If you don’t know how to rename a plugin folder to bring a site back up under these circumstances, you may not want to experiment with this one. I see the developer is looking for someone else to take it over, but it is currently unattended.
I recently installed this widget (Configurable TagCloud Widget) in the footer of my blog. I have customized the link/tags font-color for the same with font-size but I want to remove underlines from all the tags/links.
Please let me know how can I do it. Looking forward to have quick replies and solutions.
Rishu Mehra
First of all I really like this plugin. It seems up-to-date and minimal enough that it doesn’t pose any security threat. Hence the reason I am persistent upon using it. Because I think it is a great fit!
I am working on a site that is hosted by wpengine and have already called this issue in and they couldn’t figure out what the issue was.
So when I add the widget to the sidebar and then purge the site cache I am able to see it on page load but after I load the page again it is gone.
I also tried it on the staging server which doesn’t use any caching and was able to get it to load successfully every time.
I guess what I am asking: is there anything in the plugin that needs to be excluded from cache? Like is there a certain page that needs to be excluded from cache. Or what can I do to prevent the plugin from disappearing on the live site?
I have the plugin setup to show on the sidebar just above the last “Email Updates” widget.
Here is the page where it should be showing up on the live site:
And here is where I am able to make it appear on the staging where no caching is involved:
Any help would be much appreciated!
I have been using CTC for a couple of months, thank you for developing it.
I have noticed, however, that having made a lot of posts with a certain tag two months ago, that tag is now dominating the cloud even though I have not posted anything about it for over a month.
In order to make the cloud more relevant and up to date, is it feasible to add a time limiting feature to control how tags are displayed.
Thank you.
I love the function and look of the CTC but would like to italicize the post count, e.g. The Beatles (12).
I’ve looked through the base.php script but adding the open/close attribute in line 277 does not seem to do the trick.
Is there a way of making this adjustment?
Thank you for your help!
I would like to sort by name. I have some letters e.g. é, á, í.
It is possible by this plugin?
]]>Hi, I really enjoy the CTC, and would like to use it on the frontpage of my site with a background color and a small border around each tag. Some of the tags are quite long, and several consist of more than one word, so sometimes they get cut up in two lines which doesn’t like so nice. Is there a way to style the text so that each tag (all the words in it) are kept together in the same line (so that the line is forced to break if necessary)?
]]>I have tried to add get textdomain for localization support and tried various names like widget_ctc, ctc, ctc_widget, configurable-tag-cloud-widget, variants of those using all caps, but still get an error that says there is a textdomain mismatch.
So what do I put as textdomain for localization?
load_plugin_textdomain(‘widget_ctc’, false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . ‘/configurable-tag-cloud-widget/languages’ );
my aim: when the result of the tag search returns just one single post, one should be redirected to this post directly.
more precise: I am using the configurable-tag-cloud-widget. But I think in the end it just shows the standard tag search page. Right?
I found solutions like this only for the standard search (not for tag search): https://wpsnipp.com/index.php/functions-php/redirect-to-post-when-search-query-returns-single-result/
Thanking you in anticipation.
]]>the plug is working on my site, however I noticed the activation link was available, which is strange. When attempting to activate plugin I get: It was work before, not sure what changed:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Warning: require(C:\InstantWP_4.3\iwpserver\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/plugins/configurable-tag-cloud-widget/base.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\InstantWP_4.3\iwpserver\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\tag-cloud\tag_cloud.php on line 16
]]>UR using a call deprecated in WP2.0
Argument in add_options_page()
Used in wp-content/plugins/configurable-tag-cloud-widget/admin_page.php on line 151.
Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
Deprecated in version 2.0.
]]>Really like the plugin, especially the option to randomise the order of the tags.
As you can see here: mcinsley.com I am mostly using this to give a brief synopsis of what my site is about by having the most frequently used tags really stand out. As you may have noticed however the issue is one of having too many tags.
If I limit the number that display it always displays the same ones. What I would like to do is limit it to say, a hundred, but have a different hundred show up on each refresh. The priority being towards any tags with more than x amount of uses.
This would then give me the large keywords splattered with a selection of random, smaller ones. I know I am not actually using the tags for what they are actually for (I’ve never bothered searching by tags anyway) but I think this would make a good addition and improve the aesthetics…
You should enable debug mode in WordPress (define('WP_DEBUG', true);
in config.php).
Namely replace calls to clean_url
by esc_url
, …
This is annoying when like me you develop themes and plugins and you get so many warning messages. Additionnally, your plugin might not be working anymore when the next WordPress version is released (or the following one).
