Ignore, posted q on wrong plugin. Admin please delete.
]]>I tried to use this plug-in but can’t figure out how to edit all my pages.
The plug-in description says there should be 200 queries per search result, but I only get 58.
Also, how can I see the other posts on my website? I tried searching by publish date, but even then, the plug-in doesn’t show me all posts published in that period.
Searching for the following for example doesn’t show me all results:
Then in the plug-in description, it’s instructed to add a parameter on how many posts per page, but also that doesn’t change anything. See here an example of the search I did:
2021-01-01.. posts_per_page=500
Is there anything that I should change in my queries or is the plug-in not working anymore?
]]>I can only find a setting page when I navigate to “Settings>Bulk Editor Settings” within my WordPress dashboard.
Is there another place where I can use this plug-in?
The setting page only shows me these checkboxes:
Is there a way to find and replace certain values in bulk fields? I’m trying to find the best way to remove a certain URL from a large number of fields. Can this plugin be utilized for that? Thanks.
It seems thet it is not possible to bulk edit woocommerce orders ?
Am I missing something ?
I just used this plugin to “clear” two custom fields of around 400 custom posts, worked like a charm.
However, I had to modify the 200 posts limit, by editing the plugins php file, as there seemed to be no way to either change the limit in the plugins settings, “page” through the posts, bulk editing 200 posts at a time.. Can that be, or am I missing something?
Best regards
Hi – I have an ACF field of type Checkbox. I really want to add values to the existing ones (I’ve checked “Add New Custom Fields Instead of Updating (this allows you to create multiple values per name”) but it seems to overwrite the existing values every time. Am I missing something?
]]>can this work??
]]>awesome plugin, this is what I was searching for.
I’ve tried to update product’s meta values and now it’s duplicated on frontend, why?
Hello, i have 1500++ post and would like to change value of a custom field. as the limit is 200 and make it to -1 will consume my memory, how to set custom field value for all posts? should i update it 200 by 200?
]]>I installed Custom Field Bulk Editor so I can update a field value across all posts on a custom content type (created in Pods).
I have a custom field [fund_type], a simple relationship (custom defined list). My list has only two choices in value|label format:
annual|Annual scholarship
endowed|Permanently endowed scholarship
Note that the values are currently unpopulated because the field was created after the posts.
I’ve attempted a variety of methods to populate the field. Each time it says success. And each time it does nothing to the value of the field across whatever posts I’ve selected.
Could it be a simple syntax issue? I don’t see documentation on the exact way to enter both the field name and the string values.
I’ve tried so many combinations of things with and without quotes on strings:
//equations are shorthand to represent how I've entered the text in the Custom field name and Value fields on the bulk edit fields page:
fund_type = annual
fund_type = 'annual'
fund_type = "annual"
fund_type.meta_value = annual
fund_type.meta_value = "Annual scholarship"
Is this feature supported? Please advise. Thank you!
]]>Great Plugin!
As I see you can just add new values or bulk-delete all values of one field. But I am missing the function to list/edit existing Values. Referring to this post, this problem was already solved 4 years ago:
But I can not find the function in the current Version of the Plugin. Did it somehow get lost during the last 4 years, or is it still hiding somewhere?
]]>I have a Google Map setup as custom ACF field. I’m trying to bulk edit all the addresses for the map field and they are not updating. I realized that on the single post I have to hit enter for the address to appear on the map. Is there a command string or some sort I can add after that new field value so the enter key appears to be hit after the address updates?
]]>I am using ACF to create extra user fields, and I need a way to bulk update one of the fields. Your plugin would be great if it could do user fields. Is there any way to make it work on them as well as custom post types?
We are trying to use the “Custom Fields Bulk Editor” plugin, but if does not properly read shortcodes. We would like to either use a regular WP Gallery shortcode or, if we can, a revolution slider shortcode would be even better.
Basically we just need a way to display these in HTML so CFBE will read them properly.
]]>Thanks for the great plugin it helped me a lot some times!
Today I just needed to list the posts in order by id.
Looked into source and found the args array which seems configured as order by ‘id’ but according to wp class reference:
‘ID’ – Order by post id. Note the capitalization.
so I changed the capitalization, and it’s ok now ??
]]>Hi there – usually I’m not really stupid and I’m also not new to WP (new to custom fields, though), but I can’t seem to get this to work ??
What I want to do: Add a custom field (recipe_name_a_to_z) to numerous posts which I want to sort from A – Z on a special overview page. The field should be empty at first, then I want to fill it with the correct value (recipe name), preferably on a bulk edit page ??
But how to to that? Bulk edit on the post page does not give me any options but “delete” oder “edit” and if I choose “edit” there are no options for custom fields . If I click the menu item “Bulk Edit fields” under “Posts” I can’t seem to add anything. Is there a How-to somewhere?
