No captcha image, and if you click on the empty box where the captcha image is supposed to be it takes you to this page:
I definitely do not want to be sending my visitors there.
]]>No captcha image and if you click on the empty box where the image is supposed to be it takes you to this site:
I definitely do not want to be sending my visitors there.
]]>Everything seems to work, but the CAPTCHA image is missing. Beyond contact-form-captcha.php all the related .php files say INACTIVE on the editor page. Please help.
]]>After updateing to WordPress 3.0.1 the contact form of the plugin is displayed twice.
This only happens if another WordPress Plugin – Meta Keywords & Description (Version 0.5 | from Svilen Popov) ist enabled. The it will be pasted between the
<meta name=”keywords” … >
<meta name=”descrioption” …>