The styling for the honeypot modal window on the contact form admin page looks wrong – the styles don’t seem to load and the honeypot name field is not populated. When I click ‘insert tag’ nothing happens. I don’t see any errors in the browser console and I’ve tried enabling wp debug but don’t see any errors there either. I’ve also tried disabling all other plugins (except cf7 and honeypot), and I tried using different theme but the issue persists.
Hi, thanks for your great plugin, works like a charm. But when i’ve updated to cf7 6.0 today an error of deprecation started filling my logs. No problem with my forms or other plugins or themes(i’ve tested all kind of configurations of forms, turned off all plugins except cf7 and yours, emptied or deleted my forms, etc), if the plugin is activaded any interaction with the site drops the error:
PHP Deprecated: WPCF7_TagGenerator::add(): Use of tag generator instances older than version 2 is deprecated. Version 1 instance (Honeypot) detected. in /home/mysite/xxx/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
I’ve tested php 8.2 and php 8.1(the last one the one i use in production). If i backroll to cf 7 5.9.8 the problem disappears. Could you help please? thanks in advance!!!
]]>Hi, great plugin, I use it on all my sites. A client recently said a few customers couldn’t send the message using the form. In Flamingo I could see their submissions marked as spam, all triggered by the honeypot field.
I checked the form, and the honeypot field had the same name as one of the other normal form fields, which must’ve been added after we added the honeypot field. So because they were filling in a normal field with the same name as the honeypot field, they were getting marked as spam!
It would be perfect if you added a real-time check, so the names don’t conflict when the form is saved. CF7 does a real-time check for various validation before saving, e.g. invalid email field, multiple fields in one label tag.
]]>Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int - string in /var/www/public/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-honeypot/includes/honeypot4cf7.php:159
Stemming from this code:
// SPAM CHECK #1: Let's check submission speed first, as it's time sensitive. :)
$timecheck_start = isset( $_POST[$hpid.'-time-start'] ) ? $_POST[$hpid.'-time-start'] : '';
if ( $timecheck_start ) {
$submission_time = time();
$timecheck_value = isset( $_POST[$hpid.'-time-check'] ) ? $_POST[$hpid.'-time-check'] : '';
$submission_interval = $submission_time - $timecheck_start;
This was triggered by an exploit scanner fuzzing a form. We don’t log the $_POST contents with these, but I assume that it was a combination of a string and an int being passed in $_POST.
I think the easiest remedy would be cast the values from $_POST to int when they are being retrieved.
]]>Just to clarify, is this plugin now fully owned and maintained by WPExperts? Usually there is some type of announcement of a transfer of plugin ownership, but I can’t see anything …
]]>The Plugin site still mentions 6.2.5 as highest compatible WordPress version. Is this plugin compatible with any higher version?
]]>Does the plugin work in multisite installations? (wordpress network)
Please help.
Thank you
Honeypot field wrapper has display property set to none which results in an error in my WAVE report.
Please use this Bootstrap 5 snippet for .visually-hidden helper class as a reference for screen reader only elements styling
.visually-hidden {
position: absolute!important;
width: 1px!important;
height: 1px!important;
padding: 0!important;
margin: -1px!important;
overflow: hidden!important;
clip: rect(0,0,0,0)!important;
white-space: nowrap!important;
border: 0!important;
Please remove
]]>Hi everyone,
we want to update our PHP Version. So we were wondering if this Plugin works with PHP Version 8.2?
]]>Hello. I’ve seen the github page with how to change the honeypot CSS in PHP, but it isn’t working.
I use the plugin Code Snippets, and added a PHP snippet to change the css of the honeypot to be visible, inserted the snippet shortcode, but it still is hidden.
Am I doing something incorrect? I used the exact Github code:
// Customize Honeypot container CSS styles
function my_honeypot_css_override( $css ) {
// Change the $css value to your custom CSS to be applied to the honeypot's parent wrapper element.
$css = 'display: block; visibility:visible;';
return $css;
add_filter('wpcf7_honeypot_container_css', 'my_honeypot_css_override', 10, 2 );
Hello, is an update planned wordpress 6.3? you write only tested 6.2
PHP 8.2 compatible?
Hi, I install latest Honeypot plugin but does not recognize CF7 5.1.9!? Is this maybe due to older version of CF7? I am not allow to test new version on production enviroment, so I ask you.
Best regards
]]>Hi, in a website I manage I’ve been using CF7 and Honeypot for a while, recently I’ve started receiving spam submissions. I also have Flamingo installed and I can see that the value of Honeypot gets filled by the bots. Is there any known issue? Both plugins are updated to their latest versions.
Honeypot plugin is Compatible up to: 6.0.5 only, we have an major update from wordpress which is 6.2.
Honeypot not given update 11 months ago, is any update will come in coming days, any tentative day or month ?
For sites which have lots of different contact forms is there a way to programmatically include a honeypot field without needing to manually add them into each contact form?
Thank you,
Do you know if it is possible to block forms for eric jones spam with honeypot module?
Thank you for your help
Is this compatible with Betheme? Been using it and got curious. Thanks a lot.
We ran into an issue where the Autoptimize (AO) cache was growing very large. After some investigation, I noticed that AO generates a separate cache file for each page that includes a form (w/Honeypot).
It turned out that the inline css snippet that Honeypot adds to hide the input field uses a ‘random’ css selector (#wpcf7-{ hash }-wrapper). We had AO configured to aggregate inline css, but due to the Honeypot css selector changing, it resulted in separate css cache files for each variant. AFAIK, the ‘hash’ is different for each page but maybe even per user session, ip, …?
