When configuring the URL, you can configurate the actions. But when you make a mistake in the order of actions (for example, first the coupon, then redirect to chart and then adding the product), you cannot undo these actions or change the order. Is the only way a new coupon?
]]>hi, the plugin is causing a fatal error:
Uncaught TypeError: CouponURLs\App\Domain\Carts\Cart::__construct(): Argument #1 ($classic) must be of type WC_Cart, null given, called in /var/www/domainl/wp-content/plugins/coupon-urls-for-woocommerce/app/dependencies/cartdependency.php on line 23 and defined in /var/www/domain/wp-content/plugins/coupon-urls-for-woocommerce/app/domain/carts/cart.php:23