Is this plugin still supported?
]]>Hi! I am in the process of developing a Membership site, where each member needs to manage their own contacts. Could your plugin be used that way?
]]>Hi, good morning
My name is paco castillo and i install this plugin in wordpress 4.5.3
How i import my contacts to this CRM?
Best Regards
]]>Hi there? What′s up with all the Coming Soon for this plugin? Sounds all too great if everything is included, but what is coming soon and what is done yet? Any plans to support MyMail as well as email provider?
Best regards, Thorworx
]]>Hi cregy,
I’ve been trying to contact you via your website and contact form. Can you please respond? I’d like to discuss support for CRM.
]]>Because this Plug-in hasn’t been updates in 3 years, I get a HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found error on every click.