We’ve disabled aggregation of inline css for now (which solves the immediate issue) but maybe you could look into making this work nice(r) with Autoptimize?
For reference: we ran into this issue on a careers site ( where each vacancy has a separate page with a simple apply form. Each of those vacancy pages would include a Honeypot css snippet with a different hash.
]]>Hey there,
I want to be able to have a visible checkbox field, that if checked when sending, the form would be considered spam.
Is this possible with the plugin right now?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I′m getting spam emails from on email: (email masked) on different websites… can I mark this as spam or how to get rid of it?
]]>The ‘Enable Time Check’ setting is set to 6 seconds, but it’s showing as 3 seconds in Flamingo (this spam message got through).
Is there a setting I’m missing or am I misinterpreting how the time check works?
Thank you!
]]>Hello, does this plugin also works if I enabled “reCAPTCHA” integration from Contact Form 7?
The reCAPTCHA is already working fine but I want to put an extra layer to protect against bots, just to be sure.
We use honeypot on a couple of sites. So far the feedback of clients was positive, but we have some cases where we can’t stop the spam messages. So today I tried to take a closer look at it and some things don’t make sense.
According to Flamingo, one of the honeypot fields is filled with input. But the spam is still send and also not logged in Flamingo under the spam tag.
From day to day more clients call about receiving spam.
The thing is, most of these sites have multiple forms available and in all of these cases, it’s only one of the forms that is sending the spam.
]]>Unfortunately, honeypot suddenly stopped working. I get several spam emails every minute! I haven’t changed anything in the settings. Even 3 or more honepots are useless. Why is that and what can I do?
on site we used Honeypot. But after upgrading to PHP 8 the submissions were still store but the notifications were not sent.
After removing the Honeypot field it works fine again.
Any idea how to solve that?
I just noticed on a client site that the honeypot field is wrapped in the same p
tag as the submit button underneath it.
Bottom part of form looks like this in dashboard:
<label>[acceptance acceptance-453] Ik ga ermee akkoord dat ik persoonsgegevens via dit formulier verstuur</label>
[honeypot honeypot-777 timecheck_enabled:true]
[submit "BEL MIJ"]
Is this normal behavior of this field type?
]]>I installed it on my page but I think it is not working.
I still keep getting spam mails.
What did I do wrong?
I can’t see the Honeypot tag to add to my form. What I mean is that the form is not showing as available tags to be use it in my contact form 7.
I have tried to uninstall the plugin, delete and installing again but did not work.
My wordpress version is 5.9.3 and the version of the contact form is 5.6.
I have got also WP Armour – Honeypot Anti Spam installed if this could help.
What I can do?
Many thanks
I’ve installed Honeypot on our WP website (latest WP version, latest C7 and honeypot) a couple months ago.
I have a variety of other extensions, including Akismet and Sucuri Security (free).
I’ve setup the extension on this form:
<label> Votre nom (obligatoire)
[text* votre-nom] </label>
<label> Votre adresse email (obligatoire)
[email* votre-email] </label>
[honeypot telephone timecheck_value:2 move-inline-css:true timecheck_enabled:true]
<label> Votre message
[textarea votre-message] </label>
[acceptance consentement]En soumettant ce formulaire, j’autorise que les informations saisies soient utilisées pour permettre de me recontacter et j’accepte la <a href="/mentions-legales/" target="_blank">politique de confidentialité du site</a>.[acceptance]
[submit "Envoyer"]
The fields seem to appear correctly on the frontend:
<p><label> Votre nom (obligatoire)<br />
<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap" data-name="votre-nom"><input type="text" name="votre-nom" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /></span> </label></p>
<p><label> Votre adresse email (obligatoire)<br />
<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap" data-name="votre-email"><input type="email" name="votre-email" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-email wpcf7-validates-as-required wpcf7-validates-as-email" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /></span> </label><br />
<span id="wpcf7-62ff532c7591c-wrapper" class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap telephone-wrap" ><input type="hidden" name="telephone-time-start" value="1660900140"><input type="hidden" name="telephone-time-check" value="2"><label for="wpcf7-62ff532c7591c-field" class="hp-message">Veuillez laisser ce champ vide SVP</label><input id="wpcf7-62ff532c7591c-field" placeholder="Téléphone" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text" type="text" name="telephone" value="" size="40" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="new-password" /></span><br />
<label> Votre message<br />
<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap" data-name="votre-message"><textarea name="votre-message" cols="40" rows="10" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-textarea" aria-invalid="false"></textarea></span> </label><br />
<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap" data-name="consentement"><span class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-acceptance"><span class="wpcf7-list-item"><input type="checkbox" name="consentement" value="1" aria-invalid="false" /></span></span></span>En soumettant ce formulaire, j’autorise que les informations saisies soient utilisées pour permettre de me recontacter et j’accepte la <a href="/mentions-legales/" target="_blank">politique de confidentialité du site</a>.<br />
<input type="submit" value="Envoyer" class="wpcf7-form-control has-spinner wpcf7-submit" /></p>
<p style="display: none !important;"><label>Δ<textarea name="_wpcf7_ak_hp_textarea" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="100"></textarea></label><input type="hidden" id="ak_js_1" name="_wpcf7_ak_js" value="171"/><script>document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );</script></p><div class="wpcf7-response-output" aria-hidden="true"></div></form>
And yet… I’m still getting dozens of spam submissions per week (if not per day).
Am I missing anything?
Thanks a lot for your help!