Do you still support this plugin?
I’m preparing to upgrade my WordPress site to 5.2.2 and PHP level to 7.2, so I’m reviewing all of my plugins.
Does your “CSV to Responsive Tables” plugin work on the latest WordPress version 5.2.2?
And, does it work under PHP 7.2?
]]>Do you still support this plugin?
If so, while I like the way your tables are formatted for mobile-responsiveness, I cannot see how to have multiple tables with different formatting on the same web site, e.g.:
– Table1 on Page1 has 3 columns, and should have Column 1 left-justfied and Column 3 with no word-wrap
– Table2 on Page2 have 5 columns, and should have Column 1 center-justfied and Column 5 with no word-wrap
I think this could be accomplished if you could simply add a shortcode parameter that would let me add a css class to the generated code for EACH table SEPARATELY, e.g., “cssclass=MartinCSSCLass1” for Table1 above and “cssclass=MartinCSSCLass2” for Table2.
I uploaded a large table, over 2000 values and the plugin just stoped.
Is it possible to use xls files instead of csv? How can I connect a plugin from Excel without translating it into csv format?
Version 5.1 introduced this change in code:
--- csv-to-webpage-plugin/includes/data.php 2017-01-18 13:07:00.000000000 +0300
+++ csv-to-webpage-plugin-new/includes/data.php 2017-10-18 22:26:06.149052985 +0300
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
$row =0;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
+ $data = array_map("utf8_encode", $data);
$read_csv_content[$row] = $data;
the utf8_encode function accepts data in ISO-8859-1 and converts it to utf8
In case .csv files are already in utf8, the result of conversion will be garbage for non-latin characters
The password for the page with this query is ‘toby’
The csv table I’m trying to render contains special characters like ‘£’ which are displaying a question mark instead.
Is there a known filter or something I can use to ensure these special characters are displayed properly?
I’m getting an “Invalid file” error from your plugin when I try to upload a CSV file.
I’m using your version 5.0, WordPress 4.8.1, and PHP 5.4 on a Godaddy-hosted web site.
Since I’m on Macintosh, I have tried the following combinations of CSV files:
(a) Mac line endings (CR only), all fields surrounded by double-quotes
(b) Mac line endings (CR only), only those fields containing commas surrounded by double-quotes
(c) Windows line endings (CRLF), all fields surrounded by double-quotes
(d) Windows line endings (CRLF), only those fields containing commas surrounded by double-quotes
but I get that “Invalid file” error every time.
What am I missing?
Here are the contents of (a) (and (c)):
“John Boy”,”Mark Smith”,”5-50″,”Older than his years, John Boy yearns to move to the big city.”
“Big Mama”,”Bessie Smith”,”50-100″,”Classic mother figure, Big Mama takes care of her boys and her husband, defending her family against all odds.”
“Paw”,”Robert Crighton”,”43-96″,”When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to semper fidelis.”
And here are the contents of (b) (and (d)):
John Boy,Mark Smith,5-50,”Older than his years, John Boy yearns to move to the big city.”
Big Mama,Bessie Smith,50-100,”Classic mother figure, Big Mama takes care of her boys and her husband, defending her family against all odds.”
Paw,Robert Crighton,43-96,When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to semper fidelis.
I’ve read your page carefully (including all the comments), but don’t see this issue addressed.
Also, I’m confused regarding the name of your plugin. Is it:
– “CSV to Responsive Tables,” which is the text at the top of this page?
Or is it
– “CSV to Webpage,” which matches the “slug” in the address of this page?
If I click twice (sort for a second time to restore the default order), then sorting is not working.
]]>Tried to activate CSV to Responsive Table and got the following error:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home5/richterw/public_html/MOM/wp-content/plugins/csv-to-webpage-plugin/csvToWebpage.php on line 26
Which would be:
namespace csvpearlbells;
Any help you could send would be appreciated.
The following code causes the entire page on my cubic themed website to be a width 320 and since the css for cubic left aligns the site it is really visually unappealing at these widths.
pearl_csv_to_webpage_css.css :
/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 320px; }
Is there a particular reason you went with setting the body at a static width for this?
]]>Hello lizeipe !
