I have a question. this plugin support video format?
I need to make a Carousel with images and videos, and i don′t know if it is supported.
]]>Hi, any chance to add lazy load images feature?
]]>Hello, i still can′t make the images has links.
I don′tknow how to exactly use ‘_conveyor_link’.
I can′t display the captions and image as links.
‘images_as_links’ => true,
‘render_captions’ => true,
The two values is setting to true.
The controls and indicators works fine.
I don′tknow how to exactly use ‘_conveyor_link’ and ‘_conveyor_open_new_window’
I have to change something in the template.
]]>I follow all the steps but i can′t make it work.
This is the code.
$defaults = array(
'featured' => true,
'featured_post_meta_key' => '_conveyor_featured',
'id' => 'conveyor_carousel',
'image_size' => 'large',
'images_as_links' => true,
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'date',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'conveyor_slides',
'render_captions' => true,
'render_controls' => true,
'render_indicators' => true );
conveyor_render_bootstrap( $defaults );
And i use “Show ‘Featured Slide’ custom meta on post type”.
I don′t now what i′m doing worng.
]]>You have created the perfect plug-in for my the website I’m building except for 2 minor features I’m hoping you can add:
1) Hyperlink the h3 and p tags in the slide. It seems to me it’s more intuitive to click the text than the slide. You can can leave the link on the slide, or not, I’m not sure it makes a big difference.
2) Add Support for Bootstrap Buttons. Ideally, it would be an optional 3rd field that would appear below the h3 and p tags. It would give people a clear call to action on the slide. You can see what I’m talking about on the (non WP-enabled) test site I built here on the 2nd & 3rd slides: https://redeemerbrady.com/test/
I could fork your plug-in in my site and add these features myself, but I figured you could do it better and others would benefit. If I could only have one of these features, it would be the 2nd one.
Thanks again for the great plug-in and considering these features.
]]>Thanks for the feedback on the last issue. I found a bug in the code…
After installing the plugin, I could no longer see the “Featured Image” box when creating pages or posts. When I disabled the plug-in is came back.
I fixed it by adding this to my functions.php file:
add_theme_support('post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'page') );
Jus thought I’d let you know so others won’t have to work through the issue. Thanks for the great plug-in.
]]>Can you better document how to use the taxonomy_filter function? Specifically what is a ‘taxonomy_key’ and how I set it and the ‘taxonomy_terms’ to only show one group of slides in a slideshow?
I figured it out once I started writing this, but it wasn’t intuitive. In order to show only the slides in a group with the slug of ‘active’ this was the syntax:
‘taxonomy_filter’ => true, // [ true | false ] – Set to true to filter by taxonomy
‘taxonomy_key’ => ‘conveyor_group’, // The key of the taxonomy we wish to filter by
‘taxonomy_terms’ => ‘active’ // The terms (uses slug), will accept a string or array
It wasn’t clear which things I was supposed to change. Thanks.
]]>There is a need to create an options screen that will allow the ‘featured slide’ checkbox on any post type and possibly enable featured image if it isn’t already configured.
]]>Please let us see some example implementation(s)