Can this plugin works with posts on cyrillic?
Can we have it displayed after X paragraphs? we want it above the fold.
]]>Hello, When I have Contextly enabled on my site it seems to have CSS issues causing the Powered by Contextly logo to overlap.
looks like these are the classes ctx-branding-link and ctx-nodefs
.ctx-branding .ctx-branding-link specifically
]]>The 5.0.5 release didn’t work on a website we have.
The Contextly 5.0.5 version seems to create conflicts with the latest version of ACF (Free) and Yoast, generating these errors:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getPostEdits’ of undefined in:
acf-input.min.js, jquery.js, data.min.js and on wp-seo-post-scraper-960.min.js
I want to integrate the video recommendation(show the videos related to the latest search) in my word press project.Is it possible to integrate it with the help of this i.e., Contextly Recommends plugin ?
]]>I don’t know why & add buttons to your payments
]]>Hey guys,
i search a plugin to combine blog posts with woocommerce products like related articles or infos for the product or product group.
Is it possible and good working with your plugin?
]]>Can you either make the Contextly class a global instance object so we can use remove_action to get it out of our RSS feeds or can you implement some logic to control that. Currently running addSnippetWidgetToContent on the_content is adding it to feeds which is unwanted for our purposes. However I can’t remove that action since it’s a class object I can’t access outside of your usage. If i’m wrong and I can access it somehow without modifying the plugin please let me know.
]]>Is it possible to have a siderail on the page and also have the main module at the bottom? I tried the siderail widget and I also tried the shortcode. Neither the siderail widget or or the related posts at the bottom appear when I use the shortcode.
]]>Our siderail widget isn’t working (was working previously).
I saw a bunch of 404’s to…
in the inspector, such as–page-view.css
So reinstalled the plugin and hacked the plugin to force using HTTPS for the urls, thinking maybe the rackcdn urls would work. They did! Side note, there should be a filter to allow forcing this without hacking the plugin.
It was then I also noticed the url was now using /3.latest/, which I tried via non-HTTP–page-view.css
which worked.
So it seems the plugin somehow got stuck on V2 (it was definitely running 3.2 when it was still hitting 2.latest. I switched back to HTTP and it’s still working and now hitting /3.latest/ like it probably should have been all along.
Just a bug report incase someone else hits this. I haven’t looked but my guess is the update routing only run when the plugin is update through the dashboard. As we deploy all code via code repo it probably skipped running the update. Just a guess.
]]>I’m trying <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[contextly_main_module]’); ?> to include Contextly Content to my Single Blog Page but does not get anything??
Can anybody tell me why this is happening?
I have a rquirement when I need to show several details of the related posts and in a unique view. How can I customize the view of the related posts widget? If that is not an option, is there a way I can get the related posts data in a json or something and I build my view with it?
I am using contextly to show my related custom post using siderail widget, but I am having problem that contextly siderail showing me this message
Options for the Siderail are in the Contextly Control Panel.
Now does any one tell me where is this control panel located at wordpress
]]>Hi, thank you for this good plugin.
I have some questions.
1) I’m only using the plugin to link each post to external resources (other websites). How can I make the link to be target=”_blank” ?
2) Since I’m creating a big structure of links I’m afraid that if one day I have to change theme or structure of the website (and in the worse scenario stop using your plugin).. will I loose all the work or there is a way to save and export the links?
Thank you
]]>So of my posts still use different images then the ones I use in featured image. I added attachments of posts where in the related posts down below it is still showing an old picture I used for it. You can even see an example where the picture being used is the same for two different posts.
For some kind of reason … the related posts seem to use the first image instead of the new image.
My site is https://www.tipsforabetterlife.
Here I added examples (you will see that the image of the thumbnail in related posts is not the correct one on some of the posts, it still uses an old featured imaged I used instead of the old one, even if I do ctr+f5 it’s still the same).
You can find the screenshots here:
Could you please help me and tell me what’s going on? If it stays like this it means that everytime I switch a featured image of a post … the related posts will still use the old featured image instead of the old.
Keep up the good work,
Have a great week,
]]>I changed my permalinks on one of my sites and I can’t get Contextly to recommend with the new links.
I think I’m supposed to blow away the account and begin again with a new API key but I can’t located anywhere on your site where I can do that.
]]>We’ve been using contextly for a couple of weeks and like it a lot.
