for a school… but … for a business it is nice to know what it actually does before installing it
Commons In A Box is great package for buddypress community, and I know you are really experts of buddypress, my problems is how to filter groups by categrory or type, and plugins to support user to filter groups at frontend?
I found the reference at buddypress official site at, but any plugins to do the same thing?
Thanks a lot.
]]>Hi r-a-y,
Currently on activating reply by email all emails are being routed through it. Is it possible to selectively use this feature?
For example on emails generated by woocommerce, or newsletter plugin, there is really no need for a reply by email feature. So how can I avoid “Replying to this email will not send a message directly to the recipient or group” being generated on those emails? Because these emails are sent by admin email address and there is no problem if people do end up replying to these emails as they will come to us directly.
Reply by email helps us solve the problem where students/teacher replied (probably all buddypress emails) to each other and yet the email landed in our admin inbox.
]]>Just FYI CBox disables the ability to open po pup dialog box from the image upload for BBpress plugin. Turned the CBOX off to troubleshoot some other problems. In the meantime installed and activated Image upload for Bbpress plugin when I reactivated CBox the pop up dialog stopped working. Deactivated CBOx and it works again.
]]>The latest version of BuddyPress Docs (1.9.0) add a great feature of folders management. There is a compatibility problem with the CBOX theme : the link “Manage Folders” on group’s document view does not work.
Could you fix this ?
Following the link you provide in the description page of this plugin which is supposed to take a person to the site where the theme is found, I get “Error establishing a database connection”.
Might the powers that be fix that so the theme can be found?
]]>bbPress is automatically store on a page and not a post type. My theme has automatic meta details on pages such as author, date created, etc.
Where/what can I do to modify this? Using clesarmedia theme.
]]>Hi Boone,
C-box is a great solution for networks, thanks for your work!
1. How can I give subdomain-bloggers the possibility to repost snippets of main-domain-posts in their subdomain-blogs?
Thanks for your reply,
Hi r-a-y,
I came across your plugin and was fascinated by the possibility of replying by email on my website which is centered around buddypress and bbpress. Thanks for the effort.
However, excited as I am, I can’t get it to work. Can you please help me understand what am I missing here? I followed your setup instructions from but in the last stage when I test the route with POST URL as my wordpress install url -> , I get an error saying “Webhook failed with error: POST to failed with 403: WordPress ? Error
ERROR: Sorry, there was an error. Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser and try again.
If on the other hand, I chose the POST URL as then Mandrill shows test as successful but it still doesn’t work because the reply is not delivered to the original sender.
]]>Downloading install package from…
Unpacking the package…
The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Invalid archive structure
Great work, after our testing, it is working well in single wordpress site, but in wordpress MU sites, if activated in network wide, it does not display in sub sites. So, does it support wordpress MU?
Thanks a lot, and have a nice day.
]]>Could you tell me if the new “events calendar” plugin developed by the Common Dev Team will be folded into the core plugins of the Commons in a Box project ?
]]>When I upload the theme it says it won’t install and it says it is missing style.css
]]>Do you need to?
]]>Has anyone tested Commons in a Box with the newest versions of WordPress and BuddyPress? Will it work? The forum doesn’t look too active. Is the plugin still being worked on? Is there any place to ask for some assistance?
Thanks in advance!
]]>In cbox theme’s customized register.php file the original BuddyPress action hook ‘bp_signup_profile_fields’ is missing. It is needed, however, to render a captcha into the registration form and to attend to other needs.
Delete BP’s hooks is not a good idea, as plugins that make use of that hook will not work properply with your theme.
Is it possible for you to bring that hook back in a new version of the theme?
Thank you.
I recently installed the CIAB Infinity theme over CIAB, which fixed a number of issues on the community site I’m building. However, I have an Extended Profile basic tab which used to appear on the Register page. Now it seems to recognize that something should be there. It shows “This field can be seen by: All Members” for each field — but the field name and the field box do not appear. Any ideas?
]]>On a setup which requires an FTP connection (*), the step labeled “Commons In A Box is almost ready!” does not work:
Enter your FTP credentials and hit “Proceed”.
Afterwards, the same message “Commons In A Box is almost ready!” is displayed again.
Additional plugins are not installed.
(*) An FTP connection is required when WordPress files are owned by another user than the web server’s user (usually www-data on Ubuntu)
]]>I installed CBOX on WordPress 4.0 w/ BuddyPress 2.1 but I forgot to install BuddyPress Docs.
When I clicked “Update” at step “Commons In A Box is almost ready!” “Install some other cool stuff!”, I didn’t see the error message “BuddyPress Docs not installed” because it is grayed out, and then I scratched my head searching in Apache and Mysql logs.
So, I think it would be better to print this error message in red.
Best regards.
HI there
I’m getting an error with BP Reply By Email, and when I go to the settings page at I get the following
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
]]>CIAB is a network plugin how can I make it a site by site plugin there are some sites on my multisite install that don’t need BuddyPress , BBPress or CIAB.
]]>Hi, I just wondered the above as 2.0 had so any changes? Or is this plugin superseded by 2.0?
]]>In the admin dashboard this message persists:
CBOX Plugins
Don’t forget that CBOX plugins can be managed from the CBOX plugins page!
You can manage your CBOX plugins here.
There is no (x) to make this go away. There is no (dismiss) button. There is no option in Settings to make this message stop wasting dashboard space.
How can I remove this message from the dashboard.
Imagine if every developer did their own thing and our dashboards were full of messages we could not remove!
]]>How do I add assignments or courses using commons in a box? Thank you very much.
]]>I have installed this plugin but there are no new themes installed in the wordpress Appearance > themes area, nor a Commons in a box theme settings under appearance?.
]]>I upgraded to 1.0.5 last night and got the following error on the admin backend of the site and the front end:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_get_option() in …./wp-content/plugins/commons-in-a-box/includes/frontend.php on line 62
I stepped back down to 1.0.4 and everything is back to normal.
I’m running WP 3.5.2, configured for multisite and the latest version of Buddy Press.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix?
]]>Hello. I am installing CBox for a new site, and I am receiving a fatal error about memory size exhausted every time I install the CBox theme and visit the dashboard. I will list the error below. The funny thing about it is that once I have installed the theme (and everything seems fine), I am able to do most things on the front end of the site (create a group, wiki, etc), but when I try to visit the backend for anything, I receive the error. It is a brand new install (I have installed and uninstalled it a couple of times), so I am not losing any content at this point. Also, i increased the php memory to 128 m, so I imagine it shouldn’t be inadequate memory. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3072 bytes) in /home/theabbey/public_html/theabbey/wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php on line 1004
I have been running BuddyPress before installing this plugin. I’ve just activated your plugin and seeing Commons In A Box is almost ready! You only have one last thing to do. We promise! page.
The problem is I’m selecting all the recommended plugins, clicking the update button and entering my FTP details in the next page. But the system keeps turning to the previous Commons In A Box is almost ready! You only have one last thing to do. We promise! page every time and doesn’t install the plugins. What should I do?
I hope I could explain the problem. Thanks in advance…
]]>Recommended for inclusion in the box: