Is there a way to integrate the credit tracker fields to show in the WP Core gutenberg image block?
Is there a way to sort the entries in the table by latest images first. So newest images entries at the top?
thanks in advanced
]]>I have added %caption% to the copyright format on the ct settings page. But I get everything except the caption. There is just a blank there. Have can I get the wp caption there? Many thanks for your great plugin, it’s a lifesaver. Adding the caption would be amazing…
]]>Wordpress shows a message that this plugin may be no more supported and it looks like it has been updated and maintained only until 5.0.4. Any information on that would be very appreciated
]]>Hi there,
thank you for the very useful Plugin which I – unfortunately – cannot get to run properly. While I am using this
[credit_tracker_table include_columns=?author,copyright,license,author” size=?160×120“ style=?mercury“]
to adjust appearance, I am not getting the set style and most importantly the size of the images in the overview.
Can you give a hint about what I might be doing wrong?
Best regards and thank you
]]>Is there any plan or solution for automated data retrieval from Adobe Stock photos?
kind regards
at first congratulations for this great plugin.
we are using it for our new website on which we are using a credit tracker table on page imprint.
mostly we are using images from istock.
on ( you will find suggested notice for copyright in the follwing form “ des Künstlers.”
using media library and choosing you plugin will show it in backend like that sample: “?”
can you give us an advice how to change output to: “?”?
]]>Hi, very useful plugin, thank you!
We use this to show media licenses for the royalty-free & Creative Commons 0 images at and
Could you please verify data retrieval for the Unsplash photos.
Best, AdFluencer
I got this to work for my featured images for individual posts but I realize that in one of my posts boxes on my main page, it shows it under the featured image thumbnails as well.
Is there a way to have the credit captions ONLY show on individual post pages?
Thanks in advance
]]>I am trying to add links to my “Copyright format” field by using a tags so I can display source links under the post thumbnail (e.g. ? %author% <a href="%source%">source</a>
). The description of the field states “HTML allowed” however the tags are being escaped.
Removing the esc_html( ) call on line 242 of credit-tracker-shortcodes.php seems to give me the behavior I am looking for. I was wondering what the best approach to this would be?
]]>I am using Credit Tracker – love the plugin! – to track the CC licensing for images that we are using on our pages.
Here is an example –
at the bottom under License and Citations.
I am also using a plugin called Enhanced Media Library which allows me to use the word press taxonomy (Categories and Tags) in the Media Library – so every image has a Categories and Tags.
Would it be possible to pull the citations that I need through the shortcode by Tag instead of having to list each library item number?
]]>This is indeed an essential plugin and I’m glad to found this one. Thanks for sharing!
But it’s made with only one author per image which isn’t sufficient when dealing with images. We have a bunch of illustration that are composed out of several images from different sources. This use case isn’t that exotic. You often see collages all around the web.
So it’ll be wonderful to be able to list all the authors. Is there a chance you would extend this pluggy to offer this functionality too?
I would like to display the copyright credits manually under the featured image. I have the following code in the file functions.php:
//* Add featured image on single post
add_action( ‘genesis_entry_content’, ‘maker_featured_image’, 1 );
function maker_featured_image() {
$add_single_image = get_theme_mod( ‘maker_single_image_setting’, true );
$image = genesis_get_image( array(
‘format’ => ‘html’,
‘size’ => ‘featured-image-large’,
‘context’ => ”,
‘attr’ => array ( ‘alt’ => the_title_attribute( ‘echo=0’ ), ‘class’ => ‘aligncenter’ ),
) );
if ( is_singular() && ( true === $add_single_image ) ) {
if ( $image ) {
printf( ‘<div class=”featured-image”>%s<div class=”featured-image-credits”><p class=”copyright-info”>’NEED CODE TO DISPLAY COPYRIGHT'</p></div></div>’, $image );
Is there a way to do that using a simple php-code from Credit Tracker?
Thank you very much for your help!