Your plugin seems to match a lot of my expectations !
I was wondering if it could be possible to sort/filter the data from a key value ?
For example : could it be possible to manage a single .csv file (ie a pricelist) and to sort the data from a key value (ie a brand) to show the associate values on a specific page ?
Best regards,
]]>Hi, Dinesh:
I love ur plugin (simply and powerful) but I cant activate cos my appereance theme crashes in mobile format and for that reason its not activate.
Of course and If u give me solution u will have my maximum vote. I use coraline wordpress theme
]]>I was so busy with the css problem, that I didn’t note that the table I had created previously is not showing after the update. File not found is what is showing up on the page. I have tried reloading the file with no success. I have rolled the plugin back to the version 3.0 and the table is displaying fine.
]]>csv-to-webpage-plugin/css/pearl_csv_to_webpage_css.css?ver=4.7 line 99
.wrap {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 1120px;
width: 90%;
is overriding the Genesis .wrap CSS and causing problems with areas where .wrap is not defined by a second CSS class. Is possible to define your css with a plugin specific class as not to conflict with generic site settings?
Hi Lizeipe,
Is it possible to have tables based on userID? I want to give my clients a summary of their past invoices. I’ve one csv with all the data, now I would like publish it to their pages….but I only want userA to see userA’s data.
Thanks and love the plugin.
Can you make it support UTF-8 (Chinese)?
]]>Text in cells are not wrapping but instead are truncating on top of each other.
I am using the Twenty 14 theme with twenty 14 extended.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Are we missing something? the csv file looks good only on desktop
Tablet, Iphone unreadable.
is there a solution ??
]]>Comma delimited columns are a bit unpractically for me, because I use commas often in my column description or text.
How do I change the plugin to semicolon instead?
Like to sort columns on the website.
How do I do this?
Do you have any extensions for the shortcode or other ideas to realize the column sorting?
Yours is the first “csv to webpage” type program that works for me, sorta.
We’re so close on this one.
I enter the code on the webpage and it brings up the csv file beautifully!
The problem is that if I delete the file from Media and replace it with an updated file by the same name, it continues to show the old file.
If I delete the file (unassigned.csv) and then look at the webpage, it does not display anything. Of course, there is no file loaded in media by that name. That is expected. But when I go to upload a new csv file by the same name (different data) it goes back and shows the original csv file that I first uploaded which is not even there any more.
It’s like it is permanently cached or something and even though I upload and replace the csv file using the same name but different data, it only shows the very first csv file data that I originally uploaded.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>]]>Thanks for creating CVS to Webpage! I am excited to add a functional excel file to my WordPress site, but I am afraid I might be doing something wrong. I am not a programer. When I try to upload my spreadsheet using the settings depicted below, nothing happens.
ps: I also added this code to my webpage:
[[pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename = FP Calculator.csv]]
I’ve downloaded your excellent CSV to Webpage wordpress plugin, and have been experimenting with it.
I’ve copied my csv files into the /wp-content/plugins/pearl_csv_to_webpage/upload/ folder. The shortcode I have on my webpage is: [pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename=RLMS Market Report Mar 2012.csv] However nothing shows up. If I rename my file to ‘score.csv’ it does show up. Is there a way I can use my filename instead of ‘score.csv’ and also have multiple files show up?
Thanks, Gareth
]]>The tables are not coming aligned, its like the css its not working at all for me
]]>Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /data/10/1/90/100/1090915/user/1137616/htdocs/wp/wp-content/plugins/csv-to-webpage-plugin/pearl_csv_to_webpage.php on line 110
Warning: fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /data/10/1/90/100/1090915/user/1137616/htdocs/wp/wp-content/plugins/csv-to-webpage-plugin/pearl_csv_to_webpage.php on line 110
]]>…and this file must have the filename score.csv (otherwise you will get the error message
fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /mnt/…/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/pearl_csv_to_webpage/pearl_csv_to_webpage.php on line 115
So it works if I rename one of my CSV files to score.csv – and the other ones have to wait til version 1.1 ??
And… you have to download, unzip it and copy it to your webiste (like described in the installation note). Automatic installation does not work (installation to wrong subdirectory name ?)
Best regards