Rating: 1 star
Ver. 0.1 Review 3 Stars
A very nice plguin to externally host your media library to Conoha object storage and others (as plugin describes). However there seems still limitations such as;
1. Already uploaded media files become 404.
2. Can’t regenerate thumbnails using Regenrate Thumbnails plugin. Some themes require to regenerate thumbnails, so using this plugin may not be a good idea if you are using such themes.
Ver. 0.2 Review 1 Star
This plugin needs to be debugged more seriously before it gets released.
1. メディアライブラリーのサムネイル表示が全てエラーになる。
2. 再同期は最新10件しか同期せず、既存メディア全てが404になる。2度試しても最新10件しにしか対応していない。