When this plugin is temporarily uninstalled, are all data(histories) deleted?
Thank you for developing the Crazy Bone plugin software. We are using it with WordPress 4.4.5 version.
A user which is logging in WordPress asked me that the following message is concern as security issue. The user logged from the same place. We guess the other IP address is logged as the different login user.
Could I ask you why the warning message is shown?
Thank you for your effort to develop & maintain this great plugin.
As long as I tried, Windows 7 and Windows 8.x are shown as “Windows NT” in the login history screen. Is this an expected spec? I guess the plugin tries to specify the os version of 7 at least, when I see _os_win() function defined in includes/class-detect-browsers.php.
]]>When Site language is English, Javascript error occurs in “The someone’s IP”.
]]>Hello wokamoto!
I have translated Crazy Bone into Brazilian Portuguese, pt-BR.
You can download the files here:
For the credits, you can use exactly like in this other translation:
Scroll down the page and look for the line:
“Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) by Marcelo Volgarini, Cria??o de Sites“
What do you suggest as the best way to reset the log file?