Hi there,
i think this is a great plugin and it does not get the attention it should get.
we got 2 problems.
Since the update to 1.08 the is “Array ( )” displayed at the checkout and in the admin order in the details of the order.
Another big thing is that if many orders from “in processing” are set to “completed” (masscompleteing in the backend) the whole process is slowed down by this plugin. Seems that this plugin goes through every order even if the related sell content product is bought or not.
we run our website with cloudflare and after 5 to 10 orders we get an error, wich is related due to the fact that if cloudflare doesnt receive any signals in 100 seconds, it closes the connection. the result is an error 524. so it took a very long time to complete just a couple of orders.
if we deactive the plugin, more than 10 orders are masscompleted in a few seconds with out any error.
this was before the update.
]]>Creation of dynamic property CSELL_WC::$core is deprecated
]]>[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (csellwoo-lic.js defer onload=, line 0)
Can you help why I am getting this error? without “%20defer%20onload=” the file is accessible
]]>Hi there, great plugin !
how is it possible to style the design of the access text in order emails?
Use below links to gain access:?
I have one issue and one wish.
Issue: On the page which is supposed to be restricted I market it as “protected” and added the protection message which contains a link to the product in the shop. Unfortunately, this message is not shown.
Wish: It would be great if the user would see a category like “orders” or “subscriptions” in his “my account”-menu. Under “protected content” e.g., all purchased protected content should be listed.
Thanks for your support.
]]>Hello, thanks for this great plugin. I have an issue: when a page saved with and “Is protected” checkbox, not able to modify it. If unchecked and hit save, the page reload and the checkbox still checked “YES”.
Hello, first of all thanks for this plugin.
When I click on “Add New” button in WooCommerce settings of “Protected Content Packages” it comes back to the same setting but whitout proposing me anything : https://ibb.co/yPkB0r3
Could you tell me if it comes from an incompatibility between your plugin version (1.0.5) and my WordPress version (6.3.1) or from any other mistake I could have done ?
]]>When setting up a custom post type post to be protected, it’s not appearing in the “Other Contents(Custom PostType)” dropdown.
Any thoughts as to why? See below for a video.
Hi there
Great plugin! Would you be able to make the “Please login to access your account.” text on the protected content page optional or filterable?
I was so excited; this plugin is just what I was looking far and wide for!
I can’t get it to work, though… :o(
1: If I set up a product that gives access to 2 specific pages, purchasing the product will also give access to other protected pages…
2: User has no way of finding the protected content, as it is not mentioned in the order email (even though I chose that) and is not visible on “My account” page.
3: The text I entered on each protected product to show up when the product is not yet purchased, does not show. It just shows a default text about logging in.
I tried clearing cache and using incognito browser. Nothing helps…
I am so bummed, I really wanted this to work and there are not a lot of alternatives.
I will happily work with you to get this to work (I am not a developer, but I clearly have a site that could be used for testing ;o) ) – and when it works, I will gladly pay for it.
(It will save me paying around 20$ each month for another product that doesn’t quite fit my needs anyway.)
I really hope you can help. :o)
]]>Hello, great plugin, this is exactly what I was looking for. Tell me if you plan to further develop the plugin? Since there are many shortcomings
I installed your plugin and this is where I have an issue. The clients even if they receive the link in their order can’t access the page. When I click on the page when I am as the admin of the site it works but not as a regular customer… What can I do ? Is there something I am not doing ? thanks !
Your plugins correspond a lot to what I’m looking for, is it possible for the user to have access to their content from their profile page?
I am thinking of the link with the license, so that I can return to the link without any problem.
]]>1.Add any number of protected posts or pages with Videos, PDFS and other media content. Mark those as protected. These can be manuals, tutorials etc.
2.Add Woocommerce products that could be purchased by your customers.
3.Add Licenses linking protected content with Woo products, so when customer purchased above products will be given accessed to those content in their order email and order history.
4. Have a great day, any queries will be answered.