If we use shortcodes, any parameter to show counts of the Cat/Tag?
Thank you!
]]>Hi when goint to the wordpress dashboard->appearance->widgets I get this error:
The “cool_tag_cloud” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
And I am unable to edit the widget.
I was trying to display local tags for each post, but the shortcode wouldn’t work for some reason, so I had to use the widget element. However, the widget element had a bug. In the settings, when I tried to set “On Single Post Display” to “Children tags”, when I saved it, it reverted back to “All tags”. This happened every time I saved it, and all tags were displaying on every post.
After looking at the code, I can see there was a small mistake in the code. The value of the <option> should be set to “local” and not “children”. When I changed this in the browser, and then saved it, it stored the value and it worked perfectly.
If you decide to change another setting on the widget, then you need to update this value before you save it again, otherwise it reverts back to the original value. I’m sure you could update this in the plugin code yourself, but I assume this will be fixed in the next update. For me, I just needed to save it once, so doing it in the browser worked fine for me.
Thank you.
Is there a way to display only categorized audio files in the tag cloud?
]]>When the permalink is https://appaloosacountrygeveze.fr/cat/cniv1, The sidebar appears correctly.
When I filtered the same category for a specific year, (https://appaloosacountrygeveze.fr/2022/?category_name=cniv1), the sidebar does not appear ? Why on this page, all the posts are still from category cniv1 ?
Hello WPkube:
the plugin is great and easy to use ,but i have a stupid question how to only show current product or post tags, not all product or post tags, thanks
]]>I can see the option in the widget, but what is the shortcode to remove the links?
Many thanks, great plugin
]]>Hello! How can I remove the horizontal separator line in the Cool Tag Cloud plugin that separates the title and the tag cloud itself?
]]>Hi, I am using a custom page type which only allows for categories, not tags. I would like to display the categories that are assigned to that page only at the bottom of each page. So you can click the categories and get a list of all the other posts that have that category.
Is this possible with Cool Tag Cloud?
tried with the on_single_display=”local”, which should on a specific page show only the corresponding tags set for that page.
But I still get only all the tags which are used also on other posts and pages.
What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards Peter
]]>This is a great plugin. Thank you for all the hard work and for making it free.
Is it possible to show a picture from category as part of the button? I have added a link to an example of what I am thinking.
]]>I just have the cool tags on one page on my site but this file /wp-content/plugins/cool-tag-cloud/inc/cool-tag-cloud.css loads on every page. Can you update the plugin so it only loads on pages where is it used please?
]]>it is great, could support cpt tags.
[cool_tag_cloud taxonomy=”custom_taxonomy_tag“] works!
just need to change “custom_taxonomy_tag” to your term Taxonomy Slug
in the page headers i have the cloudtag but google says clickable elements are to close togther and text is too small
changed smallest fontsize in tag but seems it doesnt change font size IRL…?
that is google search console doesnt OK it….
<p>[cool_tag_cloud smallest=’20′<br>
largest=’40’ number=’15’ order_by=’count’]</p>
I know this is a long shot. But I am very happy using your widget. I use it without styling. And was wondering if you know how to increase the distance of the lines when tag line link is too long for the widget and goes to a new line.
I am using the css code
.cool-tag-cloud .tag-cloud-link {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.cool-tag-cloud .tag-cloud-link::after {
content: '';
.cool-tag-cloud .tag-cloud-link:last-child::after {
content: '';
Here you can see the wordt Riviernatuur being too close to the text Verticale Ruimte voor.
]]>First, thank you for this amazing plugin.
It would be awesome if a Gutenberg block existed for this amazing plugin. That way user can show tags on any part of the page they desire.
Is this possible or on the roadmap?
Thank you
]]>Is it possible to make the tag could to show children of the parent category, when a user visits a category archive.
Basically if you have post categories that has a hiearchy, when you visit a category arhcive, we would like the user to see the children of that category on the page. But to not show other parents and also to now show grand-children of the parent category being visited.
