What do I need to do to fix this?
]]>I can’t find anything wrong with the plugin, no errors on form submittal, Thank you page appears within a few seconds, but I am not getting any mail or seeing any submissions. Any ideas?
Version 3.0.30
Wordpress: Current version: 6.0.2
Server Information
Environment Key Environment Value
WP Multisite Enabled : No
WP Remote Post : Success
Web Server Info : Apache
PHP Version : 7.4.30
MySQL Version : 5.7.39
WP Debug Mode : No
WP Language : en
WP Max Upload Size : 64 MB
PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30
PHP Max Input Vars : 1000
SUHOSIN Installed : No
Default Timezone : Default timezone is UTC
Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
Memory usage : 108.18 MByte
PHP Safe Mode : Off
PHP Allow URL fopen : Off
PHP Memory Limit : 512M
PHP Max Post Size : 64M
PCRE Backtracking Limit : 1000000
PHP Exif support : Yes ( V7.4.)
PHP IPTC support : Yes
PHP XML support : Yes
Extensions : Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, shmop, SimpleXML, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, litespeed, bcmath, dom, fileinfo, gd, imagick, inotify, intl, json, exif, mysqli, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, soap, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter.
Apache Modules : mod_rewrite, mod_mime, mod_headers, mod_expires, mod_auth_basic.
Hi, For some reason Contact Bank css is overriding all the other CSS on my site, and its messing up my mobile menu display (its overlapping and displaying in two columns instead of one). If I deactivate Contact Bank the problem goes away so its definitly from Contact Bank. Can anyone help? Ive tried finding the code to remove it but I cant seem to track it down in the Contact Bank CSS.
I can send screenshots of the css if that helps?
When a user fills out the form, they receive a confirmation email. However I never get an email with what they are sending.
In the “send to field” I have tried entering both “select a field” with [email protected] and [email protected][control_1622839261]
I’ve also tried just putting “enter email” into the Send to field and choosing [email protected] to send to.
when someone fills out the form and hits submit the site goes to a generic sample page…where do I go to change that?
]]>Can’t find where to translate the submit button.
]]>Hi, every time I try to upload a new image I get the error message ‘Failed to write file to disk.’
Any ideas on what I need to do to be able to add photos to my Media Library again?
Nothing loads after filing out appropriate info and clicking on Validate License button?
Tried clearing cache and on multiple browsers.
]]>I bought your pro version, and I can not see anywhere on the plugin to activate the license. I sent a ticket in, and a whole day, which is a week day, has passed in your country with no reply. I kind of either need to get this working, or move on to a different competitor of yours.
Thank you.
]]>Phone number, Vehicle Year and Vehicle model is not showing correct value It only show the name of text field.
Kindly help me.
waiting for your reply
Hi I’d like to show this form in a widget only. Right now it’s a post on the main page.
I’m trying many contact forms and all seem not to work in a widget.
Thank you
]]>My Client Notification emails are being sent to me instead of the client. I copied exactly like the demo except for [email protected] which is replaced with my email.
I’m using version 3.0.28
Also, I noticed 3 months ago someone posted with the same client notification error but there were no responses to their post.
Please advise.
Thank you.
]]>Could anyone help me with getting rid of this slider off my website. The error message is
Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias home_slider_1 not found.
Maybe you mean: ‘krismarkslider’
]]>Over the last few months, I have been receiving quite a few submissions on my contact form that appear to be submitted by bots. The info fields they submit are populated with random words instead of the “date” or “location” as requested in the field label. How do I stop these annoying submissions?
I am having trouble with the client notification email – the email that a cleint receives after sending me a message from my website. I keep getting these emails instead. How can I have it sent to a client’s email instead?
Thank you!
]]>I define my form as follows:
Single line, single lines, radio list, radio list
when i save it, then preview it
the preview shows 4 radio list items and no single lines.
I tried uninstall/reinstall and this symptom continues
Any ideas why this is happening?
When I active the TinyMCE Advanced plugin then contact bank shortcode page (where I have put the shortcode) is not working properly. and break the pages where I put shortcode.
Please check this screenshot URL for more information: https://nimb.ws/hKfmb5
So kindly please look into this.
I made an update directly with a sql request to make an update of all my forms (to change de text in the email template sent to the client), and it broke me everything.
I have no more title for the form, and in the page of my product it don’t appears the form.
Is there a way to fix it ?
SQL request I made :
UPDATE wp_contact_bank_meta
SET meta_value=REPLACE(meta_value,’Tech Support Team’,’My company name’)
WHERE meta_key=form_date
request was good, because the changes were made.
]]>The form submissions generate an auto reply to the sender during form submission, but the plugin either doesn’t send a notification message to the administrators (a copy of the message is supposed to send to admins), or hte message disappears altogether (can’t find under “form submissions”)
]]>Every settings page comes up with “You do not have Sufficient Access to this Page. Kindly contact the Administrator for more Privileges”, but I am logged in as the administrator. I’m on WP 4.9.8, Contact bank 3.0.22 (just upgraded from 2.1.0 to see if that would fix the issue), IIS 7 on Windows server 2008R2, PHP 5.6.31, and MySQL 5.5.25a
]]>I have free version but still interested what payment gateways are added to the plugin except credit card? Will the plugin send the information about the payment to submission? Thank you
]]>Just checked your demos, really like how it all looks. Seems exactly what I need. But how to display the blank on 2 pages? And place button on the second page? Can it be done?
Thanks for the help in advance.
I updated the plugin today, and now I can no longer log into my site. Any ideas what is going on? Here is the error message I receive:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_users_capabilities_contact_bank() in /home2/grant187/public_html/tsunamiclick.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-bank/contact-bank.php on line 182
Please could you confirm that this plugin will be GDPR-compliant ahead of the May 25 2018 deadline?
Whenever a selection is made form the drop down menu (select) the submission email doesn’t show the actual selection. Instead it says [control_1523895162807] regardless of the selection. How do I make the email show what was selected from the drop down menu?
]]>Forms no longer appear, just the shortcode on the page where the form was added:
[contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"][/contact-form]
Also, when you hit “Add Contact Bank Form” in the text editor, the dialogue that pops-up is blank, even though the two default forms that come with Contact Bank are there.
The “Feedback” option has also disappeared from the WP Dashboard.
]]>When I preview my contact form, it looks just like I want it to. But when I look at my site live, there’s no form. Just this: [Contact_Form_Builder id=”9″]. Can you help me figure out how to make the form work live on my site?
]]>The URL redirect option in the Advanced Section has been set to redirect on “submit” to a payment page – https://www.artgalleryofnorthumberland.com/support-the-agn/membership/membership-payment/
Up until a few days ago, this was working, but now does not redirect. It simply returns to the page the form is on.
We are running WordPress 4.8.5, and Contact Bank 3.0.16
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Email templates keep resetting to prior versions. I’ve saved these a dozen times, but eventually the revert back.
]]>I created a test form, tested it, it worked great…. so I created an actual form and am unable to successfully submit a test to it to see if it works. I have tried on my desktop and my phone. Any advice? I have check that I put something in all of the required fields, I have checked all of the fields in the form builder to see they are for numbers if it is numbers I am needing etc… I can not figure it out. THANKS in advance for some help.