I am getting loads and loads of this error message in my error_log file from this plugin. Is there some sort of fix? It is for the website Sweet Hollywood04-Sep-2024 14:32:39 UTC] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home/u1e2sz2cacmk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-background-for-post-and-page/custombg.php on line 31
I’ve installed the custom background for post and page plugin and I’ve tried to add a custom image on a few of the pages, but it does not work. Is the plugin still compatible with this version of WP, or am I doing something wrong? I defined a background in custom css:
background-image: url (…);
and that works fine.
If I delete this css, the plugin still doesn’t work. I’ve tried different things, but unfortunately without any results.
Thanks in advance
]]>How do you use it ?
Wich page in the dashboard ?
]]>I would like to make de background image in het center of the screen and not fixed on the leftside.
Is that possible with this pug in?