Thanks for your free plugin “Course Scheduler for LearnDash”.
I found some issues with it. I’m reporting to you, hoping in a quick solution:
1. the Dashboard panel is empty and some errors are displayed in console: wn-dashboard.ccs and wn-dashboard.js resources aren’t load;
2. on the Calendar panel, when I try to drag & drop a course on the calendar, it is displayed on the day but it seems not to be saved correctly: some errors on fullcalendar-init.js are generated;
3. on the Calendar panel, when I use the arrows to go back and forth by months, course on the calendar are displayed twice;
4. on the Calendar panel, when I reload the page, sometimes courses on some calendar days disappear (they’re not saved correctly).
5. on the page course (front-end) I can see the days of course availability but the course isn’t available on those days.
I think there are some issues with the JS and the drag & drop system on the backend.
Please, can you check it?
You are loading 3 assets from Cloudways
wp_enqueue_style( 'wn-plugin-dashboard', "", array() );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wn-plugin-dashboard', "", array( 'jquery' ), time(), false );
if( ! $menuExist ) {
if( class_exists( 'WN_DASHBOARD_Page' ) ) {
$obj_dashboard = new WN_DASHBOARD_Page();
add_menu_page( __( 'WooNinjas', 'cs_ld_addon' ), __( 'WooNinjas', 'cs_ld_addon' ), 'manage_options', 'wooninjas-dashboard', [ $obj_dashboard, 'dashboard_page' ], '' );
add_submenu_page( 'wooninjas-dashboard', __( 'Dashboard', 'cs_ld_addon' ), __( 'Dashboard', 'cs_ld_addon' ), 'manage_options', 'wooninjas-dashboard', [ $obj_dashboard, 'dashboard_page' ] );
these should be local to the plugin, no?
I can’t find a way how to translate Months from English to French
I searched for a template MO,PO files but it doesn’t get the months strings
I’m working on school project in French, they asked to make sure that everything is in french
Is there a way to update months language ? safe from next plugin updates ?
Thank you
I can’t drop courses on the calendar. How come?
]]>Hello I am trying to open a course at a specific date and my local time is set to korea’s local time which is +9. The calendar seems to be in UTC as I cannot start my course at 12 midnight and shows that it is only available on the day. I tried changing my local time in wordpress and still does not work. Is there a way to change the time in the plugin setting?
]]>Can this plugin release courses x number of days for each user that signs up, just like Learndash can do on its own for lessons? I need that functionality for courses.
]]>I’m using WP 5.5. Installed plugin no errors. When I tried to activate it I got the following errors:
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘LearnDash_Custom_Label’ not found in /home/ on line 117
( ! ) Error: Class ‘LearnDash_Custom_Label’ not found in /home/ on line 117
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 370536 {main}( ) …/plugins.php:0
2 0.2768 12418440 do_action( ) …/plugins.php:193
3 0.2768 12418816 WP_Hook->do_action( ) …/plugin.php:478
4 0.2768 12418816 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) …/class-wp-hook.php:311
5 0.2768 12419944 Main::activation( ) …/class-wp-hook.php:287
Hi all,
is there a possibility to show the calendar on the front-end – for example include it in a page with a certain shortcode? If not, then this would be a great enhancement for a future update!
]]>Will Calendar Scheduler will work with membership levels? So, basically I can schedule lesson of a class on certain days to be active. Say lesson 3.1 of class 3 is active after the first of the month.
Hi – is this plugin maintained or supported any longer? Looks like it’s been a while since any activity or support replies. Am interested in the plugin, but worried about committing if it’s already outdated and not supported anymore.
First of all, thank you for your great plugin!
Is there a way to have some kind of widget displayed to the users/subscribers, in order to show them calendar with individual course dates displayed? It would mean a lot for the users if they could have calendar widget with dates of individual courses displayed, the same as admin has on back end, but just in read mode…
How to translate plugin (months)
]]>How do i save?
I can drop courses on specific date’s, but i do not see a save button or anything.
When i refresh there is nothing scheduled.
Hi there,
If a course has been hidden cause it reaches the end date on the schedule is it still possible to get reports of it on Propanel?
Hi, nice plugin ??
Is there any way (or feature future plan) to set an interval instead of single day for schedule? I mean Set start and end date schedule. If I want to make a course available for one month, now, I need to draw the course day by day all month, not very usable.
Thank you!
]]>Hi there. Downloaded the plugins to test with my copy of LD. Getting2 errors. Both documented below.
1. Call to non-static function.
In includes/CS_LD_HELPER.php line 24 you setup a hook for ‘current_screen’ and call your method ‘save_csld_settings’.
add_action ( “current_screen”, array( __CLASS__, “save_csld_settings” ) );
The problem is the class method line 438 is not defined as static
public function save_csld_settings () {
It should be
public static function save_csld_settings () {
2. In admin_calendar.php you are using an invalid function. At line 34 you are calling the function ___() (that is 3 underscores).
$message = ___( ‘Course Scheduler for LearnDash requires LearnDash plugin to be activated.’, ‘cs_ld_addon’ );
It should be
$message = __( ‘Course Scheduler for LearnDash requires LearnDash plugin to be activated.’, ‘cs_ld_addon’ );
That is all for now. Thanks.