when I submit the form gives me the error, same that the post before but I did everything but nothing helps, I even uninstall it and put it back but nothing fix it, thanks
No lat/lng
We are no longer seeing a map on our Yard Sale page. We have updated the Google API Key to a valid paid one, however still no map.
Is it possible to do with SSL?
]]>I set the map location and there is no way to save the settings. How do I utilize a permanent location and permanent zoom so everyone sees the identical community?
]]>This problem would have started since last summer, but only became aware of it a week or two ago after getting user complaints.
Entries are not showing on the map or the list.
They’re being recorded (we had 23 entries I just deleted, and then I added one and that showed in the ID drop-down for deletion).
]]>We seem to be having an issue with the Pins on the map matching up with the yard sale listing below the map. It seems to be specifically with position 2. We have entered yard sales and deleted them out, enabled and disable the plugin numerous times and each time we reload with new yard sales, we have the same issue. The list is fine but the coordinates on the map are mismatched. There will be no pin #2 on the map and when the #2 yard sale is clicked on in the list it will appear as 22 or 14 or some other number. Here’s a link to our listings page. https://www.citizentribune.com/classifieds/yard-sales/
]]>Hi, Love your plugin!
I had someone point out to me that I was not longer accepting submissions, and what I find is that they are all getting the error: Address cannot be located on Google Maps:
The challenge is, that the address is actually good, and IS on Google maps. I can confirm it by searching Google.
Any ideas? I’ve not seen this error before, and have been running your plugin for a few years now ??
Here is my code:
[yardsale-form event=”TrouperList” mapheight=”360px” mapwidth=”100%” lat=”33.0362218″ lng=”-85.03224439999997″ zoom=”12″ citydefault=”LaGrange” statedefault=”GA” zipdefault=”30240″ unitlabel=”Date for Sale”]
I’ve tried many addresses, including my work, and my house. I get the same message regardless.
]]>Hello, I’ve customized the email that gets sent out when someone submits a listing but the one piece I can’t find is the call for the Event Tag. Can you please tell me what I would need to add so that in the email it displays the Event Tag? I’ve set it up so that all of my Event Tags indicate the Sale Date that they submitted the form for. The email works perfect as is, I would just really like one more line that shows “yardsale-may-06” (for example).
If you’re curious on how I’ve customized this plugin and put it to use on my site, you can see it here: https://panopticnews.com/pogs/
Thank you for your help and for creating this plugin in the first place. ??
This is my custom email:
$msg = '<p>' . __('Thank you for your community yard sale entry for our Parade of Garage Sales section.', 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
'<p>' . __('Your listing details are as follows:', 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
'<p>' . __($_POST['street'], 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
'<p>' . __($_POST['listing'], 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
'<p>' . __('Please do not reply to this email, we will not receive it.', 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
'<p>' . __('Please use the links below to edit or delete your entry.', 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .
"<a href="$editUrl">" . __('Edit Yard Sale Entry', 'community-yard-sale') . '</a>
' .
"<a href="$deleteUrl">" . __('Delete Yard Sale Entry', 'community-yard-sale') . '</a>
' .
'<p>' . __('If you have any questions please call 403-redacted or email redacted.', 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>';
$headers = array('From: ' . __('Gateway Gazette PoGs No-Reply', 'community-yard-sale') .
' <no-reply@' . $this->plugin->getEmailDomain() . '>' ,
'Content-Type: text/html');
$h = implode("\r\n", $headers) . "\r\n";
wp_mail($_POST['email'], __('Yard Sale Entry', 'community-yard-sale'), $msg, $h);
wp_mail(['redacted'], __('NEW Yard Sale Entry', 'community-yard-sale'), $msg, $h);
Not sure why, but on my site https://www.mylocalpocatello.com, we cannot delete past yard sale entries. I have tried via the link in the email sent as well as going into the plugin and trying to delete the entry ID.
All I get is “0 row(s) deleted.”
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Is there a way to receive email notifications to see the email of the person who posts a sale?
