Hi, thanks for this lovely plugin!
I noticed that when I activate it I get an issue with the Flamingo plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/flamingo/) which I use in addition to Contact Form 7. When I open a saved inbound message i get this error: Cannot load flamingo_inbound.
I’m on PHP 8.3.
You have any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
First of all, thank you so much for taking your time to develop this plugin – it’s great!
I run into some issues when implementing it on my store build in Woocommerce. It displays and works perfectly fine on desktop, but when I open it in Firefox on mobile, banner is stuck underneath the footer (it’s not sticky to the bottom of the screen), it looks really basic and the buttons aren’t working. I noticed that it works fine on chromium based browser like Vanadium. Is it something you would be interested in fixing?
Many thanks,
]]>It appears that the banner only shows on desktop…….when firefox or chrome cookies are cleared. Mobile is fine,…..
Any thoughts on this problem?
]]>Is this plugin still being maintained? There hasn’t been any updates in regards to WordPress 6.0.0 and the plugin is being flagged as outdated.
]]>Hi, thanks again for the plugin. I works very well.
I’d like to suggest a new feature for future release, because I realize it could be useful in many cases: the possibility to force page reload but only in selective pages or archives or whatever from functions.php. For example: if I block some third party codes (and cookies) only in single.php I’d like to reload only in that post type and not everywhere else.
Best regards.
I’ve noticed on my site, sometimes (happens more on mobile than on desktop) after accepting the cookie consent and navigating to a new page, the popup will display for a brief period before disappearing again. On a slow connection this can happen for upwards of a second.
Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? My first thought was to use some JS to delay the display of the popup, giving it time to realise it was already accepted, but adding display:”none then replacing it with display:block after a timeout seems to stop the popup from being hidden afterwards, which is obviously not ideal.
another thing that I’d strongly suggest on your brilliant plugin is make it fully compatible with WPML. Now it seems it is not, and this is bad for multi-language sites (most of all nowadays). It should be possible to translate all strings showing on the banner according to the current language.
]]>Hi again.
I’d like to suggest you to implement a X (close button) in order to close the popup and refuse unnecessary cookies. This is mandatory in Italian Law. Fow not, I’ve fixed by adding the button manually (via JS) and triggering the ‘Confirm choice’ button click.
And, I’ve got another question, sorry:
how long is the duration of the consent cookie saved in visitor’s browser? I can’t get any info about that in documentation. Is there any possibility to set it? I see the select options for the consent logs but anything on client side…
Thank you.
is there any way to prevent the plugin to add an alert on page when Revoke button is clicked? There’s no use to show that, I’d prefer to show cookies banner again to change the consent then.
Thank you.
first: thank you indeed for the plugin, it’s exactly what I was looking for, simple, customizable, effective, suitable for small sites. All other solutions I tested are uselessly complicated (and expensive). GDPR fear is new business.
I’d like to understand just one thing: where are consents saved? In a specific db table maybe? And, in your opinion, is anonymized IP address a valid proof of consent? That’s my huge doubt, because without consent I can’t save the IP but without saving it there’s no effective proof of consent…
Future feature suggestion: the possibility to export all consents in a CSV file.
Best regards.
I just updated to 1.51 and it seems like a lot of the assets related to the themes (stylesheets and also the images in the admin area for each theme) are missing. What should I do about this?
Thanks for making such an awesome plugin!
]]>Hi, I get the error below when I try to activate the plugin. I installed it in a local environment, but the same error also appears on online sites. Version 1.4.1 did not give any problems.
<pre><code>( ! ) Warning: require(/home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/includes/class-cnc-embeds.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/cookie-notice-consent.php on line 78
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 366136 {main}( ) .../plugins.php:0
2 0.0916 8982856 plugin_sandbox_scrape( ) .../plugins.php:192
3 0.0916 8983136 include_once( '/home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/cookie-notice-consent.php' ) .../plugin.php:2288
4 0.0916 8983192 Cookie_Notice_Consent->__construct( ) .../cookie-notice-consent.php:132
5 0.0918 8992608 Cookie_Notice_Consent->init_embeds( ) .../cookie-notice-consent.php:33
( ! ) Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/includes/class-cnc-embeds.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/cookie-notice-consent.php on line 78
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 366136 {main}( ) .../plugins.php:0
2 0.0916 8982856 plugin_sandbox_scrape( ) .../plugins.php:192
3 0.0916 8983136 include_once( '/home/mirko/www/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/cookie-notice-consent/cookie-notice-consent.php' ) .../plugin.php:2288
4 0.0916 8983192 Cookie_Notice_Consent->__construct( ) .../cookie-notice-consent.php:132
5 0.0918 8992608 Cookie_Notice_Consent->init_embeds( ) .../cookie-notice-consent.php:33
I have a question, I use tag manager with consent mode and clarity with cookie disabled.
I can enable the use of cookie using a simple javascript script, but I dont know where put it, and this can help me avoiding the page reload every time.
Any idea?
]]>Hello and thank you for this wonderful Plugin. I must say that the graphic part of the consent log is really beautiful. I have one problem, actually two. When I press the button to revoke the choice of cookies, the choices made previously are not remembered on the banner. Yes I also removed the check here “Delete all saved cookies when using the ‘Revoke consent’ button”
https://provawe2.altervista.org/ This is the test website link to test your plugin. I inserted a Google Maps embed but I didn’t understand how to block it eventually.
I inserted this script in the “Functional Cookies” section
but it doesn’t work for me.
<script async
How can I solve?
I thank you in advance!
]]>Hi everyone. I thought I’d share this solution to allow you to insert the button to withdraw consent directly in the footer and make it appear elegantly on the left at the bottom.
First, for the shortcode to work, you need to put this code in function.php
add_filter('widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
Then in the footer.php file, obviously of the child theme, you need to insert this before the <?php wp_footer(); ?>
echo do_shortcode('[revoke_cookie_consent]')
.cookie-notice-consent__revoke-button {
padding:5px 15px;
box-shadow:0 0 10px #000;
.cookie-notice-consent__revoke-button:hover {
text-shadow:0 0 1px #000;
.cookie-notice-consent__revoke-button:active {
padding:5px 15px;
box-shadow:0 0 10px #000;
This way we also give a touch of style to our button. Let me know if it works !!!
]]>Good evening, I noticed that the consent withdrawal button cannot be inserted at the bottom of the footer and can only be inserted via shortcode on the page. I found a way to put it in the footer.php and make it work. For the community can I disclose the solution?
]]>Guten Tag
Ich habe ihr Plugin mal getestet und finde es sehr einfach und nützlich.
Gibt es die M?glichkeit den Revoke Consent Button auch umzubenennen?
M?glichkeit zu entschieden ob die Scripte im head oder im footer eingebettet werden sollen.
Liebe Grüsse