]]>Is it possible to implement the possibility to edit the “Select Tag” label?
]]>wp-admin/options-general.php?page=random-posts gives access denied when clicking on options of a CTC widget
I want to use this as a widget in my footer (show as list).
I wnat to show the 10 most popular tags, but i do not want to have a large footer.
Is it possible to make 2 columns? And show 5 in the first en 5 in the second?
That way, my footer stays nice and not to big.
]]>When adding to Widgets, there are no options. There are no other configuration locations. Please help!
]]>With the showcats parameter one can’t limit the categories with minnum and maxnum neither with number.
For instance the following code does not limit the categories. The page still shows the categories with 0 and 1 post and with more than 10 posts.
<?php ctc('smallest=8&largest=22&unit=px&mincolor=#217ece&maxcolor=#003663&showcount=yes&showcats=yes&showtags=no&minnum=2&maxnum=10'); ?>
when you are going to add exclude feature into this plugin. I really need it.
Please add this option to exclude any tag or category by just entering the tag id or category id into the respective field.
Please add it as soon as possible.
]]>Hello this plugin is very nice. Just one query I have in base.php. I want to add “postcount” within tag means before in below code which is in base.php of plugin. ((‘yes’ == $showcount ? ” $postcount” : “”) and (‘yes’ == $showcount ? ” $postcount” : “”))
Can you pls help. Thanks in advance.
if ($format==’list’) {
$a[] = “<li class=\”ctc-tag-li\”><a href=\”$tag_link\” class=\”ctc-tag tag-link-$tag_id\” title=\””.attribute_escape(sprintf(__(‘%d topics’), $count)).”\”$rel style=\”font-size: “.$tag_weight
.”$unit;”.(isset($tag_color) ? ” color: $tag_color;” : “”)
.”\”>$tag”.(‘yes’ == $showcount ? ” $postcount” : “”).””;
} elseif ($format==’drop’) {
$a[] = “<option value=’$tag_link’>$tag”.(‘yes’ == $showcount ? ” $postcount” : “”).”</option>”;
} else {
$a[] = “<a href=\”$tag_link\” class=\”ctc-tag tag-link-$tag_id\” title=\””.attribute_escape(sprintf(__(‘%d topics’), $count)).”\”$rel style=\”font-size: “.$tag_weight
.”$unit;”.(isset($tag_color) ? ” color: $tag_color;” : “”)
.”\”>$tag”.””.(‘yes’ == $showcount ? ” $postcount” : “”);
]]>Not a single support request here has been answered
]]>How can I get rid of “Tags” title shown in sidebar? I took the title out of the widget, but the word “tags” still shows up. How can I get rid of this?
I wonder if I might have some advice from someone please. I have CTC installed and using it as a widget. Should it just work out the box? Does it work on Pages *and* posts?
I can’t see any output, that’s all ??
Someone put the light on for me.
]]>Hi –
I’m using the CTC plugin on a few sites, and really like it.
For a site I’m developing now, I’d like to be able to display a random list of four tags. But when I put ‘4’ in for ‘number of tags to display’ and ‘random’ for ‘sort by’ I get the same four tags sorted randomly. Instead, I’d like it to display four random tags from the total list of tags.
Is there a way to do this?
]]>This plugin is great! Very customizable and powerful widget and template function.
I’d like to see the widget and the function adopt the params of the main CTC settings, and then of course changes to the widget settings or params passed to the function would override the main CTC settings.
Other than that, the only customization I needed to add was a hover color (e.g., a.ctc-tag:hover { color: #fff;}). Perhaps you can add that option to the plugin, as well. ??
I feel bad for the peeps not getting their questions answered here. Most of it seems easy to resolve (like suggesting solutions to embed PHP in a page and/or style the output). I realize that’s not an issue with the plugin and that they just need to hone their skills there. Still… just sayin’. ??
Anywhooo… thanks for the plugin!
]]>dont work no more, went to makers site, have to read down a bit but im not only one getting this problem.
]]>Or do I have to use the native WP sidebar code?
I am using a highly customizable theme (Atahualpa) and I am having trouble making the tag cloud anything other than left justified.
Thanks for a good product.
]]>I am running a test setup of WordPress in debug mode. I am getting this error when the plugin is activated (with all other plugins inactive):
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
It is not so much a problem, as the plugin works fine with WP 3.0.1, but more of a heads-up for the developer.