Greetings from Germany – Gabi
]]>hello dear experts, hello dear developer and user,
hello dear experts of the great field editor.
i am running Wp-Job-manager – see https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-job-manager/
have read several tutorials regarding the ui-desing and the enhancement of the USER_Interface and the search forms:
whilst doing so i have seen a page that looks impressive- See the images below
I am trying to adapt the tutorials to meet such conditions to get the same look and feel.
Question – can we do so with the custom field-bulk-editor to achieve a enhanced user interface.
love to hear from you
]]>Line 95 change to below:
$args = array(
“post_type” => $post_type,
“posts_per_page” => isset($_GET[‘posts_per_page’]) ? (int)$_GET[‘posts_per_page’] : 200,
“post_status” => array(“publish”, “pending”, “draft”, “future”, “private”),
“order” => “ASC”,
“orderby” => “id”,
“paged” => isset($_GET[‘page_number’]) ? (int)$_GET[‘page_number’] : 1,
“author_name” => isset($_GET[‘author’]) ? $_GET[‘author’] : null,
I’m trying to use this to edit a custom meta tag on product variations within WooCommerce. “Variations” is a post type, and I’ve checked it + all of the post types in the settings just to make sure I’m not missing anything. But the Variation posts aren’t showing up in the list. Any idea what could be limiting this?
]]>Hey! I need to be able to either quick edit or bulk edit Learndash Lessons to be assigned to a specific course. The URL above is not visible, but it shows you what I dealing with. I did assign everything to do with the courses (Courses, Lessons, etc) in the Custom Fields Bulk Editor Settings. But they do not show up to edit like they do in the Posts menu etc.
Any thoughts? Thanks so much!
Hi there,
My custom posttype kandidates have the meta keys: address, postal and city.
They need to have an extra meta key: martygeocoderaddress.
address_total needs to be a custom meta key with the existing values of the above combined and comma seperated, like so: address (value), postal (value), city (value).
Is this possible with this plugin and if not, how can I pull this off?
My goal is to pass this new meta_key’s value to Google maps so I can add lat & long values to another meta key: martygeocoderlatlng for my custom posts.
The plugin to geocode the address field (meta key: martygeocoderaddress) which I’m using now is: Address Geocoder.
Hope someone can help me with this one. My client has about 550 records that need to be geocoded for proximity search in the back-end. I can pull this one of doing this by hand but then I would have to edit each post individually and copy the required field value’s to a new meta key: martygeocoderaddress and then hit geocode address to populate the meta key: martygeocoderlatlng with the lat/long values passed from Google. After that I have to press save. Is there a faster way?
]]>Hi. Every page of my site has unused custom fields, leftovers by the plugins I used. I have 300+ pages. I couldn’t do this page by page. Is there a way to mass delete all the custom fields of my entire site?
]]>Hi, how can I sort the list post by latest post date?
]]>hello, i found this plugin really helpful
i need a little help. as far as i try this plugin, it update meta value limited only to 200 posts. i have more than 200 posts to edit. how to increase this number?
thank you
]]>Hi ??
Your plugin seems to be exactly what I am looking for … the ability to assign values to custom fields within my posts … but I have tried multiple ways on entering what I think should be entered but nothing is happens … I guess I am using it incorrectly ??
Can I just check the process …
I have a custom field which I created using ACF … with a label of “car brands” and the name “car_brand” … with a Field Type of … Taxonomy … and Taxonomy of … post_tag
In bulk edit fields under posts … I check the post I want to update.
Then I enter … car_brand … (have tried … car brands … too) into the Custom Field Name
Then in the Value field I enter the name of the tag … 2012 … for example
Then when I click … Save Custom Fields … and then go into the Post … the tag has not been selected in the post (it is an existing tag).
Am I using it incorrectly or missing step?
Many thanks in advance
Here is the problem. I have a cpt with let’s say fields: name, type, instock.
Then I want to edit all rows with type=Fruits and set instock=1.
Possible task? Please let me know if you get to code this! Very usefull feature.
]]>I have a custom field which is either 0 (= no) or 1 (= yes). It’s no problem to set this field to 1 for all records, but I cannot set it to 0 for all records (the field is empty instead).
What’s wrong here?
]]>Hi there,
I am not a newbie, but I genuinely can’t get your plugin to work. Perhaps it’s not what I am after?
I have 300 posts, and I want to add certain custom fields to posts that have particular categories – and there are about 25 categories. If I was to do this manually I would have to go into each individual post and add the custom field one-by-one. What I want to do is select a collection of posts and click on Edit, then add the custom field for a number of them.
So I have installed your plugin to do this, but when I select multiple posts (or pages) and click on Edit, then the usual taxonomies appear to edit (Categories, Tags, Sticky etc), but not the Custom Fields.
I have checked the Settings page and all post types are selected.
What am I missing? If you could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
Thanks a lot,
I use user role editor pro and didn′t find any capability to assign bulk edit rights to an user group. For now only admin can use bulk edit?
How can I select different users to use it or can you please add a capability?