My web security is telling me a Vulnerability found in 1.6.2. of CFWC and I see that the download has been removed temporarily.
Does anyone know if the developer is created a new released to prevent the cross site server scripting vulnerability or do we need to find a new contact form plugin ?
I have installed the application, setup the plugin, the for, displays correctly, I fill in the fields, I the check with Captcha that works I get a green Tick but when I submit the message I get the following,
Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 This mail server requires authentication when attempting to send to a non-local e-mail address. Please check your mail client settings or contact your administrator to verify that the domain or address is defined for this server. in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\****************\httpdocs\wp-content\Plugins\contact-form-with-captcha\cfwc-form.php on line 60
Can’t send email to Administrator. Please try later
Thank you
]]>Any help would be appreciated.
Trouble on this page
General Info
Here is the video demonstrating my issues and what I attempted to do to setup the contact form
Video is here
Thanks for any help you are able to offer.
i want to create a my own wordpress contact form plugin like contact form 7.which have a feature of adding custom field based on can i create it
]]>In the cfwc-form.php file, could you please check for “www” in $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] and remove it if present. This is used for “From address” in the $email_header.
For eg: if virtual host name is
the “From email address” is currently shown as “[email protected]”.
It should be, “[email protected]”.
Here are the changes required.
// $email_header = “From: =?UTF-8?B?”.base64_encode($email_sender).”?=” . ” <do_not_reply@” . $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] . “>” . “\r\n”; //
if (substr($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’], 0, 4) == ‘www.’) {
$domain = substr($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’], 4);
} else {
$domain = $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’];
$email_header = “From: =?UTF-8?B?”.base64_encode($email_sender).”?=” . ” <do_not_reply@”. $domain . “>” . “\r\n”;
Thanks in advance,
]]>I’m getting: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage21/ro/wa/ny/ on line 19
Any ideas?
]]>Something went wrong
The following error was returned: invalid-json
Check the error code reference at
Note: Error code missing-input-response may mean the user just didn’t complete the reCAPTCHA.
Incorrect Captcha!
]]>reCaptcha supports several different languages, but your plugin is hardcoded to use the English API:
I hope you can add an editable field for us to configure the correct language of our blog/website.
]]>Please make sure to get new private and public keys as 1.6.2 version of this plugin uses new version (2.0) of Recapctha from google
]]>The page where I select the options shows this:
When I load it on my site I see a message like the one below
]]>How do I specify a thank you page?
]]>Version 1.6.1, downloaded today.
Plugin performs its intended function properly: captcha works, messages send properly. However, it’s displaying errors. Any page where the form is called displays the following above the form:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 270
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 271
On settings > contact form with captcha, down at the bottom I get:
Do not give credit to developer (Please consider NOT checking this box) Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 197
Pick a reCaptcha theme Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 202
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 203
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 204
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 205
Pick a form theme Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 211
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /home/public/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 212
Googling “illegal string offset cfwc-main.php on line 270” lists 30+ sites displaying this problem, but no resolution.
I’m guessing it’s related to using 4.2.2 instead of 4.1.5?
]]>I installed cfwc on my site and configured it already, I have no idea why it is showing so many extra unwanted rows?
I use the same plugin in my other sites and it is working as expected, except for this site.
It would be appreciated if anyone can help me to sort it out.
]]>It would be great to be able to do that – the form itself can be customized to do this, but it would be great to be able to specify that in the plugin main settings.
]]>Firefox and other browsers will block resources loaded over HTTP on pages that use HTTPS.
The plugin uses the HTTP CAPTCHA API regardless of whether the page is loaded over HTTP or HTTPS and it therefore fails to load the CAPTCHA on pages loaded over HTTPS on browsers that won’t tolerate ‘insecure elements’.
Any form page dealing with personally identifiable information ought to use HTTPS so this is problematic.
My suggested fix is here:
]]>The form has been working on our site for months. All of a sudden it has stopped sending any email content. When forms are submitted, we get an email with this information:
Sender Name: (blank)
Sender Email: (blank)
Sender IP Address: (Find location for this IP)
That is the extent of the emails that are coming in. No information transmitting.
We have the current plugin version.
]]>Is there a way to customize for form? I want to add some radio buttons. Thanks for all your hard work.
]]>hi there,
We are looking to use your plugin to make a contact form on a site that has a black background – see this screenshot
How can we easily change the font color and size, so that these can be read against the black background, and also the form fill color?
I tried adding in some changes to the contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc.css but these didn’t work or impacted other elements on the site.
Any suggestions of an easy way to change these details?
]]>Getting this error which is visible on the page the public can see (not just when I’m logged in). WP 4.0 Canvas theme. I’ve looked at the referenced page but don’t see anything which looks out of place. Other than deactivating, is there a fix?
]]>Hey there,
So, I just trouble-shot two issues with this plugin for a client who is running it on GoDaddy’s hosting.
First: it wasn’t working at all; removing the ‘-f’ flag in the mail() command on line 51 of cfwc-form.php seemed to fix this (not sure why, or what the purpose of having the ‘-f’ flag in the first place is)
Second: Yahoo! email addresses were not going through at all because of Yahoo! changing their DMARC policy in April. I was able to fix this by setting the “From:” email header in cfwc-form.php, line 34 to contact@[clientsdomain].com (while leaving the Reply-To header as the value of $email_return_to).
Hope this is helpful.
Jonathan Kissam
Webskillet Cooperative
]]>…couldn’t see any admin to enter the reCAPTCHA keys
I entered the keys for the captcha but it does not show on the page. Instead, I get an error – Input Error: Invalid Referer.
Is there a way to fix this?
]]>I’m getting an error on my contact form page – I think it has possibly happened since I upgraded to the latest version of PHP.
It says:
Illegal string offset ‘text_string’ in /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 269
(Actually it gives the complete path, but I think I have supplied the important bit.)
I have the version 1.6 of cfwc installed. Hope it’s an easy fix…
]]>I’m a newbie trying to install and setup this plugin.
This is step 3 of the instructions:
Go to the Contact Form With Captcha Admin section and enter your reCAPTCHA private and public keys and recipient email address ( and any optional parameters )
It’s not clear where the email and keys are entered. Would appreciate more details.
]]>EVERY time I input the Captcha, I get an “Incorrect Captcha!” message. I know I’m writing them correctly. I even get the message sent to my email, even when it said the Captcha was incorrect (that is, every time).
I just set up the ccontact form with captcha and this message appears:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘boolean’ in /home/xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 182
Please help.
Thank you,
]]>Are comments supposed to be added to the system? If so – where?
I’m not getting any emails from the posts to the email address that was used (i’m assuming that emails go out when a comment is added – is this true?)
I installed this and I cannot locate the short code.
It isn’t on the setting page.
Thanks mary
]]>Hi, I do not understand, I just finished to activate and adjust CFWC and I each, i had this message on my form :
“Warning: Illegal string offset ‘boolean’ in /xx/xx/www/home/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-with-captcha/cfwc-main.php on line 250”
thank you in advance for your help