Hi, how can I change the text “word” in the text “giorni” ?
My customer are not english…
]]>I attempted to change the date to January 1 2015 1201 am and all I can get is Nan Nan Nan to display.
All plugins and widgets are up to date.
]]>I installed this wonderful Plugin and all was ok, until a few days ago. I observed that the countdown doesnt show on PC browsers (Opera and IE).
But still shows on android mobile browser.
Thee error is that its showing – This webpage is not available
I deactivated, uninstalled, reinstalled, problem persist
I would like only to traslate the words “days” and “hours”, that display inside the clock. I can modify it manually, but I didn’t find anything in php file. How can I do that?
Do you mean to add that piece of code to all of my template files? Or is there a certain file that you are talking about?
I’m new to this developing stuff – and am a little confused.
My countdown just says NaN:NaN:NaN days til….
Good plugin!
I have only a question, how can I change the background color?
Thank you!
]]>Looks great in firefox… but do you know why it does not work in IE? Just gives four grey squares instead. Thanks for your help
]]>In the “Other Notes” section, you say “Optionally you can specify a width” which is what I’d love to do. Since you don’t say how to do it, I tried width='1000'
or width="1000"
or width=1000
and of course all of those with “px” after the number. What am I missing?
]]>Hi, it is posible change days title to other language and add costume css?