in WordPress 5.3 there is no option to create crossword posts, am I missing something?
I am quite lost. I love your plugin but I face a problem.
After correctly saving the crossword shortcode in my unit, I can properly preview the crossword.Yet, when I try to see it in my LM called WPLMS, I get a “loading the crossword has yet to start’ message. What can I do?
I can’t give you the page link since it is offline.
]]>Doesn’t matter what word I find it tells me EVERY single one is not part of the puzzle. None of the words are misspelled. I’ve tried capitalizing the letters, removing spaces between words, I’ve double checked all the settings. I’m at a total loss. I don’t know why it’s not working.
]]>I get a error message server error status 400 when I click the Save button please help
screenshot here: Screenshot
i check my browser console:
First of all, thank you very much for making this plugin, I was really feeling hopeless while searching for a solution to create this crosswords and you really gave me almost everything I asked for.
I would like to use this plugin on my website, but since everything is written in english and my whole website is portuguese, I’m having some trouble, getting my readers to accept it well. As so, I would like to know what would you need from me to translate this plugin.
]]>I recently moved the entire website to another cPanel. Now trying to add a new project. I can save the project but when trying to assign editors get ‘The editors could not be updated’ when attempting to save and so can not get any further with the project. Any ideas?
]]>Hello I wanted to have a function that once the timer has expired, or for each word what was found, or was found wrong because there points in the form of Mycred can be awarded. I’ve been busy for a long time but unfortunately nothing leads to success.
Can you help me with that?
I would like the code to be executed as soon as certain words are found. Therefore, there is already $ solved. The code is in function crw_log_text ($ submission) {but unfortunately without desired success.
The following code works
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$FAILED = mycred_add( 'crossword', $user_id, $solved, 'Crosswordsearch found word' );
I have same problem.
when i create a blank riddle it is good. For the exam I save a blank riddle several time.
but this error appears by a letter even a letter.
I tried to activate the crosswodsearch plugin but I go the message “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
Can you offer any advice on this? I am using wordpress 4.7.4. and checked that my php is over 5.3.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
]]>Firstly I’d like to say how great we think the plugin is. It works perfectly for our kids login area. To make this work even better we’d like to know if the plugin be adapted for touchscreen devices?
]]>Hi, I followed the instructions and I think I have created one but how do I publish it?
For further gamification on my website this plugin would be great! Since I use badgeOS as well, I’d like to inquire if I can award an achievement for a specific crossword, instead of any?
Kind Regards
Since I have installed the crossword search plugin any page that is created or updated makes the text column narrow.
Is an example of how it looks with the plugin activated.
Is a page that was created before the plugin was installed
I would be grateful for any help you can give.
Is it possible to remove the wording…
Difficulty level 2
Word directions: any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found
Thank you
Dear author / fellow puzzle fans,
I love crosswordsearch ! Thanks for such a fun plugin.
There is one question I cannot solve: where do submissions of solutions go? Several registered users on my wordpress site have solved puzzles and submitted the results. However I cannot find where this is stored.
Can you help me please?
You sent a message through the feedback on my site. I would be happy to help you debug Crossword Search errors. Let me know how I can help you out.
]]>The answers for cross word are visible on andriod os (mobile phone). how to hide answers.
]]>Unable to create crossword. When I reach step to save via dropdown, I get “You do not have permission.” error.
]]>I have a MultiSite. I would like to move my work to a different subsite. Is there any way to export?
I love this plugin
Thank you
I can’t figure out how to CREATE a crossword. I feel totally dumb ??
I installed the crosswordsearch plugin, but all I see is a settings page. It says “Crosswordsearch Administration” at the top. The there are 3 sections.
1. Options
2. Assign projects and editors
3. Review riddles in projects
On 2. I created a project, but it doesn’t show up in 3.
So I have no idea how to make a crossword. Help please ??
]]>The icons with the colored rings are broken. Only the placeholders appear. How can I fix that?
Thank you
I have an issue that I hope someone can help me with. I installed this plugin and once I clicked the Assign projects and editors tab, i get a red error message of “server error status 500” right below the options tab. also, no user names appear in the boxes for “full project editors” and “other users with full editor rights”. I have assigned editor rights in the options tab. administrators have full access. Any idea on what the issue is? Thank you in advance!
]]>I have just installed version 0.6.1 of your plugin on my wordpress site, which is running WP version 4.4.
The plugin works great, but I wondered if there is an option to record user entries that are made, so the wordsearch could be used as a ‘competition’ of sorts?
Many thanks
]]>Hi, I am back.
It used to work fine. However, after about one month I haven’t touched it, today I try to run it. It just stop working. The information it gives: “Loading the crossword has yet to start.”
What could be the problem?
I like the puzzle. Good job. Do you have any thoughts on having it be able to work on a mobile device?
]]>Is there a way we can store the value of how many words a user has found?
]]>Hi we found that selecting the same word repeatable will increment the value {{count.solution}}.
I created a puzzle using this plugin. The command I used
[crosswordsearch mode=”build” project=”RSProject”]
in a page
Then I change mode=”solve”, and tried to solve the puzzle I just created.
I always get the following result
The marked word MERCURY is not part of the solution
I checked: Assignment project and editor, I am in the “full project editors”.
In Options -> Edit rights. I gave Administrator, Author, Editor, Client_admin “Full Editing Rights”.
What could cause the problem?
]]>This is good.I am using it in page and it is working. But when i checkout mycred plugin for that page. crosswordsearch not work!!
]]>Fresh WP multisite install. Try to create puzzle, get “The project could not be added.”