Post thumbnail credits are not properly displayed. Instead of the text entered in the media author field, the plugin displays “? %author%”. This problem occurs with WordPress 4.9 whatever the theme used (Twenty Seventeen, Integral).
Is there any problem with WordPress 4.9 or did I miss something in the customization?
Best regards
I’m using the credit tracker plugin. I just updated to the new version (in my dev environment) and I’m getting an error:
Notice: Undefined index: only_current_post in [my/local/server]/wp-content/plugins/credit-tracker/credit-tracker-functions.php on line 61
I noticed that this variable was included in a pull request that was merged 9 days ago.
I’m displaying featured images as a background image, so I’m showing the featured image’s caption via shortcode, as follows:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[caption id="'.get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ).'"]<p>%author%</p>[/caption]' ); ?>
This was working without throwing any errors until I updated to the new version of the plugin just now.
Thanks for any insight/help you may be able to provide.
]]>Hi Developers,
after update to the recent version all of my blog thumbnails where gone.
Only after checking “Add credit to the post thumbnail (featured image)” did the thumnails reappear. Two problems with this:
1. What if I don’t want credits beneath thumbnails?
2. The user agent stylesheet for “figure” tag, which was introduced with the update creates unwanted margins. The workaround here is of course to add custom css, but this still does not solve problem 1.
WP and all used plugins are up-to-date. I am using AVADA Theme on the website in question.
Best Regards, Guenon
This looks like a great plugin – thank you.
One question: I have set the plugin to override the default caption. My ideal behavior is that it would display the original caption and then append the credit information to it. Can I do this without having to manually add the %caption% tag in the code every time I add an image?
Thank you,
]]>At the moment, for images that are in the public domain or we have taken ourselves, as we have caption overriding on, we have a “Credit:” displayed at the end of the caption, with nothing after it.
Any thoughts on a way around this?
Many thanks.
]]>Update caused errors:
Warning: require_once(/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / on line 60
Crashed site – deleted plugin to get site back up
]]>Thanks for the enhancements in 1.1.7!
It’s convenient that the alt and href parameters can be entered in the Add Media pop-up on the visual editor. Nice.
Could you make a further little enhancement?
Honor the “Open link in a new tab”, i.e., honor any target=”_blank” tag that might have been inserted into the standard WordPress caption.
Thanks again!
]]>Hi, we’d like to automatically show the image credit on (or just below) the post’s featured image, just as here: or here: how can we accomplish that?
]]>Is it possible to get Publisher (or optionally all the fields) onto the admin screen?
]]>Is there a way to change the default value for %source% from “custom” to simply null?
]]>Could Credit Tracker be made to assemble and insert a title into the img tag?
I’d like, for example, an img title of
Flikr photo ’Sunrise’ by PhotographerJoe
This would then appear as a hover.
Even better would be if Credit Tracker also automatically wrapped the image in a hyperlink whose source is %link%.
]]>Hi labs64, hi everyone!
Thanks a lot for this great plugin, it makes us sleep much better.. ??
Can [credit_tracker_table] somehow be used in or as a widget? I tried that but the code is not interpreted unfortunately.
Our goal was to show the copyright table in the footer area instead of below the article.
Best regards,
The presence of 3 credits columns in the admin screen messes up completely the whole media library making it practically impossible to see the media edit button, plus is squeezes everything pretty badly.
Honestly, those colums are really not necessary over there at all.
So how to get rid of them please?
Thank you!
Something about the latest update to this plugin seems to break my menu for mobile sites. (I’m using Twenty Fifteen theme, lightly modified by a Child Theme). If I deactivate this plugin, my mobile menus are restored.
Do you have any suggestions please?
You have a bunch of styles in ct-admin.css that screw up the media manager pretty badly.
I’d get rid of these
.wrap {
float: left;
width: 75%;
p {
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
how would I construct the shortcode so it displays the photo credit table for all photos attached to the current post? currently, i’m implementing the shortcode in a sidebar on all blog pages.
I tried out your plugin but after activation I have no page more connection to the page and only a white screen.
What can disturb your plugin?
Here you can find my page
Best Theo