So if one has category
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
-3 series
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
-5 series
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
-Z3 series
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
If the user visits Audi, they get to see a tag cloudl of vategoires but only A4, A6, A7.
If they pick one of the models, lets say A4,
then they see the children of that category which would be:
— 1st generation
— 2nd generatino
— 3rd generation
Hi – Great plugin.
I am trying to display the tags from pages (not posts) – Is there a way to have those tags included as I can’t see how?
Also – is there a way to show categories AND tags at once?
Is it possible to change the color only for certain categories?
Thanks for answer
Try to set a shortcode but some parameters don’t work, at least not all of them.
order_by=”count” has no effect, tags are ordered always by name.
show_count=”yes” wasn’t included on the list on the plugin’s page.
text_transform=”none|uppercase|lowercase|capitalize” don’t work either.
I only care for order_by=”count” anyway.
Thanks a lot
]]>Is it possible to disable the tag archive link in a post when using a shortcode? Tag clouds have this feature.
]]>Hey! Great plugin. Question. Is it possible, when using a shortcode in a post, instead of the tags belonging to the post, to return the categories belonging to the post? Just like it is done in your tag cloud widget (selection field Taxonomy: categories / or tags / or categories of links).
Thanks you for the very cool plugin.
I am happily using it without the theme, thanks to your suggestion with the custom code.
I sometimes have a white page. And turning on wp debig display showed me:
Deprecated: uasort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero in /customers/9/6/1/website/httpd.www/wp-includes/category-template.php on line 903
just above the tags.
Turning off your plugin and turning it on again solves the white page issue. Do you know what is going on?
Best regards,
Cool Tag Cloud.
How to set the display of all tags (option: random) without entering the ID of all entries.
I have 200 of them.
Maybe there is an option to set the entire range from 1 to 200.
Trying to use the plugin (v2.27) but the INCLUDE parameter seems NOT to be working.
I’ve tried both hardcoded in a shortcode mode, as well as in sidebar widget -using the form included in the plugin.
[cool_tag_cloud include=”tag1,tag4,tag9″]
In both cases, it shows ALL the tags not just the ones I’ve listed (in parameter “include”)
Am I doing something wrong? is this still a bug in the plugin?
]]>hi! just installed plugin.
when clicking tags now it chooses from whole website is it possible to only show from one page? i tried this short tag on page
[cool_tag_cloud smallest=10?largest=50 on_single_display=”Tags from the shown post”]
Hi thank you for the great plugin. Is there a way to remove the styling and see the default wordpress tags? I read you mentioned:
1. We’ll add an option in the next update. In the meantime you can just add wp_dequeue_style( ‘cool-tag-cloud’ ); in your theme’s functions.php where the other style/script enqueues are (there’s a function hooked to “wp_enqueue_scripts” in every theme). That will get rid of the CSS added by the plugin.
But when I copy wp_dequeue_style( ‘cool-tag-cloud’ ); in the function.php nothing happens. Is there a specific place I need to place this line?
As I was looking for a way to display only the tags of the shown posts on an archive page, I found this topic https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/feature-show-tags-of-current-archive/
Unfortunately, it seems you’ve updated your plugin since this discussion (which is a good thing, of course!) but you didn’t implement the feature the previous author asked for and since the code has changed, the solution they provided no longer works.
Could you help me with how to adapt the code to the changes?
Thank you!
]]>I would like to create a custom Image style. Also have it included in the list preferably (optional).
A simple solution from the plugin side would be to have one Image style as “Custom” and then provide directions on where to edit the custom style to avoid these kind of questions, but for now:
What is the recommended way to customize the style/theme? Obviously doing so within the plugin after an update would remove it, so how does one go ahead and remove the default stylings and then call the new styling?
Thank you.
]]>Hello, I am needing to use your plugin to create shortcodes that work with custom taxonomies from the PODS plugin. Is this possible?
ALso, is there a way to style the shortcode so it is plain text?