I installed your plugin the other day and it worked. Since then, we updated our events calendar (only change made to the site) and now the yard sale plugin doesn’t work. I’m sure they’re not related, but that was the only change. I deleted the plugin and then downloaded it again and set it up but I still get the same error after entering the yard sale information on the form and hitting “submit.” This is the error I keep getting:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘MyLocalPocatello.mylocalpocatello01_yardsale’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * from mylocalpocatello01_yardsale
where event
= ‘yardsale’ and upper(street) = upper(‘5396 Shoshoni Trail’) and upper(unit) = upper(”) and upper(city) = upper(‘Pocatello’) and upper(state) = upper(‘Idaho’) and upper(zip) = upper(‘83204’)
WordPress database error: [Table ‘MyLocalPocatello.mylocalpocatello01_yardsale’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO mylocalpocatello01_yardsale
, email
, event
, lat
, lng
, street
, unit
, city
, state
, zip
, ip
, listing
) VALUES (‘1459202757_9859’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘yardsale’, ‘42.818056’, ‘-112.409829’, ‘5396 Shoshoni Trail’, ”, ‘Pocatello’, ‘Idaho’, ‘83204’, ‘’, ‘Testing yard sale plugin.’)
There was a problem saving your entry. Try again or contact an administrator
Any ideas as to why? Also, it’d be great to have fields for “Event Date(s), “Start” and “End” times.
Thank you.
]]>The following error message comes up after hitting ‘Submit’.
No lat/lng
I do have the page password protected, but it doesn’t work with that removed either. Thoughts?
]]>How do I find an entry ID so it can be deleted?
]]>Is there any way to decrease the space between the search bar and map…………and between the map and yard sale listings? I think if it was condensed a bit it would look a bit better….At least on my site.
What Would I need to edit in the plugin to make the Email Field and Item Descriptons NOT required?
]]>How versatile is the plugin. Can it be for many different towns and states. Do people get hold of each other or do I have to monitor everything.
]]>How can I email my registrants?
]]>Hello, love your plug in, wondering if you would be interested in adding a few more features. Is there a way to add an expire entry field (dates when to expire). Date of the Sale to appear with Street and possibly City also, for when we filter to view sales by City? Love to make this more dynamic (the date expire) for less work on both seller and admin. Thanks!
]]>Is there an easy way to make the yard sale listings printable?
]]>When testing out the entry form, I received a 404 error page upon submitting a fake yard sale. An email was not sent to the address I input either. Of course the listing didn’t show up in the table.
The events in both the form and listing codes match.
I’m not sure if this plugin just is not compatible with the latest version of WP, or if there is some other reason. Ideas?
I think this is a wonderful plugin and I’d love to be able to use it.
]]>the program works top notch I’ve been looking for this for some time and just bumped into it with word press .. installed works flawless …. I can do basic html/php … my need is i want to change a few labels, just on the posting page https://bcgaragesales.ca/post-garage-yard-sale/
basically state to province , zip to Postal code and items for sale to say Date Time Type And Conditions Of Sale… please [email address redacted by moderator] if you can direct me PLEASE HELP
nothing else it will work fine the way it is
We’re creating a portal for victims of unknown circumstances can connect with people willing to lend a room in their house for temporary stay.
Your plugin does 95% of what we need it to do. Can you contact us, if you have any interest, in helping out the victims of the tornados we had here in Illinois?
We have built the site and are almost done, though we could really use a little bit of your help for the last 5 yards.
The site is called https://www.lendmybed.com and you can see how we used your plugin.
Please email me or call me at your convenience. [email protected] or 312.961.9788. Thank you in advance.
Jason Wencel
]]>This plugin is great!
But it would be possible to add location based on coordenates, and not by address?
]]>Hi! I showed this to client and he likes what he sees. His question was that if this were to be viewed on a mobile device, is it possible to click the location and have the mobile device fire up google maps to navigate via GPS?
Looking forward to your reply, and thanks!
The listing page doesn’t come out right. The link is included here:
I would appreciate some help with this.
Thank you.
]]>Love the plugin, it’s well written and clear to understand. Just wondering if there is a way to add to the input form pick list, a calendar? And is it possible to assign a …… hold on, if the user can select the date from the drop down then that can be used to determine the yard sale information shown on the map….. which would mean not having to delete old yard sale information each week. Of course, if that doesn’t work, could there be an option for the user to enter the date of the yard sale and then after that date, the sale is either moved to trash or given a status of event passed? Something like that?
]]>Hi sir. I am using the community yard sale plugin and for some reason when a number is clicked on the google map the pop up bubble shadow has white boxes and pixelation around the bubble’s tail. Is there a way to correct this.
I also would like to know if code can be added to set a start date for yard sales and an automatic end date so the user nor myself will have to remove the yard sale, it would do it automatically.
And if adding pictures was an option would be great too.
Thank you for your time.