On our web site because there are ten stories per page and frequently we insert “read more” for each post on the web site, I see that unless the actual story is clicked on or read more is clicked on, the contextly module a the bottom of the story is not visible. Is there way to change that so the recommended contextly module shows up at the bottom of each story without either of these actions being taken?
We use our own custom post status for wordpress (for example “pending review”) and Contextly fetches them, even if they are not published yet.
This is frustrating because some articles are still in a draft state and not ready being seen by the public, and other are planified for a future publication date, yet everyone can see them…
Is there an easy way to fix this, while waiting for an update?
This bug aside, it’s a great plugin, great job!
Best regards
José Manosalvas
]]>I’ve had to disable this on one of my sites because it’s too big for my needs.
On that site I wanted the module only.
I never used the in-post suggestions (sidebar)
and all the extra bells and whistles in the post editor became a confusion for my guest writers.
If there ever comes a version where I can tick disable the features I dont use, that would be great.
]]>Is there any way to exclude your own visits to your posts, scrolls and pages from contextly?
Thanks guys and have a great weekend,
Site is Issues on the home page
On home page posts listed in your plugin don’t always match up to actual event.
2 weird Bugs
1> It is pulling featured image from other events
2> Second line of contextly is NOT pulling associated images at all?
Site is 1 week old with NO customizations. Plugins (4 in total) are all Elegant themes plugins. Elegant Theme is Divi. Calender plugin is Events Calendar PRO and Community Addon BOTH are raw paid version.
What code should I add to stop the bugs??
]]>In related posts they sometimes split up the words with a dash (-) sign. Would it be possible to always use the full word?
My site is
And you can see an example of what I mean here:
Thanks for your help,
]]>We need a simple tick box to exclude certain categories from the “related”
Is this somewhere I haven’t discovered or a feature being considered?
If the latter, how soon can we expect this because I may need to turn off contextly until I find a resolution. And I don’t want to do that. I heart contextly.
]]>Regarding the big Choose Related Posts and the extra button on the visual editor…
I’d love it if this was either altogether optional or permissions based so only role of editor or admin would have them.
]]>Hi, I just changed my domain from to I transferred everything over, so it is the same website (or at least has the same information), but the domain has changed. Contextly is still showing the links at the bottom of the posts, but when I go to edit the related posts it says it can’t connect.
I’m assuming this is because it’s on a new domain, but when I go into settings I don’t see any way to change the domain. Is there a way to do that, or do I have to create a whole new account.
I am a big fan of contextly. However, I integrated disqus on my blog but I want the related topics of contextlt AFTER the disqus section.
I my “single.php” the comments section is after the get_content(). How can I do this ?
]]>How do I stop that?
]]>I’m trying <?php echo do_shortcode('[contextly_main_module]'); ?>
to include the shortcode on my 404 without success. Any tips?
we have been using Contextly for awhile now and it has been working great. we make 3 new posts a month and while the posts are being created with hide them from RSS so they do not get picked up in their unfinished state. On our last three posts, Contextly picked them up while we were still in production, even though we had them hidden from RSS. And because we had not yet inserted the featured image for each of the 3 posts, Contextly pulled in our sites main facebook image for that month.
While that was all a bit confusing and undesirable, I thought it would get sorted out soon as your database refreshed and picked up our featured images. Now it has been a few weeks and the old images are still being displayed as the thumbnails. I even removed the offending image completely from our database to make sure Contextly was not finding is somewhere else, but it has stuck to those three recent posts so the image only exists now in your database.
So, two questions, 1) why would you pickup our posts before they were added to our RSS feed?, and 2) now that they are in your database, why do they not update to show the featured image?
I know that we could avoid the first problem by not publishing the post, but it is very convenient for our work flow to publish so that we can easily share the post in production around our editorial team. It has always been enough to hide posts in production from RSS to prevent them from getting picked up by the various services that share our content.
Here is a link where you can see the thumbnails;
These are the three posts where you will see the same wrong image as the thumbnail;
M. Wells — Art for Eating
Hauser & Wirth — Art Farm
A Train to Haarlem
]]>I really like Contextly, but it’s showing my homepage as a related page…
Why is Contextly missing such a basic feature as excluding the home page from related links? And is there a way to exclude this page and other pages manually?
I mean you guys are asking money for this, and that is fine to me… But then I at least basic functionality like being able to exclude certain pages should be covered…